A snow, held back for a long time, waited until the beginning of November in the lunar calendar, before it fell in succession.

The snow wasn't too heavy, but overnight, the ground and trees were all white, and the entire border town was shrouded in snow and became dull.

Although it hadn't snowed a while ago, the border town was still freezing cold.

There has been no news from Lucheng for half a month, and the gates of Lucheng are closed quietly.

No news is good news. Li Haitang believes that her savage husband will not put herself in danger. She and Doubao are still waiting for him to come home.

About four months pregnant, her belly bulged, and the jacket she made before couldn't fit.

Chunniang was a bit fatter than her, and Li Haitang put on the jacket left by Chunniang for the time being, and was busy preparing for the big month.

Recently, she wanted to hire an experienced old nanny more and more. In case of childbirth, Wufu, an unmarried girl, would not be able to match her.

It was freezing cold, and Li Haitang hid in the house and did not go out. Only when there was a shortage of things at home, would he go out to buy with Wufu.

The family has not been peaceful in recent days, Wu Fu's sister-in-law came to make trouble every now and then, if it wasn't for Wu Fu's begging, and her sister-in-law did nothing, Li Haitang would have sent him to the yamen.

Fortunately, the days at home were not boring. She studied medical books, recalled modern medical records, and made conclusions.

Some diseases are easy to be misdiagnosed, and once misdiagnosed and the wrong prescription is used, it will only become more and more serious.

Medicine is rigorous and does not allow doctors to make any mistakes. Once mistakes are made, the consequences will be fatal.

"Ma'am, I cooked a pot of sour plum soup as you said."

Wu Fu brought a bowl, put it on the table, and sounded a reminder.

He Yuexiu didn't come for acupuncture, only master and servant were at home.

Li Haitang lived a fulfilling life. While studying medical skills, after a brief understanding, she found that the daughters of merchants in this era are not as uninitiated as she thought, and many of them have advanced views and are very insightful.

When it came to doing business, He Yuexiu and Ma Bihe talked endlessly, while Li Haitang was a novice, so he was dumbfounded and deeply felt the gap.

After all, it is from modern times, Li Haitang's opinion still has merits, such as using VIP cards, recharge cards, etc., to improve the identity and level of guests, and promote consumption.

The three chatted more and became more speculative, and finally decided to jointly invest and open a shop in partnership.

As for what to do, there is no agreement yet.

The two countries are at war and the border towns are isolated. It is not a good time to do business.

The three of them took advantage of this time to prepare and plan, including the location of the store and the people they were facing. It was impossible for their store to be only in the border town, and they would slowly develop to the south in the future.

According to Li Haitang's idea, she wants to open a jewelry store, similar to a modern two-dollar store, where all items are clearly marked.

Unified production, self-management, self-selection model, I don't know if the common people can accept it.

The price is fixed, first of all, to avoid the clerks taking kickbacks in the middle, and the problem of watching people order dishes.

Those silk flowers and purses are not expensive, they are mainly sold in volume, and they are cheaper, at least similar to shopkeepers, with fresh styles, there will definitely be a market.

Women love beauty, little children tie their headbands, big girls and young wives like silk flowers, and all kinds of hairpins and jewelry.

Ma Bihe has a jewelry shop at home, and she approves of Li Haitang's idea. The only problem they face is the lack of a small workshop and new designs.

At first, it was possible to make popular styles in Kyoto, but from the border towns to Kyoto, it took a quarter of a year to go back and forth. It was just popular here, and there were other styles in Kyoto.

"Wufu, do the little daughter-in-laws in the village like to wear wooden hairpins?"

Li Haitang took a sip of the sour plum soup. The few ingredients in it were prepared by herself.

Recently, she has a bad appetite and eats less. She appetizes herself with sour plum soup.

Wufu is much thinner than half a month ago, and his skin quality has improved significantly by applying facial masks every day.

This is also one of the reasons for Wufu's sister-in-law to make a fuss. She feels that the family is doing well, but she can't take advantage of it, and she feels unbalanced.

This is the case with Acura, always thinking that what is owned by others is his own, staring at the hundred and ten copper coins in Wufu's hand, always ready to take it all for himself.

"Yes, silver hairpins are too expensive, and only people with good conditions in the village have them."

Brother Tieniu gave the village flower a betrothal gift, and there was a two taels of silver hairpin with patterns engraved on it. The village flower wears it every day to show off, wishing to let the whole village know.

Wu Fu ran into the village flower a few times while washing clothes, and the maids from the same village gathered around, looking at the silver hairpin one by one.

Two taels of silver, people with slightly better conditions can't afford it, but no one buys this for the future daughter-in-law.

Give some dowry money, cloth, tea fruit, and a few old hens, and you can get a daughter-in-law.

"My elder brother married my sister-in-law, and he also gave him a pair of silver clove earrings."

Just the earrings cost half a tael of silver, and the family had no other income, so they had to save for a year or so.

Wooden hairpins are much simpler, costing ten and eight cents a piece. They don’t need patterns when they are polished smooth, and they don’t feel too distressed if they are lost or broken.

Li Haitang has also observed that young ladies love to be pretty, while older women still prefer wooden hairpins, which look more stable.

If the shop wants to make money, it is best to form an assembly line mode and increase production.

Both Ma Bihe and He Yuexiu have a large amount of private money, enough to open at least a dozen shops.

"Madam, if you open a shop now, the business can't be good, right?"

At least half of the shops on the street are closed, and some of them are open for exchange, and no one cares about them for a long time.

The border town is in a mess, and the people are precarious. Apart from rice, flour, oil and salt, who has the mood to think about anything else.

"Do you think it's so easy to open a shop, you just open it?"

Li Haitang tapped Wu Fu's forehead with her hand. She wanted to take advantage of the fact that the shops were hard to sell and lower the price to buy two good locations.

This is her private property, she has confidence in the generals of Daqi, and sooner or later she will drive the barbarians back to Sishui City.

At that time, the border town will be more prosperous, and no matter whether you do business or rent it out, you will not lose money.

If the three of them run a business in partnership, they have to find someone to manage it, which is a little harder. The money earned by a store is limited, so it must follow the model of a chain store to expand its popularity and blossom everywhere.

Wu Fu was dizzy from hearing it, and his brain was not enough, anyway, everything Madam said was right.

"Don't think that jewelry silver houses are the only ones that make money. The investment is large, the production is slow, and there are many disadvantages."

Moreover, there are only a few people who can afford jewelry, and cheap trinkets can overcome everything with quantity, and can also provide a way for women who are idle at home to make money.

Especially for women who have been teased and bullied by their mother-in-law, they can make money and improve their status, and their in-laws don't dare to wink casually.

Li Haitang rubbed her forehead, the shop is not open yet, she really thinks long-term. It is said that her IQ decreased during pregnancy, she was stupid for three months, and then she realized that she was smart and came back.

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