Li Haitang and Wu Fu snuggled together, the master and servant covered a quilt together, and filled the small gap between them with the quilt to prevent the cold wind from entering, so Li Haitang felt a little warmth.

"Go to sleep, Wufu, tomorrow we will strive to climb to the top in one breath."

Li Haitang took a deep breath, and then felt powerless. Her current body was supported by one breath. She was afraid that she would not have the strength to go down the mountain after completing the task and getting the approval of Yinwei.

Closing her eyes, she quickly let out a shallow breathing sound.

This night, the cold wind blowing against her face made Li Haitang extremely uncomfortable. She woke up several times a night, and seeing a little light coming in from outside the cave, she sat up.

Wu Fu is a big-hearted person, no matter where she is, she can sleep soundly. She felt her wife get up, woke up instantly, got up, rubbed her eyes and said, "Ma'am, is it dawn yet?"

She always felt that she hadn't slept for a while and hadn't recovered from her fatigue. However, Wu Fu's stomach gurgled a few times, and she was hungry again.

"It's snowing outside."

Li Haitang stood up and came to the entrance of the stone cave. The cold wind was raging and snowflakes were blowing in her face. She touched her cheek with her hand, it was wet.

Seeing that the snowflakes were getting bigger and bigger, Li Haitang made a decisive decision and pulled Wu Fu up. He had to hurry on his way while it was snowing. The sky was dark, and if it was snowing heavily, he couldn't tell the direction. It would be difficult to find the location of the black water. It is even more difficult.

"Ma'am, we have to wait until we boil some hot water to warm our body."

Wu Fu stood up, patted the hay on his body, put the water in the bamboo tube into the small pot, thought for a while, and then put the dry and hard pancakes into it to cook together.

At least I had a full mouthful of food, otherwise, this day, trapped in the mountains, the master and servant would starve to death instead of freezing to death.

Li Haitang was noncommittal, but what Wufu said made sense. She grabbed a handful of the brown sugar she brought and put it in a small pot. Although the pancakes would taste a bit strange while cooking, they could at least replenish her energy.

After the meal, the master and servant continued on the road against the cold wind. However, the higher they went, the more difficult it was.

On the top of Baishan Mountain, the terrain is quite steep. Every time Li Haitang takes a step, his legs are trembling constantly. Wufu beside him is not much better. He can't take care of himself. Swipe down.


Wu Fu looked at the top of the mountain that could not be seen at a glance, and fell into deep despair. The main reason was that she was hungry again.

She thought, she was still useless, if the Lord's house was there, she would have taken her to the summit by now.

Thinking of this, Wu Fu stepped on the ground, then lost his balance and fell down, rolling down the steep hillside.

Li Haitang was walking hard, when she suddenly heard Wu Fu shouting, she turned her head, her heart almost stopped beating in fright.

The speed at which Wufu rolled down was too fast, and there was a cliff not far away. If he fell into the cliff, the abyss below would definitely kill him.

"Madam, don't come here!" Wufu was very scared, and still hugged the package tightly. There were food, fire pockets and iron pots in the package, which were necessary for survival in the wild. She wanted to throw it to Madam, but resisted. I can't keep the speed of the slide, and when I stabilize my body, I also come to the edge of the cliff.


Wu Fu closed her eyes, it seemed that she was hopeless.

Does she regret not being able to see her parents and elder brother, and not being able to return to her hometown in Beidi?

Wufu thought about it, she didn't regret it, Madam treated her very well, but without her company, how could Madam climb up there?

There is no food, and there is heavy snow everywhere. Isn't it going to be hungry? The body was already approaching the edge of the cliff, and there was a slightly gentle step there. Wu Fu couldn't control her body, but with the last remaining consciousness, she hung the package on a stone platform, but her body seemed to be broken. kite, rolling towards the cliff

fall down.

But within a few breaths, it was so fast that people couldn't react. Li Haitang watched his maid disappear.

Before Wufu fell off the cliff, he still thought about what would happen if he had no food, so he tried his best and left behind the package.

The wind continued to blow, and the snowflakes continued to flutter. Li Haitang felt cold all over his body, and tears rolled down his face. It was hot.

She grabbed the tree with one hand, wiped her tears with the other, and shouted hoarsely, "Five Blessings!"

Li Haitang's voice was very low. In fact, she had no strength left.

When the master and servant climbed the mountain, Wu Fu insisted on being behind. Wu Fu said that if she walked too fast, she would miss her wife, and if she fell off, he could be a backup.

For a moment, Li Haitang felt sorry for herself. If she didn't bring Wufu, she wouldn't have died!

Such a good servant girl only thinks about her, even if she is too hungry to sleep, she will give her most of the food, and then secretly say that she has eaten.

Two days ago, Li Haitang once saw Wu Fu feeding himself with wild vegetables, but he told her with a smile that he no longer needed to eat so much food, and his food intake was much smaller than before.

At night, she clearly heard Wu Fu's stomach growling, but Wu Fu didn't take it seriously.

When encountering difficulties, Wufu always comforts her, as long as she passes, she will be fine.

Baishan is still far away, and the whereabouts of Heishui is still unknown. Li Haitang wiped away her tears. Her cowardice was useless.

Sadness, grief can't be exchanged for Wufu, all she can do is to go down to the platform, take Wufu's life-saving package, and continue on the road.

Li Haitang knew that if Wu Fu didn't focus on the things in the bag, she would still have a chance to survive. It can be seen that when Wu Fu fell, he was thinking about how to keep the bag.

After crying for a while to vent her emotions, Li Haitang walked down cautiously. After walking for some time, she finally got the package.

Under the cliff, the mist filled the air, the bottom was gloomy, and the chance of survival was basically zero.

Li Haitang was not reconciled, and shouted Wufu a few times at the top of his voice, but did not get any response.

Carrying the package on her back, she wiped away her tears, and her exhausted strength was born again. She climbed towards the top of Baishan step by step.

It was hard to tell the time on the mountain, the snow was getting heavier and deeper, and it soon sank into Li Haitang's calf. She had half of her leg and lost consciousness at all.

Dragging his numb legs, just like that, Li Haitang walked for a whole day and night without sleep.

When she finally landed on the top of Baishan, she was shocked by everything in front of her eyes.

In the middle of the white snow, there is a huge Tianchi Lake. The water in the Tianchi Lake is different from Baishan, it is the color of thick ink, and I don't know why the water is like this.

On the side of the mountain top, there are several houses, and Li Haitang entered the first one.

There are murals painted on the walls, and the picture of the murals is a treasure map, and the treasure left by the ancestors of the Yu family is hidden under the black water. Li Haitang couldn't understand at all that hiding a treasure was such a toss-up, if she was even slightly distracted just now, she would have fallen off the cliff.

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