Spiritual power, air, sea water, strong wind...

Everything in the spherical area has disappeared, but it is not a regular deletion.

The void formed was immediately filled by the sea below, but the stern and weird singing in the storm became a lot harsher in an instant.

It seems to have caused a lot of damage.

As if provoked, the storm became more intense.

The violent wind blade was mixed with thunder raging, and a bright flash broke out on the shield of the island.

The corner of Luo Chuan's mouth appeared to be curved.

With a wave of his hand, a lot of silver-white **** appeared on the open space next to him.

These are all space implosion bombs, which are divided into many types, such as space collapse, energy burst, etc. The one just used is the space collapse type.

The explosive power of the space implosion bomb can cause damage to the siren who is transformed into a storm without being fatal. When the injuries accumulate to a certain level, it may be able to make her exit the state of the storm.

If something unexpected happens... the time for several products in Origin Mall to be effective.

For this glorious and great task, Luo Chuan already had a suitable fish selection in his mind.

Luo Chuan looked at the octopus monster in the bush, who was still using his tentacles to cover his eyes and screaming.

"Come here." Luo Chuan said.

"Huh? Senior, did you call me?" The octopus finally stopped screaming and looked at Luochuan.

Luo Chuan nodded.

The octopus monster swam over cautiously.

After seeing those space implosion bombs, the body suddenly trembled.

The picture just now is still imprinted in its mind, and its eyes are still tingling.

The initiator of everything is nothing but a small silver-white metal ball.

There are so many here, if it breaks out at the same time...

The octopus monster swallowed, and it didn't dare to think anymore.

"Senior, what's the matter?" The octopus monster quietly moved away a little bit.

"Throw these space implosion bombs into the storm." Luo Chuan gave the octopus monster a mission request.

"Senior, are you kidding me?" The octopus monster's voice trembled, "These things are so powerful..."

"As long as the method is correct, there will be no problems." Luo Chuan said flatly, and explained the usage to the octopus monster.

Although very reluctant, the octopus monster dare not refuse.

The tentacles tremblingly rolled up a ball, and the octopus monster gritted his teeth and threw it into the storm.

The familiar "sun" appeared, and the storm instantly emptied a large area, but it was immediately made up for by the nearby storm.

"Continue." Luo Chuan's voice sounded.

The fear in the octopus monster's heart has gradually disappeared, and his mood has become excited.

The scene just now was actually caused by yourself?

A look of excitement flashed in its eyes, and all eight tentacles went into battle.

For a while, dazzling brilliance and violent roar appeared in the depths of the storm, and the movement was so loud that it even faintly suppressed the movement of the storm itself!

Luo Chuan watched this scene, holding Coke in his hand.

He would definitely not do this kind of physical work himself, because it was not in line with his identity.

Since the octopus wants to seek refuge, it is not too much to act as a tool man.

And now it seems to have fun.

The octopus monster tentacles carry a very powerful force, each time it can accurately throw the silver-white ball into the center of the storm, and the position is different.

All kinds of space implosion bombs burst in the storm, and the terrifying energy makes the space tremble!

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