Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 920: Because i didn’t add

"Slow use."

Yuan Gui put the last dish on the table.

Unlike Yao Ziyue and others who took their own meals, Yuan Gui brought this table in Luochuan himself.

This shows how much he attaches importance to the two.

Turn around and leave, enter the kitchen to pack things.

Luo Chuan found that Yao Ziyan was holding the magic phone, constantly adjusting the angle to the table.

"What are you doing?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Take a picture." Yao Ziyan replied, "Boss, you can move a little bit in the middle, so you won't be able to take a full shot.


The short episode ends soon.

Next is the time to eat.

Because it was Yuan Gui's invitation, he decides every dish.

There are four dishes and one soup.

The name Luo Chuan didn't know, anyway, they all looked delicious, and they didn't do much better than the usual food made by Yao Ziyan.

With anticipation, Luochuan chose a dish that looked like barbecue.

Put it in your mouth and chew gently.

A cold breath instantly filled his entire mouth, causing Luo Chuan to slightly widen his eyes.

It seems that in the vast ice field, the cold wind and extreme purity are perfectly reflected at this moment.

The faint smoky taste appeared casually, without the slightest sense of abruptness, everything went with the flow...

There was also a faint exclamation sound from Yao Ziyan's mouth: "Is this the nine rare rabbits of the Northern Ice Field?"

"That's right." Yuan Gui walked out of the kitchen. "Special roasting is used to lock the breath of the ice field in the meat. The wood used for barbecue is the soul-raising wood of southern Xinjiang."

"The two different flavors are perfectly blended together. It's amazing." Yao Ziyan praised.

"Huh? Why aren't these things on the menu?" The Yao Ziyue next to her took the menu, looking puzzled.

"Because I didn't add." Yuan Gui replied.


This answer is fine.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan tasted the remaining dishes again, none of them had any flaws.

Luo Chuan didn't respond much, because he was used to eating every day.

He has concluded that Yuan Gui's cooking skills and Yao Ziyan should be at the same level.

"How?" After the meal, Yuan Gui came to the table.

Just now when Wen Tianji, Wutian and others were about to leave after eating, Yuan Gui also asked the same question.

It seems that I want to know my shortcomings from the mouth of the diners.

Wen Tianji made two suggestions, and Yuan Gui said he would adopt them.

"Very good." Luo Chuan said.

He really feels so.

Yuan Gui nodded, his expression unchanged.

Then looked at Yao Ziyan.

Unlike Luochuan, Yao Ziyan thought for a while and said seriously: "I feel..."

Yuan Gui nodded repeatedly.

The two began to talk about cooking, Luo Chuan felt a little bored and took out the magic phone.

Open the origin forum.

A dynamic appeared on the screen.

Luo Chuan is familiar.

Isn't this the photo Yao Ziyan took just now?

In just such a short meal, Yao Ziyan’s news has been topped by those boring customers.

He flipped down.

There are many comments and many likes.

Most of the content is "what is this place", "things look so delicious", "you must go to Yuangui shop for a meal if you have the opportunity" and so on.

Continuing to look down, the dynamic content has undergone great changes compared to the past.

The most common is the complaints made by students from the four major colleges and Yaogu disciples about the assessment.

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