"I don't know either!" The octopus monster was full of excitement in his words, and his eyes were filled with excitement, "I want to stop too, but I just can't control myself."

After talking to Luo Chuan, it seemed to be unable to control itself again and began to circle on the beach.

This guy seems to be affected in some way mentally.

Luo Chuan glanced at the pattern on the sea-monster girl's fishtail again, which should be the reason.

But this effect doesn't seem to be a negative effect. Didn't you see the spirit of the octopus monster is surprisingly good?

What to do next?

Luo Chuan thought for a while and took out a grape.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something.

"System, is there no price for this thing?" Luo Chuan asked the system in his mind.

"Special items, the boss decides how to use them." The system replied.

Just let me figure it out.

After thinking about it, Luo Chuan finished thinking.

Forget it, save these sea monsters first.

Luo Chuan opened the sea monster girl's mouth and stuffed the grapes in.

I have to say that the effects of what the system produces are absolutely nothing to say.

The Kraken girl opened her eyes in an instant, and there were bursts of painful sounds of unknown meaning in her mouth.

Luo Chuan clearly saw that those eyes had completely turned into jet black, containing endless madness and destruction!

"...Coming...He is coming...He is coming..."

The spirit of the siren girl is not stable, she has been in a strange state.

But judging from the previous scene where she was transformed into a storm, this state is not surprising.

Luo Chuan suddenly saw that in the shadow under her, there seemed to be some weird thing surging.

"...He is in my mind...Get out! Get out!"

At first, there were bursts of painful murmurs, and then the sea-monster girl's face became a little hideous, as if she was struggling with something terrible.

The weird things in the shadow surged more and more intensely, seeming to have received some kind of great damage, making a weird neighing sound.

In the next instant, a completely dark shadow broke away from the shadow.

As soon as I came to the real world, I wanted to escape to the distance.

It subconsciously chose the opposite direction to Luochuan, and seemed to be afraid of the latter.

"What is this?" Luo Chuan was intrigued when he saw the shadow.

Luo Chuan could feel that the shadow seemed to contain a certain low-level sanity.

More importantly, the shadow is the reason that makes the Siren girl into a crazy state.

Feeling the threat, the shadow stopped fleeing.

It made a strange sound of unknown meaning at Luo Chuan-it would be even better if it didn't retreat.

"It seems that being a pet is also good."

Luo Chuan touched his chin and muttered to himself.

The figure disappeared and appeared behind the shadow.

Luo Chuan bent over to grab it, and then caught it in his hand.

It feels cold and soft, and feels very good.

The shadow was caught by Luo Chuan, and suddenly there was no movement, as if he had fallen into a state of pretending to be dead because of some great fear.

Of course, it may also be due to some other reason...

But Luo Chuan's attention is not here now.

Because he noticed that after the shadow in the shadow disappeared, the sea-monster girl's eyes had turned into the pure blue of the ocean.

Her eyes were a little lost, and her mental state seemed to have not fully recovered.

The effect of that grape is worthy of the name of its fetish, and the sea monster girl is quickly recovering.

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