Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 954: Found the reason for the log error


He hasn't done anything yet.

This is too fast.

An Weiya at the end was stunned for a while before she recovered.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he muttered to himself in a low voice: "Speaker, I seem to understand the reason for the error log of the Thunder Tribulation program..."

Lei Jie hurriedly came and went hurriedly.

The thick dark cloud lasted more than a minute from appearing to leaving.

"It's gone?" The commander of the Imperial Guard looked at the clear sky with a surprised expression.

"So fast? I didn't even take a few photos."

"I was even worse, I didn't even take pictures."

"I took a few shots and they were all pretty good."

"Send it to me on the origin chat..."

Similar scenes appear in many customers.

The ordinary residents of Jiuyao City reluctantly withdrew their eyes and started their daily life.

"Twenty breaths, Your Majesty, it seems I won." Old Bai said with a smile.

"The gambling game will naturally be won and lost. I will invite you to spend on Origin Mall today." Ji Wuhui waved generously.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to follow your fate." Old Bai did not refuse, but responded with a smile.

Lei Jie disappeared too fast, and everyone in Origin Mall did not react for a while.

"This, what disappears too fast, right?" Yao Ziyue muttered blankly.

"It's no surprise that the boss makes a move." Bu Lige was quite open.

"Brother, do you see anything?" Chen Yiyi pulled at the corner of Chen Mo's clothes.

The corners of Chen Mo's mouth twitched: "Master certainly can't see through, I can see something."

"Huh? It seems to be the same." Chen Yiyi thought for a while, feeling that this makes sense.

In the lively conversation, the crowd gathered at the door dispersed.

They had just arrived at Origin Mall and heard the information of Sakura Village and new products from Bu Lige's mouth.

Before I had time to go and take a look, there was a catastrophe outside.

"Sister, are you now at the second rank of Venerable?" Yao Ziyue looked at Yao Ziyan up and down, with a puzzled expression, "It seems that there is no change."

From Yao Ziyan drinking coffee and saying that she was going to break through, and then to Luochuan's appearance in Lei Jihui San, she didn't show any difference from beginning to end.

Yao Ziyan felt it carefully, and nodded with certainty: "Yes, it is now the second rank of Venerable."

"Is it so ordinary?" Liu Rumei looked at Yao Ziyan with a subtle expression.

Luo Chuan heard their conversation.

"System, did you do it?"


The discussion did not get results, they looked at Luochuan.

"The clerk benefits of Origin Mall." Luo Chuan replied.

"So it's like this." Yao Ziyan suddenly.

Yao Ziyue thought for a while, then suddenly said, "Boss, does Origin Mall still recruit shop assistants?"

"Boss, I feel I am very suitable to be a clerk." Gu Yunxi also recommended herself.

"Boss! I know the things in the store best! Choose me, choose me!" Bu Lige yelled.

For a time, Origin Mall became very lively.

What glory, what new products, how can the position of the clerk of Origin Mall matter?

"Right now, Origin Mall does not recruit new clerks." Luo Chuan shook his head.

As soon as this remark came out, sighs suddenly sounded.

After a few more conversations, those new customers walked into Sakura Village.

They were very curious just now.

When Luo Chuan was about to sit on the recliner for a meeting, Qingyin walked over.

"Boss, is there some kind of musical instrument next to the cherry tree?"

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