Money has to be mentioned, collecting money is equivalent to collecting hush money, which makes Zhang Zheng feel at ease, which represents medical ethics. Doctors don't talk nonsense.

"You might as well grab it!"

Zhang Zheng was furious. He had never seen someone so desperate for money. After seeing it once, he would give him some pills, and it would cost ten taels of silver? The famous doctors of Baicaotang are not so dark in their visits!

"My lord, you always compare me with those little transparent ones."

Li Haitang was also very upset. It was only natural to charge money for seeing a doctor. She didn't say that she saw a doctor for free.

The dignified magistrate of Lucheng, who didn't know how much people's fat he searched, is only missing her ten taels of silver?

The two quarreled in the tea room, Zhang Ruyi pulled the two in blue and put their ears to the door, and they heard the conversation verbatim.

"Miss, do we need to go in and save the place?"

Lan Yi is very worried about Li Haitang, the master has a weird temper and loves to be serious, he is not a soft-hearted person, if he loses his gentlemanly demeanor, if there is another fight, Li Haitang, a weaker woman, will definitely suffer.

"No need to."

Zhang Ruyi's brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, hehe, look what she heard! It turned out that his father had a hidden disease in that area.

No matter in the capital or Lucheng in the north, her father is a tyrant in the family. It is rare to see him deflated, and Zhang Ruyi feels secretly refreshed.

Zhang Zheng: "..." Such a retarded brat must not be his own!

"Oh, it would be great if Haitang was my stepmother."

Zhang Ruyi lamented that it was better to have a house full of chaos than a quiet cemetery. Li Haitang and her could talk about their tempers.

Lan Yi wiped away tears, wishing her young lady to take it easy. Not to mention that Li Haitang is a married woman, even in terms of age, she is a year younger than the young lady, so let the old man eat tender grass, okay?

In the tea room, there was a battle of words and guns, which ended in Zhang Zheng's failure. He fled out desperately, in a mess, and before leaving, he asked Zhang Ruyi to settle the money.

"Father, won't you leave without a cup of tea?"

Zhang Ruyi held back her laughter and pretended to stay. For some reason, she felt better when she saw her father scurrying around with his head in his arms.

Zhang Zheng staggered and almost fell on the doorstep. He swore that he didn't have such a cheating daughter!

He ran away, not because he couldn't match Li Haitang, but because the whole tea room was filled with the fragrance of her crabapple flowers, and those bright red lips opened and closed, and he thought of the booklet again, fearing that he would be seen as strange, so he hurried away.

"Lan Yi, remember to remind Miss Ben, from now on when Daddy and I get angry, I will say that I will take Haitang into the mansion!"

Miss Zhang raised her eyebrows, and before Li Haitang left, she gave money and packed a lot of good things from Kyoto. When she heard that her brother was studying at Lushan Academy, she specially took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the bottom of the box and gave it to Li Haitang.

Arriving almost empty-handed, but returning with a full load, Li Haitang was sent home and found that Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen were worrying about a yard full of things.

"Haitang, you're back!"

Second Aunt Chen pulled Li Haitang, her forehead was swollen and painful, and there was no shortage of people throughout the morning, and people who came to deliver things one after another blocked the door.

Neighbors send some food, small items, gifts are reciprocated, Aunt Chen can call the shots, and when the time comes, the family will return the gifts without owing each other.

However, neither she nor the child's father had heard of the self-reported door-to-door. If they didn't accept things, the other party would complain, saying that he was a servant, and he would be scolded if he didn't do well.

When the couple heard this, they were embarrassed to say anything, so they prepared a list and asked them to record the source of the gift themselves.

This was the idea of ??Uncle Chen because he was illiterate.

"Haitang, I have to hurry up and learn to read, otherwise I will be at a disadvantage."

Uncle Chen's fighting spirit was aroused, and he wanted to send Goudan to the school, and pass what he learned to his family.

"It's a good thing, I agree."

Li Haitang took the list and glanced at it, understanding it in his heart. There are tens of thousands of businessmen in Lucheng. They have money but no power. They are dumbfounded when they encounter something. She has a good relationship with the magistrate's daughter and can be a matchmaker. No, this group of people got the news, moved upon hearing the news, and immediately came to the door to give gifts.

Most of the food from the neighbors was not expensive, while the rest of the families gave gifts of different kinds, including gold, silver, jewelry, cloth, antique calligraphy and paintings, piled up on the ground in a mess.

Li Haitang took a look, and the other party also felt that she had a shallow foundation, so he probably didn't pay much attention to it. The largest fur shop in Lucheng only gave away a piece of fox fur, looking down on her?

"Clean up a few vacant rooms and use them as warehouses in the future."

Businessmen are shrewd, they don't scatter hawks when they don't see rabbits. To them, this little thing is just a drop in the bucket, and Li Haitang accepts it with peace of mind.

In the future, more and more gifts were sent from home, and she wanted to build a cover room in the backyard to store her treasures, and when she had a daughter, she would keep it as a dowry for her daughter.

Before consummating the house with her savage husband, Li Haitang thought of her child, and she smiled sweetly. After counting, it won't take long for Xiao Lingchuan to come back.

As the end of the new year was approaching, Li Haitang was busy with the remodeling of the shop. From the blueprints to the design, she completed it all by herself. She asked craftsmen to help with the construction. Li Xia occasionally went to have a look.

Lixia sets goals for herself every day, starting with dissecting the rabbit and stitching it up. After killing it, she and her godmother can eat stewed rabbit. Lixia is very worried that if she eats too much, she will become a three-petal mouth.

"Don't worry, there is no basis for this."

There is a custom in Daqi that a pregnant woman cannot eat rabbit meat during pregnancy, otherwise, the child in her stomach will have the same mouth as a rabbit in the future.

This is completely groundless, and besides, Li Xia is not pregnant either.

The last time I separated from Zhang Ruyi, Li Haitang left enough herbs for Zhang Ruyi to take a medicinal bath every day.

Perhaps the carriage from the magistrate's yamen did not come to the door again, and the people squatting around the house thought she was of no use. The past two days have been very peaceful, and no one came to give gifts.

The family returned to normal order. Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen breathed a sigh of relief and devoted all their minds to growing vegetables without letting up for a moment.

The weather in Lucheng this year is abnormal. In November of the lunar calendar, there were several consecutive heavy snowfalls, the temperature dropped sharply, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street.

The people were busy repairing the house and sweeping the snow, so they couldn't be idle for a moment. Uncle Chen originally planned to go back to his hometown to have a look, so he was delayed.

The couple thought about it, and the house collapsed when it collapsed, and the foundation was still there. After saving money, they would build a warm stone house later.

The longer they have been in contact with Li Haitang, the more reluctant they are to leave, and now they are even more reluctant to leave, not because of the good times right now, but because people have feelings when they get along. Treat it like your own daughter.

"Begonia, the peddler brought another basket of your sea worms." Second Aunt Chen discovered that Li Haitang was extremely fanatical about sea worms, and she ate them almost every day at home, either with mixed vegetables or fried green onions. It is meaty and tastes good. I slowly accepted it, but I really like it.

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