The passage is maintained through Yila.

Luochuan's advancement relies on the power of the channel.

After a while, Luo Chuan noticed that his speed was gradually decreasing.

It seems that the destination is about to arrive.

The passage disappeared, and Luochuan suddenly appeared in the deep sea.

The water pressure of the deep sea did not bring the slightest discomfort.

On the contrary, there is a novel feeling.

"The barrier is in front." Yila pointed to the front.

Luo Chuan watched hard and found a deflection surface that was almost invisible.

"Pass through the space barrier and pass through several space nodes to reach the Kraken Home."

Because Xu was about to return to the Sea-Monster home, Yila's mood was a little depressed.

"Let's go."

After speaking, she swam forward.

Luo Chuan floated along too—what a novel feeling.

Come to the space barrier.

Luo Chuan felt as if he had passed through an imperceptible obstacle, and some spatial characteristics had undergone slight changes.

He glanced behind him.

There was an unnatural twist in the sapphire water-the space barrier he had just passed through.

In the deep sea, the passage of time is almost imperceptible.

The surroundings are quiet and seem to be forgotten by the world.

Following Yila's strange route, the destination gradually approached.

Soon, an arc-shaped dome with a gleam of light appeared in the distance.

That is the destination of this trip.

Yila's speed faintly increased a little.

Xu was to explain to Luo Chuan, or to ease his tension, Yila’s voice rang in Luo Chuan’s ears: “In fact, there were not so many spatial nodes at the beginning. These were all decades ago. After the appearance of the shadow of the soul, the queen specially added it to prevent it from spreading to the outside world."

"Then how did you leave?" Luo Chuan asked.

Yila looked helplessly and sighed: "Because these space nodes are established by me leading the Krakens."


Almost forgot, the mermaid girl in front of her was still a general among the sea monsters.

In addition, Luo Chuan deliberately felt that the space here is very special and very stable.

And there is some kind of interference.

If you forcibly open up a space channel, you can only be exiled to the endless space turbulence.

This approach should be to prevent the sea monster infected by the shadow of the soul from leaving here through the tearing space.

Arc dome, space interference, space node, space barrier...

The Krakens made many decisions to prevent the shadow of the soul from fleeing.

As the distance narrowed, the strange scenery of the Sea-Monster Homestead unfolded in front of Luochuan.

The flat white sandy land stretches endlessly, and the flowing sea water leaves regular lines on it. There are strange deep-sea plants that exude dim light growing here, like the jungle in the deep sea.

Scattered white buildings converge into a city in the deep sea, decorated with various shells and spars. The high tower made of crystal stands on the edge of the city, and there are white spherical objects on it that emit light, as bright as daylight.

With a surreal magical style.

The edge of the city was surrounded by a low, crystal-like wall, and almost solidified powerful energy surged in it. The energy surged upward from the crystal wall, and finally converged into an arc-shaped dome surrounding the city.

The dome is both a shield and a cage.

A cage created by the Krakens for themselves.

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