The ginseng chicken soup was stewed by Second Aunt Chen. When Sun Tietou smelled the aroma, he suddenly remembered that he himself hadn't eaten for a day and a night.


The person on the bed moved and let out a groan, which woke up the sleeping Xiaowa, who immediately raised her throat and cried continuously.

"Where am I?"

The lady of the Sun family opened her eyes and looked around. This is her home, and there is still a little smell of blood in the room. On the side of the bed, there is a baby lying on it. Could it be her son?

Not only did she not die, but she gave birth to a son safely? It's just unbelievable.

"Sister-in-law, do you feel pain from the incision now? Are you hungry?"

The operation process was long, and the Sun family's wife bled so much that she couldn't move her place recently. While nourishing her body, she also had to replenish her blood.

Because of the caesarean section, she had no milk for the time being, so Li Haitang found a nearby goat farm and fed goat milk to feed the newborn bun.


It took a long while for the Sun family lady to realize that she wept with joy, pointing at the little bun, "I gave birth to this?"

"Otherwise, where can I steal a baby for you?"

Li Haitang picked up the little bun, showed it to the Sun family's wife, and simply made it up with his eyes open, "Look at this brow, how much it looks like Brother Sun!"

The newborn little bun, with wrinkled skin, looks like a little old man. She can't tell his face at all. She talks nonsense, but the Sun family's wife agrees with a serious face, "Yes, like him, only with my mouth."

Li Haitang slipped on the soles of his feet, how could this be seen? Why didn't she develop such sharp eyes.

After a while, Sun Tietou came in with hot soup. He kept Li Haitang's words in mind and kept the delivery room clean, so he stood far away and did not dare to approach.

The parturient has neither rejection nor high fever. As long as there is no infection, there is no major problem. Caesarean section will leave sequelae, within two years, you can not conceive again, otherwise the wound will be easy to open.

"Haitang, you are a great benefactor of our Sun family, and so is Lingchuan."

It is said that there is gold under the man's knees, Sun Tietou was very moved, he thumped, and knelt in front of Li Haitang, saying a thousand words, all in silence, words can no longer express his gratitude.

"My husband?"

Li Haitang didn't have much contact with Sun Tietou. Before that, she was preparing medicine for Chunniang's man, and her savage husband was a man of few words. She really didn't know that Xiao Lingchuan had also saved Sun Tietou.

"That was three or four years ago, probably around this time."

Sun Tietou took the little baby and coaxed it softly. His posture seemed unfamiliar. A tall man patiently rocked the little baby. The woman lay on her back on the bed with a smile on her face. This is the ordinary happiness of ordinary people.

"Is my husband good?"

Li Haitang checked the incision, and found that the bleeding had stopped. It seemed that the surgical sutures did not reject the skin. She was relieved and fed the Sun family's wife chicken soup spoonful by spoonful, but her attention was focused on Sun Tietou.

"That winter was really cold."

Not long after Sun Tietou got married, the golden basin washed his hands, and the family wealth he had saved before was gone, and his wife had to rely on sewing for others to earn money.

Seeing that it was only two months away from the Chinese New Year, the two daughters in the family were wearing patched clothes, and their little faces were flushed from the cold, he felt very uncomfortable.

As a man, he is the pillar of the family, not to mention standing upright, at least he must be able to support his family. He found that he could do nothing but deceive and cheat.

There is portage work in the city. To do hard work at Lucheng Wharf, you only have 20 Wen a day. You can't keep the 20 Wen for yourself, and you have to give the foreman 5 Wen.

What can you do with fifteen copper plates? Not enough to buy a catty of pork belly. The family lives in the city, rice, flour, grain, oil, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and money is needed everywhere.

A penny is a hero, Sun Tietou was not reconciled, he promised his wife that he would stop going astray, and that every penny he earned would be innocent.

"I don't have enough firewood to burn at home, so I have to buy charcoal at the grocery store. How can my fifteen Wen be enough?"

Thinking of the past, Sun Tietou sighed heavily. He was used to stealing and robbing houses for quick money, but he couldn't bear to do coolies suddenly without money.

"The Weiyuan Escort Bureau in the city is recruiting bodyguards, I'll try it."

Going out to do darts earns hard-earned money, and he may not be at home for a year or so.

"I met Lingchuan at the time. He had a cold face and didn't say a word, but you just can't ignore his existence."

Sun Tietou recalled that when he and Xiao Lingchuan faced each other, he had an intuition that the other party was a stubborn one, not someone he could offend.

He has been in various religions and streams for many years, but he still has this vision.

"Of course, my husband is majestic."

Li Haitang held her head up high, feeling a little more proud immediately, she didn't look at whose husband it was, that is, people like Da Qi had something wrong with their eyes, and insisted that her man was ugly.

"A man has to be like Lingchuan!"

Sun Tietou gave a thumbs up and continued to recall, "The first time I saw him, I thought he was extraordinary. Sure enough, if it wasn't for Brother Xiao, my life would have been lost long ago."

The **** leader saw that Xiao Lingchuan was very polite, and he was serving tea and water, as well as melon and fruit cakes. Sun Tietou was good at drilling, so he only found out after inquiring that there was an important **** going away a few years ago.

The price of the darts was generous, but their lives were in danger, because they only needed to **** two thousand-year-old ginseng.

The ginseng was purchased from the barbarians, and the destination was Kyoto, but the other party was a high school in Kyoto. For ginseng, a team of thousands of people had been sent to receive it.

"The other party bought ginseng to extend his life and save time, so he entrusted the Weiyuan Escort Bureau to **** him."

Sun Tietou was afraid that Li Haitang would not understand, so he explained carefully. The life of a certain important person in Kyoto was involved, and the news was released, there must be many people who came to **** ginseng.

This life and death dart trip is extremely dangerous, it can be said that there are more dangers than good luck, and the head is not on the waistband of the dart.

"I was planning to go home, but I saw Lingchuan's signature in black and white."

The other party was eager to use ginseng to save lives, as long as the handover was successful, he would give ten thousand taels of silver, ten thousand taels of silver, vain silver!

Even if it is a few dozen taels, it is enough to live a fat year, and the food and clothing at home can be replaced with new ones, let alone ten thousand taels.

Of course, the money is not taken for nothing, and the life and death contract needs to be signed and pledged. If you lose ginseng, you can only apologize with death.

Xiao Lingchuan frantically signed his name neatly, and then pressed the red handprint.

"I was in a hothead at the time, and immediately told the head of the bodyguard, I'm done for this ticket!"

Sun Tietou described his mood at that time, his blood was really boiling, facing life and death, Xiao Lingchuan didn't hesitate, he wanted money, and he still thought about things, he deserved to be worthless all his life!

The big deal is death. Twenty years later, he will be a hero again! Sun Tietou also imitated Xiao Lingchuan and signed a life-and-death contract, but when he walked out of the bodyguard, he immediately regretted it.

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