In the middle of the night, Li Haitang tossed and turned, stared at the top of the gauze tent with a sense of loss, and sighed faintly.

She has always been in a state of avoiding her own identity. She always believes that even if the king of Zhenbei ascends the throne and she becomes a phoenix, the noble status should belong to the original owner of the body, not herself.

Therefore, Li Haitang always took it as a responsibility, but she didn't know that since she occupied the original owner's body, they had already merged with each other and were inseparable.

Xiao Lingchuan understood his wife's attitude towards this, so he didn't go into details. Knowing too much would only increase his troubles. He took care of everything by himself, so that the capital was already **** and bloody, while Li Haitang lived extremely comfortably.

However, the good times are over.

"Madam, why are you still awake?"

Wu Fu sat up and lit the candles on the table, so that there was a faint light in the room.

Usually, Wufu can fall asleep when he touches the pillow, not only that, he sleeps soundly, and snores a little, but tonight it's her turn to be on duty at night, she is very vigilant, for fear that his wife will go to the toilet at night without anyone to help her.

"Can't sleep."

Li Haitang's voice was hoarse, she coughed twice, went through the location given on the map in her mind, and decided to go to the secret place of the Yu family.

"But ma'am..."

Wufu hesitated to speak, his wife was about to leave the black market before confinement, it was extremely dangerous, and...

There are arrest warrants and portraits everywhere in the city. If Madam went out so rashly, what if she was found by the Imperial Forest Army or the people who organized a group search? That's not a joke, when the master comes back, she, a servant, can't explain it!

"Have you forgotten, I still have a mask."

The mask was very thin, like a cicada's wings, and Li Haitang carried it with her everywhere. She was not very worried about revealing her identity. The other party had Zhang Liang's plan, and she had a wall ladder. No matter what, the forces left by the Yu family had to be subdued.

It's her business sooner or later, now it's the critical moment, it's just ahead of time.

"No way!"

Wufu was shocked and objected, "Your confinement is not yet full, it's only less than 20 days, madam, you are weak, how can you go out?"

As for the Ruan family, if they are beheaded, they will be beheaded. The identity of the wife may be leaked by those people. Why save people?

Wu Fu felt that Madam was just too kind.

"Even if other people have nothing to do with me, my cousin will be rescued."

Li Haitang shook her head, trying to convince Wu Fu that she couldn't get out now, so she could only rely on this girl for help. For Nanny Yu and Bai Guo, loyalty is loyalty, but it is not easy to coax. If she asks her mother-in-law for instructions or seeks advice from someone, she will have to reveal her secrets.

The youngest son drinks milk, but this time she gave birth, she didn't have any milk, and she relied on cows obtained from the black market, so she didn't need to worry at all.

The black market is absolutely safe, and her mother-in-law can take good care of the two little ones without her around.

"Even so, even..."

Wu Fu still wanted to argue with his words, but after thinking about it for a long time, he found that he was persuaded by his wife.

Madam is wise. Over time, Wu Fu has developed a good habit of being obedient.

"It's nothing to worry about. How many of those rural women in the mountains can confine themselves to the full confinement period? If they catch up with the busy farming season, they will only rest for two or three days and go to work in the fields again."

Li Haitang is not talking nonsense, especially when rushing to harvest, he can't wait to race against time, working from sunrise to dark, afraid that a rain will blow and lose the fruits of a year's labor.

Wu Fu grew up in the village, so he naturally knows, but his wife is different from the peasant women in the village. How can he not confine himself to confinement? What if the root cause of the disease is left in the future?

"Have you forgotten what I do? I am the doctor."

Li Haitang said categorically that he is fine, he looks weak because he has lost some energy and blood, and after this matter is over, he just needs to take good care of him.

"Healers cannot heal themselves!"

Wu Fu suddenly had a brilliant mind, and wanted to continue to object, but was frightened by Li Haitang's face, and said in an embarrassing way, "I'll just listen to you."

Li Haitang quietly breathed a sigh of relief, he could talk and negotiate, but in the end he had to act like a master, so tired!

The secret place of the Yu family is in Fenghuang Village in the north of the suburbs of Beijing. Li Haitang will definitely not be able to get there with only two legs, and a carriage is needed.

If you want to go out, you have to rely on Wufu to buy the carriage secretly in the city, so as not to disturb Mother Xiao and the others.

The master and servant discussed what to buy, and Li Haitang told Wufu to be careful in everything.

She is a servant girl, dressed in men's clothing, similar to a man, she went out to inquire about news, Xiao's mother saw that the past few days were going well, so she didn't stop her.

With a bitter face, Wu Fu went to the car dealership, but was disappointed.

There are cars, but there are no horses. They have been taken back by the Imperial Forest Army a few days ago, because they are fighting with the Yun Family Army and are in urgent need of horses and other supplies. Except for lame horses, there is nothing left.

Now, merchants and officials who have carriages are holding their own and will not lend them out at all.

The weather in the capital is changing, **** and rainy, and it is not certain when it will be the first, and everyone is waiting for the city gate to open, so that they can drag their families to escape.

The small frontier towns that he had looked at in the past have become good places to escape.

Wu Fu frowned, and bought two meat buns, but was bumped suddenly, and the meat buns fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a big wolf dog ran out from an unknown alley, and ran away with a meat bun in its mouth.

She suddenly thought of a sentence, the meat bun hits the dog and never returns.

Wufu is very angry, going out for nothing, even the wild dogs are against her, she has had enough!

"Are you Wufu?"

There was a little boy standing at the entrance of the alley. The little girl patted the dog's head, not afraid of the big wolf dog at all, and then looked at Wu Fu.

Recognized? Wu Fu was so frightened that his heart went cold for a while, and he thought to himself, then she would not be able to do things well, so he had to kill himself quickly, and he must not implicate his wife!

"Tang Bao, I didn't ask you to stay at home, why did you come out again!" Fang Shaoyao had a headache, and she lost her patience with her daughter, and was about to sneak her back when she saw a man suddenly, she felt a little familiar, but as a The wife of the official family, she usually goes out to socialize and socialize, and has met too many people, so she thought about it for a while.

Can't get up.

"Mother, it's Wufu."

Tangbao has a determined face. She and Doubao like to play games. She has also dressed up as a boy, and it is easy to recognize Wufu.

"Five blessings?"

Fang Shaoyao stepped forward, pulled him into the alley, looked him up and down, "Why did you come out?"

Wufu was crying, and was recognized by someone, and it was still the frenzied Mrs. Li. She didn't know how to answer the question.

"You follow me home first."

Fang Shaoyao pulled Wufu into the alley, pushed open the door of the second house, and let people in.

Li Guanglu was also unlucky for this capital change. After all, he was a descendant of the Li family, and he moved back to the Li family, leaving his wife and daughter outside. It has been half a month since Fang Shaoyao moved to this small courtyard. She has been inquiring about Li Haitang's whereabouts. There is a secret cellar in the courtyard where people can hide. She is really worried that Li Haitang will be betrayed and arrested by those people. go.

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