Wu Fu almost cried, her own affairs brought trouble to her wife, she went out all day, leaving her pregnant wife alone at home, and felt very guilty.

But the madam didn't blame her at all and gave her back the money. Wu Fu really didn't know what to say.

She knelt down and kowtowed three times quickly.

Li Haitang was taken aback for a moment, and when she realized that she was going to help someone, Wu Fu had already stood up.

"Madam, you have been kind to me and our whole family."

Don't say what you want to repay, everything depends on doing. Wufu is not a person who talks empty words.

"You girl, you are too thoughtful."

Li Haitang shook her head. She didn't do anything at all, but she just paid some money, and the ten taels of silver was not enough for her to go out and buy things.

She is a modern person, and she is not very adaptable to Daqi's strict etiquette, so she didn't treat Wufu as a servant of a death contract, just like hiring a nanny and part-time worker at home.

One does the work, and the other is responsible for paying the wages. They are regarded as employers, but no distinction is made between high and low.

Li Haitang would say that Wufu didn't do well, but he didn't think that he was the head of the family, and he was just discussing the facts.

The money should be borrowed from the five blessings, and will be given back when there is money in the future.

"Madam, as long as you want twenty taels of silver back, the family can relax."

The problem is that the sister-in-law and her natal family do not admit it, which is very difficult, and it seems that they can only go to court.

Although the other party was at fault first, Wu Fu still felt ashamed.

Parents are soft-hearted, even if they are hurt, they still think about the eldest brother and Maotou, if there is no woman in charge in the family, her eldest brother will have a hard time.

"Auntie, are you talking about silver?"

After eating, Maotou poked his head around the door, wanting to come in, but he remembered that he had to greet his wife, so he waited at the door.

Wufu opened the curtain, let the person in, handed him a piece of snack, and asked, "Maotou, how do you know?"

"My mother said so."

Maotou blinked and looked confused, her mother said to him, "Your father is an idiot, you can't do this in the future, the money has to stay in your own hands and can't be taken away by your daughter-in-law, you understand?"

Maotou thought deeply, when will he be able to marry a wife?

The fat girl in the village is not good, she must be able to eat like his aunt, he can't afford it, the key person is different from a pig, if they get fat, they can't be slaughtered at the end of the year.

Thin Monkey's elder sister is too thin, like a hemp stick, she will run away when the wind blows, marry her, and after the strong wind passes in the future, she will have no daughter-in-law and lose money.

Moreover, the women in the village said that only a woman with a big **** can have a son.

After giving birth to him, the mother was a domineering figure at home and didn't have to do any work.

It seems that only Cui Lu from Cunhua's family is about the same age as him, both are five years old, and Cui Lu is good-looking, Maotou finally chooses the target.


Wu Fu almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and he knew that the prodigal sister-in-law would not be able to teach her well! Maotou is only five years old, five years old!

Moreover, Cui Lu is the youngest girl of the village flower, and she is of the same generation as herself. If Mao Tou really marries Cui Lu, she will be a junior! This woman, Wu Fu is so angry that her stomach hurts.

"My mother went to the city, melted the silver, and beat it into silver hairpins, saying it was for Uncle Lin's daughter as a dowry."

Maotou is a small person with a good memory. He and the children in the village show off that they have money, but they are despised, saying that his family makes money by selling their daughters.

"Who is Uncle Lin?"

Wu Fu was surprised. I hadn't heard of anyone with the surname Lin around, and they gave silver hairpins as gifts. Isn't it too expensive?

"Uncle Lin? He's a peddler. He's been to the village a few times, and even went to the corn field with my mother."

After Maotou finished speaking, he immediately covered his mouth. Mother said that she and Uncle Zhao went to catch bugs in the cornfield, and told him not to tell his family.

Too bad, he and his mother had a little secret, and he told it out.

Maotou opened his mouth, wanting to cry.

"Come on, boy, I'll give you peanut candy!"

Li Haitang hurriedly used sugar-coated cannonballs to coax him to sleep. She hated seeing the little baby cry now, and the voice was like a magic voice, making her dizzy.

A few days ago, the baby next door cried all night, and she suffered from insomnia for almost the whole night. When she got up the next day, her head was buzzing.

Wu Fu's face turned pale, even though she was not married, she knew a little about men and women, she was in a field of corn with the outsider Uncle Lin, what did she do?

I thought that sister-in-law is not good at all, at least not good at all, at least she should behave herself, stay at home and never go out, who would have expected...

She glanced at Maotou suspiciously, no matter how she looked at it, she didn't look like her big brother.

Wufu suspects that the eldest brother wants to be a father, and she is not well!

"Maotou, what else did your mother say? Tell your aunt, okay?"

Enduring the anger in her heart, Wu Fu tried her best to calm herself down, but her face was distorted.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

Maotou was startled, and hurriedly hid behind Li Haitang, not daring to look at his aunt's face.

"Good job..."

Wufu followed Li Haitang's example, but Dongshi imitated him, making Maotou tremble with fright.

"Maotou, are you full just now? Eat some plums."

Li Haitang turned around, comforted him patiently, and waited until Maotou got better before telling what he knew.

Once, Uncle Lin came to the village to sell things. His mother saw a box of high-quality face powder, but she had no money to buy it. For some reason, Uncle Lin took the initiative to give it to her mother.

She got a box of face powder without spending a penny, and her mother was happy for several days.

Later, Uncle Lin came several times, and his mother repeated the old trick, saying that she didn't have enough money each time, but Uncle Lin gave it away for free and gave him candy.

Maotou thought, how could there be such a stupid person.

There is food, and Maotou doesn't care so much. He happily goes out to find friends, leaving the two of them at home.

"Ma'am, my sister-in-law loves petty gain, she..."

Trading your body for things, being greedy for petty gains and suffering big losses, what is the difference between this and the fans outside.

Since you dislike being poor at home, don't marry in the first place. In the village, if you dress up all the time, who will you hook up with?

Wufu was so angry that his intestines hurt, and he immediately decided to take Maotou away, and he said what he said just now to his elder brother again.

Tolerate? Hiding it? Why?

One out of seven, except for one childless, all the rest committed crimes, shouldn't they be kicked out?

Perhaps, the people in the village saw the signs, but they were unwilling to speak out, and let the elder brother have a piece of grassland above his head, which was so green!

"Auntie, you can go, I still want to stay with my wife."

Maotou resisted, the city is really good, there is food and drink, he slept on the bed last night, although it was not as warm as a kang, but it was soft, and the quilt was new, so it was comfortable.

No one in the village has enjoyed this kind of treatment. Maotou decided to go back to the village to brag about it, let these people see the world, and call him Brother Maotou in the future!

"I'll just go for a while, and I'll send you back." Wufu continued to lie, and this time there was no burden on her heart. She didn't rush out with a kitchen knife, which was enough restraint.

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