During the few days of morning sickness, Li Haitang felt as if her life would be worse than death, and she almost had nothing to love about. As long as there was meat in front of her, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and run to the clean room, wishing she could vomit all her stomach to feel comfortable.

Throwing up whatever you eat, for the nutrition of the bean buns, you have to force yourself to eat.

"Ma'am, the pastry is stuffed with date paste, can't you spit it out?"

Wufu didn't have much experience, so he just went around like a chicken without a head. She has taken care of her pregnant sister-in-law, but she is not as delicate as Madam.

People in the village will be happy for a day if they can eat meat. It would be a waste to spit out such a good thing.


Li Haitang was panting heavily. It was cold and there were no vegetables. It would cost a lot of money to buy cucumbers. She regretted that she should go to Lucheng for a short stay. At least there was a greenhouse at home and there was no shortage of vegetables.

"Then... what should I eat?"

Wufu looked sad, and she couldn't eat meat, so she made cabbage and potatoes.

Stewed potatoes with cabbage, the soup inside is clear soup, without a piece of meat, the wife still can't eat it.

She couldn't eat meat, vegetables, or cakes, she couldn't do anything about it.

Later, when she wandered around the street, she heard from the lady who sold eggs that sour plums were good for preventing morning sickness, so she carried a small packet.

As a result, my wife vomited after eating sour plums!

Li Haitang is also very helpless. It stands to reason that morning sickness is an early phenomenon, so she specially consulted the doctor she studied with at the beginning.

At present, the bean buns are developing well, and the fetus has been seated firmly, so there is no need to be as deliberate as at the beginning.

In the end, she concluded that it was probably because she was too nervous in Surabaya City, holding back hard, and the morning sickness was delayed.

For Li Haitang, morning sickness is like a nightmare! She couldn't hold on any longer.

Every day when I open my eyes, I worry about what to eat, and after I eat, I worry about when I can spit it out, and then I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Wu Fu, is the city better now?"

Last night, Li Haitang received a family letter from her savage husband. There were some secret words, which were not mentioned in the letter. She was only told to stay at home with peace of mind. He will come back soon.

In fact, even if Xiao Lingchuan didn't say anything, she could guess that he put himself in danger again.

Out of trust in him, Li Haitang didn't worry too much, and only hoped that he would come back to his side soon.


Wu Fu went back to the village. Her brother and sister-in-law didn't know where they heard the news from the city. They thought she was going home to beg for food, but they didn't let her in.

Wu Fu sat on the chair, heartless and heartless, she felt depressed for the first time.

Father and mother were crying in the yard, helpless, and said that when she was replaced, the master gave money and rice grains, and the family had almost enough food, so they couldn't be taken away by her, or they would stop cooking.

However, she just wanted to go home and have a look. Where did she say she was going to take something away?

"Wu Fu, your expression is not quite right."

After vomiting all day long, Li Haitang felt dizzy after walking a few steps, so she simply took off her shoes and lay down on the bed to rest.

Li Haitang liked this girl Wu Fu even more after she had been in contact with her for a long time.

"Yeah, I want to go home and have a look, and get rejected."

Not only that, when the villagers saw her, they hid away, and the little sister who had played well before also said a lot of inexplicable things.

The city is not as good as the countryside. Many people will starve to death and freeze to death this year.

She is so good at eating, she will be a disaster in anyone's house.

"My brother and sister-in-law disliked that I could eat, so they urged my parents to sell me."

Wu Fu has only realized the truth until now. There is no special shortage of food in the family. Is it really because she can eat too much?

"So what do you think?"

The so-called edible means that relatively speaking, Wu Fu's food intake is a little smaller, about six or seven rolls per meal, which is slightly more edible than ordinary adult men.

After seeing Sixi's appetite, Wufu is really nothing.

"No, I want to send home the reward you gave me this month, Madam, but my parents won't let me in, so I'll come back quickly."

Wu Fu shook his head, his face still very disappointed.

Money is important, but when there is no food to eat, the first thing that can save lives is food.

On the way back, Wufu realized later that before returning home, she would buy some food and sometimes bring some rations she had saved, so the brother and sister-in-law opened the door to welcome them.

What the sister-in-law said meant that she found a good master without doing any work, and wanted to follow her to the city to see the world.

At that time, Wu Fu would look after the yard alone, and there were still valuables at home, while her sister-in-law was greedy and afraid of taking something away, she couldn't tell.

She knew the attitude of her family, and she was really hurt this time.


Before going to bed, Li Haitang ate a few pieces of almond and sesame sticks. After lying down for a while, he started to feel nauseous again.

She retched a few times, but she didn't spit it out. This is considered a big improvement, at least she can eat something.

"Ma'am, why don't we go to the clinic too?"

Wu Fu stood up again and rushed to get the cloth towel.

"It's not that troublesome."

Li Haitang shook her head and patted her chest with her hand, as if she felt better. She comforted herself that after a few days, she would get better and her appetite would increase greatly.

"A few days ago, there were still people crying. I went out yesterday, and the market returned to normal."

But now almost no gold and silver are accepted in transactions, and pork, old hens, eggs, etc. are exchanged for food.

No one knew why the gates of Lucheng were closed, no sound of wind was heard, and no movement was seen.

"I used five catties of flour and replaced several things."

Wu Fu didn't dare to take more. People along the way stared at her cloth bag. If there were not soldiers patrolling the city, the other party would definitely come up to **** it.

The rice noodles were left by Chunniang, and there are still some in the cellar at home.

Since the last time the barbarians suddenly attacked, Chunniang had prepared a lot of things in the hidden cellar below.

Li Haitang went down to look at it once. There was a very small cabinet with bedding, a bed made of straw mats, a small stove, firewood, and a large tank of water.

In case you need to hide inside for refuge, it is also an emergency.

"There are still a few large pieces of bacon, potatoes, cabbage, beans, radishes at home..."

The rice shop in the city has been open for a few days, and there is a long queue at the door again. Seeing that there is enough rice and noodles at home, she hesitates, "Ma'am, do we still need to buy food?"

Buy it early, or you will be robbed.

"No, there is no shortage of food at home."

Chun Niang's family has enough to eat for a long time, and some of them are hidden in the mountains. Li Haitang has several places to hide food.

This thing will become stale after one year of storage. If it is not well preserved, it is prone to worms.

That is to say, the situation in the city is difficult due to the lack of harvest at the moment. When the crops grow in the coming year, the situation will quickly improve.

However, the past half a year has been difficult.

Fighting outside the city, the soldiers of the camp in the north of the city could not cut off their supplies, the weather was freezing, and the soldiers' new cotton coats had not yet arrived.

"Wufu, let's make some noodle soup and add some slices of bacon tonight." Li Haitang didn't spit it out, suddenly a little greedy, and wanted to eat Yangchun noodles in Lucheng.

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