Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 883: Light door construction

"Light Gate?" The Sea-Monster Queen looked puzzled.

The rest of the Kraken were also a little puzzled.

"It can be considered as a special teleportation array." Luo Chuan explained, "It can always exist without energy maintenance."

"What materials do you need? We can provide." Yila wanted to do something.

Luo Chuan shook his head: "No materials are needed."

The light gate is made of pure energy, it involves the correction of information and does not need to consume materials to build.

"Where do you want to place the light gate?" Luo Chuan asked.

Since it is for the sea monsters to solidify the portal, they naturally need to listen to their opinions.

The siren looked at the siren queen.

The Siren Queen thought for a while and made a decision: "The square in the center of the city."

Surrounded by a group of various sea monsters, Luochuan came to the center of the city of sea monsters.

This is a rather empty square.

The ground seems to be some kind of special white metal, with strange lines engraved on it.

It looks like it should be a place for the sea monsters' daily leisure and entertainment.

Several sea monsters were frolicking here, a scene of peace and tranquility.

It is hard to imagine that this place was controlled by a crazy Kraken just a few hours ago.

Above the square is the area corresponding to the center of the dome in the city of Kraken.

The energy intensity is much higher than other places.

Luo Chuan also noticed some details that he hadn't discovered when visiting Elena just now.

Below this city, there is a special energy flow.

And the pattern of the city is also a bit special, as if it was deliberately built into this.

A little curious, but Luochuan didn't ask.

Come to the center of the square.

Summoned the system.

The bright white stars danced in the air, leaving lines that seemed to be substantive.

Soon, a white portal made of light appeared.

From beginning to end, it only lasted a few seconds.

Finished, call it a day.

"Soft." Elena came to Guangmen and poked.

"Huh? Really? I'll take a look too!"

"It looks so beautiful..."

Guangmen was surrounded by the siren, and there were excited discussions one after another.

"Through this light gate, can you directly reach the Origin Mall?" Yila felt a little dreamy.

Luo Chuan nodded and explained to the sea monsters how to use the light gate: "The opposite of the light gate is the Origin Mall store, which will be closed at night."

"Does the energy to keep the light gate need to be restored?" The Sea-Monster Queen guessed the reason.

"No." Luochuan shook his head, "Because Origin Mall will be closed at night, it is time for rest."

" there any such setting?" Yila's expression was subtle.

In her opinion, a powerhouse of Luochuan's level should have long since deviated from the usual rules.

Such a regular schedule always feels strange!

Most of the other Krakens are the same.

"It used to be like this, I'm used to it."

The reaction of the Krakens did not exceed Luochuan's expectations.

Also explained some precautions for the use of light doors.

"It's almost that." Luo Chuan said, "If it's okay, I'll go."

"Ah, are you ready to go now?" The Sea-Monster Queen asked nervously, "According to human customs, shouldn't you stay for a meal or something?"

Luo Chuan thought that when he met Yila, the Kraken told by the latter, as an elemental creature, judged food basically based on chewy things.

"Forget it." Luo Chuan chose to refuse, "See you tomorrow."

Luo Chuan walked into Guangmen in the sight of the sea monsters and farewell.

"Senior! You forgot about me!"

——An octopus monster from an island.

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