Knowing that she was pregnant, Chunniang lost the intention of opening a shop. There was never enough money to make. She wrapped red envelopes for the guys as a festival gift, closed early, and opened the door after the year.

After sending Chun Niang home, Li Jinhu asked to go to the bookstore to buy books. This time, Li Haitang didn't come in, but entrusted this difficult task to his savage husband. In case someone sells some brochures with strong flavors, she can't be found.

At the end of the new year, there was still a big market in the afternoon in the border town. Li Haitang entered a time-honored shop and packed several kinds of candies alone.

Crispy candy, peanut sesame candy, sweet-scented osmanthus candy and sweet malt candy, these are must-haves in the year, eat more candy, the next year will be sweeter.

One mouthful crisps, glutinous rice sticks, trough cakes, red bean crisps, mung bean paste, the dim sum in the border town are much better than those in the county and town, she plans to buy more, the stock in the year.

I used to customize the oven in the iron shop before. It is worth mentioning that the seasoning shop in the border town began to have cumin. Whether it is kebabs or lamb with cumin, it can remove the fishy smell very well.

Carrying big bags and small bags, Li Haitang hadn't finished shopping yet, so she asked the waiter to build a small cart, and put all the things she bought on the cart to save effort.

"I'll get it."

Xiao Lingchuan took Li Jinhu out of the bookstore, and happened to meet a lady pushing a cart, he quickly took it, his face was expressionless, while Li Jinhu hesitated to speak, and kept peeking at Li Haitang along the way.

Li Haitang guessed that Xiao Lingchuan would not be able to ask anything. After dinner, she found an opportunity to block her younger brother Li Jinhu in a corner, and said with her hips on her hips, "Little brother, is there something you are hiding from me?"


Li Jinhu looked up and down, but didn't look at Li Haitang.


If you don't have it, you have it. Just by looking at the face, it shows. Li Jinhu still wants to lie to her with his inner quality? The younger brother must be told to tell the truth!


Facing the persecution, Li Jinhu calmed down instead. He learned to use his verbal wit, "Sister, why don't you ask brother-in-law?"

Li Haitang was speechless, ever since she taught her little brother about everything, Li Jinhu has become slippery.

However, Li Jinhu is her apprentice, how can an apprentice fight against the master! Li Haitang sighed, and said sadly, "Little brother, your parents are gone, you are the closest person to my sister, now, you have something to hide from me."

The original owner's parents left one after another, which was a great blow to Li Jinhu. He changed from his parents' favorite to a grass in the village. If it weren't for his sister who depended on each other, Li Jinhu would not know how to survive.

It can be said that he was able to study in Lushan Academy, eat well, drink well, and have a servant named Sixi, all thanks to his sister Li Haitang.

"Sister, it's not that I want to hide it from you."

Li Jinhu was about to cry, but there were some things he couldn't say as a younger brother, but in case his elder sister misunderstood, he went all out!

"I went to the bookstore with my brother-in-law today, and I told my brother-in-law that you like story books."

Li Jinhu scratched his head, this is his fault, he wanted to read it, and falsely preached the imperial decree, Xiao Lingchuan believed it to be true, so he asked his assistant to get the script.

"The buddy said that there are good-looking ones upstairs, so I asked my brother-in-law to go."

Li Jinhu felt that the other party was mysterious. After a while, he also went upstairs and found that the boy had brought Xiao Lingchuan to the tea room.

Out of curiosity, he peeped at the door, and that scene was simply horrible.

"What's the matter?"

Li Haitang was in a hurry and couldn't help urging, "Hurry up and get to the point!"

The routines are all the same routines. Could it be that you are selling brochures with heavy flavors with your husband?

Li Haitang was skeptical. Logically speaking, the border town was closer to the barbarians, and the two countries bartered all year round, so it was normal to exchange ideas.


If it was a brochure, Li Jinhu couldn't be so surprised. The little guy said directly to his brother-in-law, "Brother, I see that your eyes are red and bloodshot, and it seems that you can't get relief. We have a barbarian girl, and you only need one hundred coins for a night." ..."

Young and energetic, full of firepower, the buddy looked at Xiao Lingchuan's figure, and guessed that the delicate little lady would not be able to bear it, so he found a barbarian with a strong body, and he liked tall and burly men the most.

One hundred articles for one night...

Li Haitang automatically calculated in his mind, eggs are worth a penny, and a barbarian girl, a hundred eggs a night, is it appropriate or not?

Li Jinhu bit the bullet and became his own brother-in-law. Seeing this kind of thing, he was really embarrassed. Since then, he has begun to have a shadow of this kind of bookstore, and he is too bold to openly pimp!

"Then, what did your brother-in-law say?"

Li Haitang is very calm, and she also admires her big heart, Xu Shi believes too much in the savage husband, and she still has the mood to gossip.

There are many underground kilns in the border town, most of the women inside are kidnapped and trafficked, they can't see the light of day, and they can't do business openly, they all rely on middlemen to pimp them.

What's more funny is the buddy's eyesight. Could it be possible to see that my husband is fierce in that matter?

"I didn't say anything, just went downstairs."

After the two went out after paying the bill, they ran into Li Haitang who was pushing the cart, so Li Jinhu hadn't had time to calm himself down.

"Little brother, scholars like to go to the brothel to have fun, and that is not a good place."

The little brother is so young, he still doesn't understand these things, Li Haitang pondered, it's better to educate and educate, parents are just such a single child, it's not good if they grow crooked.

"Brother Lu said that there is Yan Ruyu in the book, so you don't need to spend money to go to the brothel."

Li Jinhu recalled that the last time he went to the bookstore with Lu Yuanqing to buy books, he had almost the same experience. That's what Brother Lu told the clerk at that time.


Li Haitang realized that she, who was always sharp-tongued, was speechless! She thought that Lu Er Lengzi had already reached the realm of cultivating the Sunflower Book without using his own palace, what a talent!

Li Haitang secretly reminded himself that when he returned to Lucheng, he would definitely support Zhang Ruyi, Miss Zhang and Lu Er, the perfect match among perfect matches.

"Sister, brother-in-law's eyes are bloodshot, is it because he didn't sleep well?"

Li Jinhu's baby is relatively simple, thinking that her sister's sleeping posture is not good, and Xiao Lingchuan is pressed under her body, so it is difficult to fall asleep, and she doesn't think about other things at all.

"I didn't sleep well in the carriage yesterday."

Li Haitang was in a mess, and felt that the little brother was suddenly difficult to deal with, not cute at all, and all the questions were asked!

Xiao Lingchuan, who hadn't slept well, paused, turned around silently, his body was stiff, he seldom went to bookstores, he didn't know anything about what was going on there, he was seen by his brother-in-law for the first time, he couldn't get along with him My wife explained. This matter was an accident, Li Haitang didn't take it to heart at all, once he heard about it, he didn't bring it up again, instead it made Xiao Lingchuan breathe a sigh of relief.

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