Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 974: Zuo Wanjin’s decision

Luochuan wandered around the streets of Oran, shopping for various local snacks.

Not a short time has passed since the casual mode background story unfolded.

So far, Luochuan has also learned a lot about Kolo.

As a magical world, its combat power was significantly lower than that of Tianlan Continent by several levels.

There are no such things as martial arts or exercises, but more magic based on magic power.

There are many races and many occupations.

Regarding strength, there is no clear division.

If there was no outbreak of the Ninth Natural Disaster, this magical civilization would definitely develop at a terrifying speed.

The appearance of collapse changed everything in this world.

After a long period of confrontation, civilization and collapse have become stalemate.

Recently, I don't know why, the infested Chaos Land has actually retreated.

After wandering for a while, Luo Chuan retreated.

The landlord at the counter continued, and Bu Lige had been replaced by Jiang Shengjun.

Bu Lige was standing beside him, in a state of thinking about life.

Luo Chuan walked over.

"Boss." Noting Luo Chuan, Bu Lige greeted him.

"Why don't you play?" Luo Chuan asked casually.

Bu Lige sighed deeply, as if he had seen life through: "It's boring."

Luochuan guessed the reason.

Without saying more, his eyes turned to the three Yao Ziyan who were fighting the landlord.

Jiang Shengjun looked at the card in his hand, even though the temperature in the store was pleasant, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yao Ziyan seemed to be holding the winning ticket, with a faint smile on his mouth.

Yao Ziyue was calm and serious.

A new fight for the landlord has begun.

The ending did not exceed Luochuan's expectations.

As the landlord, Yao Ziyan easily won the victory.

"Lost again—"

Jiang Shengjun collapsed on the chair and let out a long sigh.

Since sitting in this position, he has missed victory.

Yao Ziyue's mentality was obviously much better than him, her cheeks only bulged.

"It's too early, we're going back." Jiang Shengjun got up.

"Boss, Sister Ziyan, Sister Ziyue, let's go first." Bu Lige also regained his spirit, and said goodbye to the three.

Out of the origin mall.

The spiritual power is released to isolate the rain.

Disappeared into the night.

Then there was another fight against the landlord.

Feeling that the time is late, the card game is over.

After washing, I returned to the room.

It was not completely isolated from the rain outside, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, early morning.

There was a faint sound of rain falling on the eaves.

Luo Chuan came to the window.

Compared with yesterday afternoon, the heavy rain has obviously decreased.

The sky is still gloomy, and the thick clouds completely obscured the sky, and there was no trace of the rising sun.

Luochuan felt that this heavy rain should continue for a long time.

Not unexpectedly from Luochuan, the heavy rain continued for the next few days.

No one showed any concern about this.

According to Yao Ziyan, this kind of heavy rain for dozens of days is normal.

The residents of Jiuyao City also resumed their normal life.

The only difference is that it is inconvenient to travel...

"Do you have any food like insects in your store?" the boy asked hopefully.

Fengxianlou is the largest hotel in Jiuyao City, and it will happen in all likelihood.

The waiter looked awkward: "I'm sorry, there is no food like what you said."

"That's it." The young man sighed, turned and left the Fengxian Tower.

"What's the matter?" Zuo Wanjin walked over.

He noticed just now that many people came to Fengxianlou and asked what they had, and then left with disappointed expressions.

Is it looking for some kind of food?

Zuo Wanjin keenly grasped the key information.

"Lord." The waiter replied respectfully after hesitating for a while, "Just now the person asked if there is any insect-like food in Fengxianlou."

"Insect food?" Zuo Wanjin's expression became strange.

Can insects be used as food?

What is this kidding?

"Where are those people just now?" Zuo Wanjin continued to ask.

"It's the same question," the waiter replied.

Zuo Wanjin touched his head in confusion. He didn't understand why these people were asking this question.

"Do you know what's going on?" Zuo Wanjin glanced at the waiter.

"Recently, there was a live broadcast room called'Survival in the Forest' in the live broadcast of Origins." The waiter thought for a while, "I think this should be the reason."

With doubts, Zuo Wanjin sat on a special chair.

Take out the magic phone and open the origin live broadcast.

At a glance, I saw the "Forest Survival" in front.

With curiosity, clicked in.

Then, I saw the young man pulling off the head of the worm.

His face turned pale, and his stomach began to rush.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the nausea, and did not quit.

Suddenly noticed the content of the barrage.

"Just grab the head and internal organs to eat. 』

"The nutrients are five times that of ordinary meat! 』

"I'm new here, and I feel that the people here are a little abnormal, I'm a little scared. 』

"Newcomers, just get used to it. 』


Curiosity has the upper hand, keep watching.

It is lunch time, and the young man is making his worm lunch.

After the recent live broadcast, he has understood what is the most critical part of the live broadcast.

That is to understand what the audience wants to see.

As time passed, the skewers made of insects made strange "sizzling" sounds under the flames.

The surface became golden and crisp, and even dripping of fat gave off a bright fire.

Zuo Wanjin had already started to swallow unconsciously.

"The heat is almost there." The young man nodded in satisfaction, picked up a bunch and put it into his mouth...

Zuo Wanjin closed the live broadcast.

I also saw a lot of relevant information in group chats and dynamics.

Now he understood what Fengxianlou would do next.

At the end of lunch time, all the chefs were called.

They guessed what Zuo Wanjin was going to do.

"From today, Fengxianlou will introduce new dishes." Zuo Wanjin stood in front of the team and made a decision.

"Owner, what is the dish?" a chef asked.

Zuo Wanjin remembered that he was the first to make the Origin Mall Spicy Tiao.

Although there was a small episode in the middle, it did not erase the fact that he was a talent.

Zuo Wanjin's expression is mysterious: "Bugs."

"Bug?" Everyone looked at each other, unable to understand Zuo Wanjin's thoughts.

"Owner, are you talking about the popular "Forest Survival" in Origin Live recently?" The talented chef's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Zuo Wanjin nodded in satisfaction, patted his shoulder heavily, ignoring the latter's grinning expression, "I will leave this to you, I believe you will not let me down. ."

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