Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 868: Turbulence in the land of chaos

Kolo is a real world, and everyone in it is flesh and blood.

All the customers of Origin Mall are aware of this matter, because Luochuan once emphatically reminded it.

The casual mode also has many strict rules. For example, if a player makes an unexplained move against the residents of Koror, they will be directly brought forward to the game and their account will be blocked.

The treatment of Saints of Light lasted for several minutes.

When the white holy light disappeared, the messenger's face was still pale, but his injuries had healed a lot.

"Thanks a lot." Feeling his body, the messenger solemnly thanked him.

"It's all about the effort." The girl smiled.

"How did you get entangled in these infectors?" the man in black asked.

The messenger sighed and shook his head: "We don't know that these infectors appeared completely suddenly, and there is no sign at all. When we reacted and wanted to escape, it was no longer possible. In desperation, we had no choice but to escape. The nearest Oran sent a signal for help."

"Then you are unlucky enough." There was not much ridicule in the words of the epee woman.

The messenger and others smiled bitterly, not knowing how to answer.

"I heard that you came here with some news?" An Weiya asked.

Due to the impact of the collapse, the magic of information transmission has been difficult to use, so the messenger industry was born.

The messenger was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about whether he could tell the information, and finally took a deep breath, as if he wanted to vomit all the depression in his chest along the way.

He looked at the crowd with an extremely solemn expression: "Not long ago, the collapse of the Chaos Land caused violent turbulence, and there seemed to be some kind of change in it. More details are not convenient to tell."

The land of chaos is the name given to the place completely infested by the collapse in the population of Koro.

The collapse there has been so strong that high-level magicians can't resist it, and only by holding things of order with them can they survive for a short time.

At the same time, there is also the world of infectors.

An Weiya and others looked at each other.

Turbulence in the land of chaos?


This information is really difficult to bring them too much touch.

The messenger noticed these people's reactions and was puzzled.

Could it be that these people in Oran now don't pay attention to collapse?

After a brief conversation, the messenger and others returned to Oran under the protection of Anvia and others.

After leaving the game, the content of the tasks of Anvia and others caused a little heat among customers, and soon became annihilated in countless topics...

According to Yila's idea, the sooner you go to the Kraken's home, the better.

But Luo Chuan noticed that her mental state was not very good.

Origin brand grapes can indeed purify soul pollution, and also have many beneficial functions, but spiritual will and other aspects still depend on oneself.

"I think it's better to take a break." Luo Chuan thought for a while and said.

"This...well." Yila wanted to refute, but in the end she had no choice but to sigh.

The three of them were holding magical phones, killing time on the island.

As time goes by, the sun becomes hotter and hotter.

Luochuan took out his portable room again and walked in.

The octopus monster and Yila also followed.

Looking at the environment in the room, they were amazed.

For a time, I only feel dazzled and dizzy.

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