After a storm, Li Haitang gasped. The couple hadn't loved each other for a while, and the bedding on the bed was wet.

Xiao Lingchuan carried his wife to the clean room to wash, and then resisted the urge to score twice, and hugged her on the kang.

"My lady, I changed everything on the bed."

After Xiao Lingchuan finished speaking, he quickly removed the quilt, and stuffed it into the small box where dirty clothes were placed.

"Then... let's sleep on the kang."

After a lot of tossing, she was completely satisfied, and Li Haitang was refreshed. She thought, it might be because of picking up yang and nourishing yin. The fatigue, backache, and all kinds of pregnancy reactions before had all disappeared at this moment.

It seems that the savage husband has to solve the problem.

"I went to the academy to see my younger brother yesterday."

After tidying up, Xiao Lingchuan filled the teapot with water, set up a small table in the corner, and put some side dishes on it.

Li Haitang couldn't drink, so he used light tea instead, chatting with Xiao Lingchuan.

The peanuts were bought at the grocery store at night, they were sweet, fragrant and crunchy, she picked up one and threw it into the air, waiting for the savage husband to catch it with his mouth.

A small game, the couple can also enjoy it, and the atmosphere is warm and sweet.

"How is my little brother? You have gained weight and lost weight, have you grown taller?"

Li Haitang stopped moving, stared at the savage husband, waiting for an answer.

She was most worried about her younger brother, and the older sister couldn't talk too much, for fear of burdening him.

She can't do anything, so she can only give some care in daily life, and after she is pregnant, she will inevitably be distracted, especially when she is not in Lucheng, so she can only ask Aunt Chen's family to take care of her.

There were many changes in the family, and the impact on the younger brother Jin Hu was far greater than her.

"He's grown a little taller, and his previous clothes are half shorter, so Second Aunt Chen made new clothes for him."

There was Second Aunt Chen and Chun Niang, both of whom liked Li Jinhu very much, and thoughtful about basic necessities of life.

The biggest change is Sixi, whose nutrition can keep up, just like a calf.

Seeing that he was a good seed, Xiao Lingchuan entrusted Sun Tietou to help him find a martial artist with upright character to teach Sixi martial arts.

He thought about it in the long run. In the future, when Li Jinhu rushes to take the exam, his family may not be able to stay by his side all the time. It all depends on Sixi's busy schedule.

Know how to work hard, at least you don't have to worry about what happens on the road.

"Husband, this is all thanks to you."

Li Haitang sighed, thinking that his younger brother would be forced to grow up, he would feel very distressed.

She is always thinking about doing more, but she doesn't know where to start.

"What are you talking about? We are husband and wife, we are one body."

Xiao Lingchuan drank two glasses of wine and enjoyed a rare and relaxing time, unlike in Lucheng where he was always vigilant and his strings were taut.

Li Haitang knew this truth, she was just being polite and talking about the scene.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Putting down his wine glass, Xiao Lingchuan found a dry cloth towel and wrapped it around Li Haitang's hair.

He went to the medical clinic, afraid that he might remember wrongly, so he asked the doctor Zhao Baoshan again.

At that time, Zhao Baoshan was busy seeing the common people, and he was stunned for a long time when he heard Xiao Lingchuan's question.

The husband of a genius doctor doesn't even know this bit of common sense!

"Zhao Baoshan is also an elm head. Husband, you have never given birth, so it's strange to know."

Li Haitang laughed, this Mr. Zhao is also a treasure, he made a lot of jokes, he is a good guy, but he is a loser.

Ever since he was there, the medical center has been in a state of overload. It has been open for almost a year, and the profit is not enough for the food expenses of the family.

She wanted to make a fortune by opening a medical clinic, but it was basically a dream, and it would be nice if she didn't hold back.

"Husband, you said something, did you mean this?"

Now that the border town is in chaos, it is not a good time to open a shop and do business. Let's talk about it later, and we have to find a way to make a living.

The treasures robbed in the dungeon will be exchanged for silver in the end, and the silver will be turned into soldiers, food, and military supplies, but they will not reach her hands.

Li Haitang is not short of money, but lacks a way to get it.

"It's about the Li family."

Xiao Lingchuan didn't want to upset his wife at first, but the couple had agreed not to hide it before, so he felt it was necessary to let her know.

A few days ago, Mrs. Li disappeared.

The members of the Li family found out that Li Jinhu was studying at Lushan Academy, and the patriarch led people to find the academy, hoping that Li Jinhu would go home for the funeral.

As for Li Haitang, he was removed from the family by the Li family.

"Really? I wish I could, haha!"

Li Haitang clapped her hands. She really wanted to buy some firecrackers to celebrate. In order to thank her for being removed, she decided to give the patriarch a big pig's head as a gift when she returned to the mountain.

Xiao Lingchuan twitched the corners of his mouth, and he knew that this was the lady's reaction.

"Then, why are you looking for my younger brother?"

After the cheers, Li Haitang still hadn't forgotten the important point. Back then, the patriarch of the Li family chose to be blind to the siblings, but now he wants to get close?

"I want Jin Hu to go back to attend the funeral and keep a vigil."

The patriarch believed that Li Jinhu was a descendant of the Li family and could not be rebellious. If so, it would be a stain on his future scientific research.

No matter how bad Mrs. Li was, she was still his own grandma in name.

Although Li Haitang didn't want to admit it, the patriarch made the truth, which was why she showed mercy to the Li family's subordinates many times.

Regardless of what happened to the Li family, as a descendant, you just can't complain, and you can't bear grudges.

Anyway, Daqi governs the country with filial piety, so my younger brother can't do anything too extreme.

"Husband, Mrs. Li just doesn't like me. If she sold me back then, she would still take care of Jinhu."

The family's house and fields were confiscated, and Li Jinhu was sent under the fence to live with Li Dajiang's family. He was beaten a little bit, but he didn't really dare to starve to death.

Old lady Li treats Li Haitang like this, firstly because the village favors sons over daughters, and secondly, because she is not from the Li family at all.

If the tribe is good, Li Haitang doesn't mind letting my younger brother interact with the tribe. After all, it is better to have the blessing of the tribe than nothing.

A series of things made her lose confidence in the Li family.

"Everyone in the village is begging for money from the Li family. How did they solve it in the end?"

In the same village, Mrs. Li was so cowardly that she dared to push her daughter into the fire pit, what a crime!

She left, and she didn't know how the Li family ended up.

"The patriarch came forward to solve the problem. It's not easy to make a big deal. Be a peacemaker and calm things down."

As for the money, the patriarch decided to come forward to ask for it, and make up for the victimized family.

The money was taken away by Li Dahe's concubine, the Jiang family, but the Li family still had a shop bought by selling their granddaughter.

However, the patriarch only found out when he entered the city that the war in the Northland was tense, and many shops were deserted and closed down.

The scandal must not be publicized, otherwise the family's reputation will be stigmatized in the future, and villages far and near will not be willing to marry the daughters of the village. The dead are the most important, and Mrs. Li is dead, so there is no need to pursue the past.

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