Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 775: Demon Emperor arrives

A large group of people are looking forward to it under the blazing sun, whether this is the loss of morality or the twisting of human nature...cough, it's on the stage.

All in all, whether it is the city guards or those preparing to enter or leave the city, they are all staring at the "golden sun" that is approaching in the sky.

When the demon emperor saw the magnificent Jiuyao City in the distance, he gradually slowed down, and the golden light covering his body gradually dimmed.

After seeing the city gate, he made a puzzled voice: "What are these humans doing?"

The demon emperor clearly saw that they seemed to be... looking at themselves?

With doubts in his heart, the Demon Emperor came to the city gate and descended to the ground.

Origin Mall is located in Jiuyao City, although I don't know that the boss cares, but flying past in the air is obviously not an appropriate approach.

Then the Demon Emperor noticed that these people were still staring at him.

Compared with just now, everyone's expressions are quite agitated, as if they see someone who is extremely respected in their hearts.

At the same time, there were bursts of whispered talking voices.

"It looks familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere."

"This appearance...should be the monster royal family? And I also feel a little familiar."

"I thought about it! He is the demon emperor in the previous live event of Origin Mall!"

"Hi... Demon Emperor? It is the demon emperor who has not lost the wind and crushed three Buddhas in battle with the Lord Buddha?!"

"How come I am so familiar? It turned out to be this senior..."

With the cultivation base of the Demon Emperor, these subtle conversations can naturally be heard easily.

Quite useful for a while.

So many humans know this emperor, it seems that even after decades of years, the reputation of this emperor is still undiminished.

However, only a few days have passed since the previous battle at Mount Xumi, how did these people know?

The Demon Emperor was a little puzzled, because he found that there were even a few ordinary people in the crowd.

Could it be because of the so-called "live broadcast" that Wutian mentioned earlier?

The Demon Emperor didn't have a clear understanding of what "live broadcast" was, only the name.

When he came to the city gate, the crowd voluntarily gave way to a path.

"Senior Demon Emperor." Suddenly, a voice trembling because of tension sounded.

The demon emperor paused and looked back.

The owner of the voice is a female cultivator, who does not seem to be too old.

He noticed the demon emperor's gaze, his hands clenched subconsciously.

Even so, he still mustered his courage to look at the golden eyes of the Demon Emperor: "Monster... Senior Demon Emperor... Can I... take a photo with you?"

"Huh?" The Demon Emperor raised his eyebrows, "Photo, what is that?"

"Um..." The female cultivator thought for a while and explained, "It's... something that can freeze the frame, shot with a magic phone."

As he said, he raised the magic phone in his hand and shook it twice.

"Oh." The Demon Emperor nodded, "Yes."

"Ah? You agreed?" The female cultivator widened her eyes in surprise, and she couldn't believe it for a while.

She had made a lot of determination to say this. She didn't expect the Demon Emperor to agree so simply, it was a bit beyond her expectation.

This senior demon emperor, unexpectedly talked well.

"From your point of view, that photo doesn't take much trouble." The Demon Emperor looked at the female cultivator who was still stunned, and urged, "Hurry up, I'll have business in a while."

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