"See the top of the mountain, we're going there."

Liusu stood in place, looked Li Haitang up and down with a pair of wonderful eyes, and said uncertainly, "There is a high platform in front, we have to sit on iron baskets, and the people on the mountain will take the rope and carry us up."

"Are you sure the iron basket won't fall?"

Li Haitang touched his nose, what a dungeon, what a trap! In case the people above let go of the ascending and descending halfway, the two of them will have to confess.

"Don't worry, this shouldn't happen."

Don't look at Liusu's confident face, in fact, she has no idea, and it's her first time to go to the top of the mountain.

In the past few times, I heard that the main hall is being built on the top of the mountain. Because of the difficulty in transporting materials, it took about two or three years to build it.


For the current plan, there is no choice but to bite the bullet and everything depends on fate.

Li Haitang and Liu Su sat on the iron basket similar to a hanging basket, and there were dedicated waiters, who added cotton cushions on it.

It feels good to sit on, at least not afraid of the bumps in mid-air. The two people are on the waist and tied independently, similar to modern seat belts, and have a high safety factor.

Now, Li Haitang felt a little relieved, and in order to express his gratitude, he gave the waiter a piece of silver as a reward.

"At least one silver ingot."

The waiter glanced at Sui Yinzi with disdain, then turned his head, where did the bumpkin come from, who didn't know the rules of the dungeon? Are you looking down on them?

The reward is at least one silver ingot, which has been decided a long time ago.

You don't have to give money if you don't have money, but if you can't sell it, it's an insult to them.

"Good job."

Seeing this, Liusu took out two silver ingots from the purse at his waist and handed them to the two waiters respectively.

According to her experience, the dungeon attendant should not be offended, otherwise it is easy to be punished.

Li Haitang twitched the corners of her mouth, her face turned green, who could tell her what a magical place she came from.

When the iron basket was slowly vacated, Li Haitang realized that tipping a silver ingot was nothing at all.

The iron basket rose halfway up the mountain, and suddenly stopped, hanging in the air.

"what happened?"

Liusu trembled, and wiped the sweat with a handkerchief. She didn't say that she was afraid of heights. Looking down, she could only see the top of the tree. She was trembling, her face was pale, and she might faint at any time.

There is a Ferris wheel in modern times, Li Haitang is fine, she thought it was an arrangement of the dungeon, and kindly let the visitors overlook the entire dungeon from a height.

There is also a carriage entry in the distance, which should be for the annual auction.

Not long after, there was a small hanging basket, from top to bottom, reaching the middle of the two.


The corners of Liusu's eyes twitched, and he almost lost his breath. He had never seen such a trick before!

Li Haitang stared blankly at the small hanging basket, and then he understood its spirit. The other party expressed quite clearly, if he wants to go up, give the money, or hang in mid-air.

What kind of experience is this? That is, when you are playing a roller coaster, the power suddenly goes out, and you just rush down and hang in the air...

What can I do with the fish on the chopping board? Li Haitang gritted his teeth, took off a gold hairpin from his head, and put it in the hanging basket.

After a while, the gondola went up.

After about a stick of incense, the other party probably got something, pulled the rope quickly, and the two reached the top of the mountain very quickly.

After going up, I met a fat man who was running his hands along his chest, and the fat man was cursing.

The waiter who pulled the rope thought he was not generous enough, so he stopped three or four times on the way up the mountain. Another time, he was determined not to pay, but the other party let go of the rope, and he played free fall again.

Going up the mountain, I was scared to death, and used my life to participate in the auction.

For this, Li Haitang was very sympathetic, thanks to her being in place at one time and not being stingy to save money, otherwise she would inevitably suffer.

There is another scene on the mountain, snow-capped, tall buildings, and solid houses. This architectural style is somewhat similar to the mansions of some dignitaries in the illustrations in the storybook. On both sides of the yard, there are red plums and white plums in full bloom. , There is a faint fragrance in the air.

This ???? dungeon really deserves its reputation. Although I have heard Tassel describe it before I came here, now that I came here to experience it for myself, I am still shocked by it all.

The waiter was very attentive and arranged for the two of them to have a room on the farthest side, with two beautiful maids in it.

Liusu waved her hand, and asked the maid to retreat to the side hall on the grounds that she was not used to being served for washing. She and Li Haitang took off their clothes and quickly jumped into the hot spring pool.

"I don't know if there are beauties serving my husband."

Li Haitang regretted letting her husband join her. She and Liu Su were perfectly capable, but they were just spending money to buy something.

The thought of a woman flattering her savage husband made her feel sour.

"You can rest assured that in his eyes, there is no distinction between men and women."

Liu Su rubbed his forehead, sure enough, no matter how shrewd a person is, he will become mentally handicapped when he meets men and women.

Anyway, men are guilty, and even if they are not, they will favor boys over girls, so she should not be bound by such things.

In Xiao Lingchuan's eyes, there is no gender, unified classification, those who care and those who don't.

Apart from Li Haitang, there are very few people who can make him care.


Li Haitang rubbed his face, Liusu was right, he was not a high-ranking person, he didn't want to achieve anything, he just wanted to live a peaceful life.

Feeling brightened suddenly, Li Haitang began to look at the place where he was.

On the smooth marble floor, there is a neat coat rack on which you can hang the clothes you have taken off. There is also a small trolley next to it. There are bronze mirrors, bath beans, fragrant dew, and dried petals on it. Several small porcelain vases.

The lower layer is the incense burner, with several flavors of incense.

She casually picked up a piece and put it under her nose. It has a special smell and a tangy aroma, but it has some drug ingredients, which can help the mood. If it is inhaled for a long time, it can also cause hallucinations.

"How about it, the water temperature is not bad, and there are not many natural hot springs in Daqi, so enjoy it."

The water temperature is hotter than expected, and the skin exposed by the tassels has turned into a charming pink color. From the top of the neck to the cheeks, there is a charming blush. Wearing a mask makes people feel a little more mysterious.

Li Haitang nodded, squinting her eyes, thinking about her next plan.

She is now in the early stages of pregnancy, and the water temperature is too high to be harmful to the fetus, so she can only soak for a short while.

There are pebbles under the hot spring, stepping on it, and the effect of foot massage. But she wasn't surprised, because modern hot springs are more high-end, and it's not like she hasn't seen the world before.

"Did the maid come in and let us choose the project?"???? Li Haitang pressed her **** under the water, and put her hands against the front. In modern times, bathing pools are full of naked homosexuals. I have been here for a while , feeling assimilated, embarrassed to be naked.

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