Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 947: Emerging mobile payment

Bu poetic and Bu Lige left the team.

"This method of payment is really convenient." Bu Lige put away the magic phone and couldn't help but sigh.

"Now that Jiuyao City pays the spirit crystal, has it become like this?" Bu Shiyi's expression was strange.

She felt that after being away for three days, she couldn't keep up with the trend of Jiuyao City.

"Let’s start from yesterday." Bu Lige smiled. "At the time, someone in the group chat created by Zi Yan Sister mentioned that since everyone can save the spirit crystal to everyone’s account, when using it directly from Isn’t it enough to pay in the account? Then someone posted a post in the Origin Forum for comments, which was approved by many people. Everyone agreed on how to try it this morning."

Customers of Origin Mall have developed the prototype of mobile payment by themselves, and all this is based on the credibility of Origin Mall.

"It turned out to be like this." Bu nodded poetically, took a bite of Shaomai, and couldn't help exclaiming, "What taste?!"

"It's delicious!" Bu Lige didn't care about the temperature of his mouth, breathing quickly while eating...

After enjoying the cherry blossoms, Luochuan noticed something occupying a place next to the cherry blossom trees.

That is a piano.

Luo Chuan thought for a while and was convinced that it was not in his design.

Because I forgot.

It should be added by the system itself.

It looks good too.

"Boss, what is this?" Yao Ziyan naturally saw the piano.

"Piano." Luo Chuan replied.

"Piano?" Yao Ziyan looked puzzled.

"A musical instrument." Luo Chuan answered...

After eating, I came to the store of Origin Mall.

"Huh? The boss and Sister Ziyan seem not to be in the store." Noting that the counter was empty, Step Lige scratched his hair suspiciously.

He had finished eating the jade siu mai, and handily received the package into the space ring.

"Huh? What's the matter with that door?" Bu Shiyi noticed the different places in the store.

"Door? What door?" Bu Lige followed her gaze and opened her eyes wide. "There was none yesterday! Is this a new one made by the boss?"

"The sign is still written in the cherry blossoms." Bu poetically walked over.

Bu Lige also followed.

Just as the two of them hesitated to open the door to have a look, the door was pushed open.

There is a light fragrance in the air.

Luochuan and Yao Ziyan walked out.

Saw two people.

"Boss, this Sakura Village is the new product in the store?" Bu Lige thought about the new product.

Luo Chuan shook his head: "The new products are sold in Sakura Village."

"Can we go in and take a look?" Bu poetically asked Luo Chuan for advice.

Luo Chuan nodded, not forgetting to remind him: "The method of use is similar to buying ice cream."

The two responded and walked into Sakura Village.

The wooden door was not closed, and soon two exclamations came out.

After thinking about it, Luochuan decided to add the words "no noise" on the sign of Sakura Village.

After introducing Yao Ziyan what a piano is, he walked out considering it was almost open.

Then I encountered the poetry and song of stepping into the store.

I haven't had time to taste the taste of coffee.

"It seems that the new product has a great influence." Yao Ziyan smiled, "Stephen Song didn't have the first time to see how Rongguang was going."

"Rongguang ten people can start the game. Even if he enters the virtual world, he can only wait. It is better to try new products." Luo Chuan said.

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