Smelling the aroma of noodle soup, Li Haitang's stomach growled twice.

Tossing around at night is too exhausting, and she is indeed a little hungry.

"Ma'am, I added shredded chicken and shallots to the Yangchun noodles. I don't know if it tastes good or not."

Wu Fu stood aside, blushing. The dumplings were so delicious that she couldn't hold back and ate them all.

When I realized it, the pot was empty, and there was nothing left.

"That little dumpling is not enough for you. Are there any noodles in the pot? Go get a bowl and eat some with me."

Eating alone is not delicious, Li Haitang told Wu Fu that if it is not enough, there is still some red date and walnut cake at home.

"There is one more bowl, ma'am, is it enough for you?"

Wu Fu asked cautiously, still brooding over what her sister-in-law said, because she was disgusted by her family because she was too edible.

She didn't resent anyone, she only hated her own appetite, she didn't have enough to eat, and if she didn't eat a meal, she would feel flustered with hunger, and the feeling would be even worse.

"Eat enough, eat too much and you will accumulate food."

Li Haitang and Wu Fu sat opposite each other at the small table, chatting while eating, talking about their days in the countryside.

"You eat these at home, brother and sister-in-law don't gossip?"

When I saw Wu Fu's sister-in-law today, she seemed to have a lively mind, and it seemed that she was not a good friend. Her sister's eyes were high-minded, but she didn't necessarily have any intentions in her heart.

Li Haitang will automatically block those with evil intentions.

"I rehabilitated the fields at home, and I also opened a small sweet potato field at the foot of the mountain."

Speaking of the days at home, Wufu talked more and more.

She is not picky about food, as long as she is full and does not feel uncomfortable in her stomach, rice and noodles are given to her parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, and the most she eats is sweet potatoes.

There is a low hill in the village. She goes up the hill to collect firewood, and occasionally catches a pheasant and a hare, and brings them home for a tooth sacrifice.

Parents are very kind to her, if life is not really difficult, they would not have thought of selling her.

Every year, the family has to exchange some food with the villagers, and exchange fine white flour for coarse grains, so that they can eat for a longer period of time.

There was a war in the border town, and food was in short supply. Now everyone kept food to save their lives. Those refined rice and fine noodles could not fill their stomachs at critical moments, and they were even less willing to change them.

"Wu Fu, have you ever imagined that one day you will get married? Just like me, marry and have children, and live a happy life."

Li Haitang took a sip of the hot soup. Wufu's cooking skills are so good. Yangchun noodles, the noodles are mixed with chicken soup, which is refreshing. If Miss Zhang is here, I can eat at least two bowls.

"I thought about it."

Wu Fu blushed, she liked Brother Tieniu in the village.

"Then why do you like him?"

Girl Huaichun, human nature.

It is impossible for Wufu to follow her all the time. Now that she is young, she can delay it for two or three years. In the future, she must marry and have children. This is a complete life.

Li Haitang hopes that Wufu can find a good home.

These days, the relationship between men and women is all based on appearance. The appearance of Wufu is not liked by men, and it is not within the scope of consideration.

"He can eat more than me, he is stronger than me, and he is stronger than me."

Wu Fu rested his chin, Tie Niu was a good farmer, and several girls in the village were interested in him.

Her mother said, if you find someone who is better than her in everything, you won't dislike her.

"Tie Niu went to the village flower's house to propose marriage, because the village flower is good-looking."

The village flower is delicate and can't do work. She embroiders at home all day long, but Tie Niu said that a woman who goes up and down the mountain all day will give people a rustic feeling.

Wu Fu touched his face and sighed sadly, "Brother Tie Niu will marry the village flower in the spring of next year."

"Wufu, do you want to be beautiful?"

Li Haitang suddenly had an idea to transform Wufu.

In fact, this girl's background is not very bad, she has been exposed to the wind and sun all year round, and her complexion is slightly dark, this can be adjusted.

She is tall and tall, but compared to ordinary women, Wufu has thick eyebrows and big eyes, so there is room for improvement.

"Can I?"

Wu Fu put down the bowls and chopsticks, looking forward to it, she just wanted to look better and go back to the village to attend Brother Tieniu's wedding banquet.

"There is still half a year left, enough time."

Li Haitang looked determined, and immediately a strategy flashed in his mind.

Firstly, change the skin texture, secondly, shape the body, and then adjust the face. For example, if the eyebrows are too thick and thick, they will look tough. If the excess is pulled out with tweezers, the whole temperament will be completely renewed.

In this regard, Li Haitang has some experience. She once changed Zhang Ruyi's appearance by cutting her bangs.

"Start tomorrow, not today."

Zishi has passed, even if it's a new day, there are still some medicinal materials at home. She has a skin care prescription, and she just uses Wufu as a verification.

"If you become more attractive, will you go to **** back the iron bull?"

Wu Fu has a good temper, simple and honest, and has no bad intentions.

She shook her head, not to mention that she is a servant now, even if she is free, she would not do anything that would poke people's spine.

Her parents said she was not good-looking, can Madam make her beautiful?

"I said I can."

After eating and drinking enough, Li Haitang felt sleepy again.

The savage husband was away, and the inner room was deserted. Li Haitang asked Wu Fu to sleep on the kang and be her companion.

She was thinking about the prescription for skin care, and after getting up the next day, she ate a hasty meal and started dispensing the medicine.

Transforming Wufu can't just transform the face, try to achieve balance and coordination.

"Ma'am, is this mud going to be smeared on the face?"

Wu Fu looked at the dark lump in the porcelain bowl and asked suspiciously.

"Where is the mud here? There are several precious medicinal materials in it, all crushed and mixed together."

Li Haitang spent a lot of money, and the cost of medicinal materials alone is not low.

Wu Fu rubbed it on his face awkwardly, and the mask almost fell on his collar. Li Haitang couldn't see it, so he found a brush and brushed Wu Fu's face layer by layer.

"You stand in the corner of the wall in the same posture as I drew the picture for you, and when you sweat, go to the house as soon as possible."

The two masters and servants can be tossing around at home, Wufu makes facial masks, does yoga, and has to take medicinal baths, and the firewood at home is rapidly decreasing.

In just two days, Wu Fu has been tortured to lose weight, and her appetite is now only half of what she used to eat.

It's not that I don't want to eat, it's that I'm too tired to eat.

After finishing the housework and applying the facial mask, he was "punished to stand" by his wife for an hour. In winter, the sweat all over his body was like water.

Wu Fu became more and more convinced of Li Haitang. She touched her face, and the little Doudou, which was a little bumpy before, was now smooth.

"Slow work and meticulous work cannot be completely transformed in a day or two."

Li Haitang specially found a notebook to record Wufu's physical condition every day, including diet, exercise, etc.

"Ma'am, why am I eating less and less?"

Although she ate less, her strength did not decrease. She could push the milling plate with one hand. In the morning, she also ground some peanuts and saved them for making glutinous rice balls.

"Because your wife knows how to make immortals." The reasons for each school were complicated. Li Haitang and Wu Fu couldn't understand, and they fooled around in a serious manner without changing their expressions.

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