The store door of Origin Mall is still open.

Can see the outside scenery.

Night has come.

The various basic formations of Jiuyao City began to operate on their own, providing spiritual power for the lighting device.

Thousands of lights illuminate the world.

Perhaps this is a manifestation of civilization.

A few months ago, whenever night fell, the surroundings of Origin Mall would be swallowed by darkness.

The shadows of the uneven buildings are hidden in the dark, and only the door of Origin Mall shines brightly.

So fast.

Luo Chuan sighed with emotion.

Take out the magic phone.

It is getting late, and the number of live rooms in Origin Live has become very few.

Enter the group chat created by Yao Ziyan.

As always, it is still very lively here.

But the topic of discussion has become a little strange.

"Where is the location of Origin Mall? 』

"? ? You don’t know where the Origin Mall is and how to buy the magic phone? 』

"The group is so lively. 』

"How come there are so many people in the group suddenly, without knowing any of them. 』

"So many people. 』

"I don't know, is it because there are a lot of new customers in Origin Mall? But I was in Origin Mall this morning and afternoon, there was nothing unusual. 』


It should be the group of sea monsters.

But at present, not many people should have discovered their identity.

They all seemed to hide their identities tacitly.

Are you going to come to Origin Mall tomorrow and surprise the rest of the customers?

Luochuan feels that this is a great possibility.

With their personalities, they can indeed do such a thing.

But having said that, the Kraken is indeed a very strange race.

Water elemental creatures.

All are women.

The life span is almost infinite, even if it is killed, it can be resurrected in random waters.

Perhaps only this uncontested and peaceful personality can survive here.

Luo Chuan thought for a while, ready to code and speak.

There have been no codewords for a long time.

The archives that have been written down decrease at a rate visible to the naked eye.

As a believable author, we need to update tomorrow.

I drank cola.

Retrieving the memory in my mind, a clear plot emerges before my eyes.

Start code...

"Sister, do you need to tell other customers about the boss's return?" Yao Ziyue asked Yao Ziyan, holding the small black ball.

Yao Ziyan thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it. The boss just came back, so I should have a good rest."

"All right." Yao Ziyue sighed.

I feel a little disappointed in not being able to share this news with others.

"Take me to the red fruit." Yao Ziyan explained the task to Yao Ziyue.

The loss in her heart disappeared, and Yao Ziyue began to help Yao Ziyan.

The little black ball was placed aside, and stayed there quietly...

Luochuan, who was immersed in the plot, was pulled back to reality by the diffuse fragrance.

He raised his head, food was already on the table in front of him.

"Boss, how about a taste?" Yao Ziyan had a full smile on his face, "Because it's almost time to rest, I haven't done much."

Yao Ziyue was playing with Xiao Heiqi not far away.

Luochuan's mood was full of waves, it was a feeling of homecoming.

Put down the magic phone.

He took a breath and calmed down.

Eyes fell on the food.

There are not many, only two.

It can be seen that it is carefully made.

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