Li Haitang went to Fang Shaoyao's small courtyard, Fang Shaoyao was holding a lantern, staring at the frame of the carriage in a daze.

Wu Fu went to a car and horse dealer to buy a car, and found that the inside was too simple, so he handed over the task of decoration to Fang Shaoyao.

Fang Shaoyao had no time to spare for half a day, so she added a thicker cushion to the carriage bench. It was hot and there was an extra row of bamboo mats on it. When she heard that Li Haitang was going to the wilderness, she sewed another set of gauze curtains to hang in the carriage. .

It is hot in summer, and eating is easy to spoil. She bought some dry and hard pancakes, plus a jar of pickles, cold potato shreds and wild vegetables, and a small jar of meat sauce.

For the rest, Fang Shaoyao really didn't know what to prepare, so she could only get a little rice noodle seasoning and put it on the small table of the carriage.

"Hai Tang, there is a curfew in Kyoto at night, and the investigation is extremely strict now. It's better to leave when there are many people in the daytime, so that you can get away with it."

What Fang Shaoyao meant was that although there were few people at night, there was a lot of movement and noise, and it was easy to be targeted by the patrolling Imperial Forest Army. Only Li Haitang, master and servant, could not escape at all.

"I think so."

There are many dreams in the night, but there are too many problems in front of him, and Li Haitang can only overcome them. Regarding food, she also brought some black sesame paste and camellia noodles. If she goes into the mountains, she will bring a pot and bowl with her, and she will be full with some boiling water.

She was alone, and it was difficult for her to move forward, so she had to find Wufu to take care of her.

Li Haitang kept Fang Shaoyao's love in his heart, and when she went through the most difficult time, if she turned around in the future, she would definitely repay her.

Anyone can say beautiful words, but if they say too much, they will appear hypocritical. Li Haitang and Fang Shaoyao are not the kind of people who rely on lip service to take advantage.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, on the second day, the sky was slightly bright, and the east side was just turning pale, so the master and servant set out together.

After the city gates were closed in Kyoto, there was chaos for some days, and order had just been restored recently. The people who went out to look for work looked sad and worried about their own way out.

"Fried cake, delicious ear and eye fried cake!"

On the side of the street, there is a woman selling goods with a small basket on her shoulders. When she gets to the side of the carriage, she will stop for a while.

"Buy some fried cakes."

Li Haitang opened the car window and deliberately omitted Wu Fu's name. She was easily heard when she was away from home. Besides, she was now a wanted criminal who offered a huge reward.

"The fried cake is too oily, so it won't be a problem if it can be stored for two or three days."

Li Haitang explained in a low voice, and the filling was made of bean paste, which was sweet and better than eating dry and hard pancakes.

Wufu agreed, and got out of the car to buy fried cakes. In the woman's small basket, there were two shredded potato burritos. If they were round, they would be given to Wufu.

"Auntie, what are you looking for?"

Wu Fu took the basket, wrapped the fried cakes in oiled paper, and then saw that the shopping woman hadn't left, so she asked directly.

The woman's actions were too exaggerated, and it was not surprising that she was seen. She shook her sleeves and smiled awkwardly, "It's not that there is a reward of a thousand taels of gold. I think it's not ordinary people who can make the yamen offer a reward of a thousand taels. "

Since she is not an ordinary person, she must be accompanied by servants when she travels, using a carriage, and she does not delay in selling things, so she peeks inside, what if someone catches her? Then her son and grandson don't have to suffer along with her.

Li Haitang: ...Well, it is indeed reasonable to think so. This aunt must not know that she missed Qianliang Gold.

Putting on the mask, Li Haitang dressed as if she hadn't left the court, and specially adjusted her face a little. Her bangs were neat and her eyebrows were blocked. She had an ordinary appearance, and she was absolutely unrecognizable when thrown into the crowd. It was too ordinary.

According to the direction given by the map, the carriage went straight to Fenghuang Village, passing fewer and fewer villages and towns along the way. When we reached the boundary of Fenghuang Village, it was already so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

"Ma'am, look, the top of the mountain is actually white!"

There is no one around, the shadows of the trees are swaying, and it is a bit infiltrating in the middle of the night.

There are two areas in the Yun family's secret land, Baishan and Heishui, one is Baishan and the other is Heishui.

With the climate of Kyoto and it's not a plateau, it's hard for Li Haitang to imagine that a snow mountain has formed on the top of the mountain, which can be clearly seen even in the dark.

In the fourth month of the lunar calendar, it has already entered summer in Kyoto, and the night is so hot that you have to set up a tent in the yard, tossing and turning, but here, the temperature is more than ten degrees, and Li Haitang is a bit cold.

This time I went out in a hurry, and there was no reminder on the map. Li Haitang didn't bring a cotton coat. Fortunately, there was a Fang Shaoyao's cloak under the car stool. I don't know how to put it inside.

"Madam, I'm not cold, I'll take the quilt with me later."

It was not suitable for lighting a fire at night, and it was not known whether there were wild animals in the mountains. The master and servant could only find a place, snuggle up in the carriage, and rely on soaked sesame paste to satisfy their hunger.

Li Haitang was okay, but Wufu couldn't bear it. In the middle of the night, he was so hungry that his stomach growled. He ate hard pancakes with cold tea and was half full.

"Wu Fu, you have suffered with me this trip."

Wufu eats a lot, Li Haitang knows it, but it's hot and she can't bring much. She came out of the black market empty-handed, and the only food she had was prepared by Fang Shaoyao.

"Ma'am, what are you talking about?"

Wu Fu disagreed very much. She knew that she was good at eating, and if she was half of the family, she would definitely be disgusted by the master.

Madam has never disliked her from the very beginning, and besides, what kind of hard life is this? The pancakes are made of white flour, and the tea is top-quality Biluochun, although it is cold, you can drink it.

In the village before, she was often hungry and ate bran-swallowed vegetables, but she still felt that life was good. Li Haitang rested her chin, Wu Fu is like this, even if she has come to an end and has nowhere to go, she is still very optimistic, and this kind of optimism has infected Li Haitang, making her believe and be firm, the difficulties are only in front of her, and what is more good life is waiting

looking at her.

Daqi's territory is very large, from north to south, and there are too many places that she has never been to.

There are a few small countries in the south, which have always been a state of hospitality and etiquette. Besides Daqi, there are also open seas, where there are cultures, customs, and medical skills that she wants to learn about.

She wanted to go and see, take a walk, enjoy the beauty of Daqi, and then go back to the border town with the savage husband, and live as a savage on the mountain in Lijiacun. The days are quiet and no one disturbs her, that's what she wants.

Soon, the dream still has to be realized immediately.

Her shop, charity hall, and more ideas in the future will be realized slowly.

Perhaps, she is not as wonderful as others, and she doesn't work so hard, but in life, be more casual and let nature take its course, isn't it good?

With this in mind, Li Haitang closed his eyes and slept until dawn, achieving unprecedented relaxation.

Outside the carriage, Wufu had already set up a bonfire and was cooking porridge and rice. She found some wild vegetables, blanched them with water, chopped them, added bacon pieces, cut the pancakes into small strips, and put them in, served with salted duck eggs and Potato shreds, fragrant. The master and servant had a hearty meal, and began to pack their luggage. The first step was to head towards Baishan, one of the secret places of the Yu family.

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