Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 731: Lucky customer rewards

Things that are ignored should not be important.

Otherwise, Luochuan will not forget.

Looking at Luo Chuan's thinking, Bu Lige was heartbroken: "Laughter, Boss! Didn't you say that you would draw ten lucky viewers?"

It turned out to be a lottery.

Luo Chuan finally remembered.

To be honest, he did not take this matter to heart.

Originally in his plan, the lottery was only a means to increase the popularity of live broadcasts, although the influence of this method made him, the initiator, feel a little surprised.

Those who watch the live broadcast are divided into two types: Origin Mall customers and people who join in the fun.

The latter are mostly composed of ordinary residents of Jiuyao City, who are very interested in Origin Mall and heard about holding events here.

Luochuan didn't have much feeling for these people. It's human nature to join in the fun.

However, the method of drawing lucky viewers may need to be changed.

After a brief thought, Luo Chuan made a decision.

The number has doubled and a total of 20 people will be drawn.

Ten customers and ten non-customers.

When Luochuan revealed this information, every customer was extremely surprised.

Originally, they were a bit hostile to the fact that so many ordinary people came to join in the live broadcast of Origin Mall.

After all, there are only ten people in the lottery. Luochuan has never said that the lottery will be held among customers.

But now, these worries just disappeared...

"System, come out to work." Luochuan began to summon the system.

Looking at the hundreds of lottery plans proposed by the system, Luochuan felt that the system might be expressing its resistance to Luochuan's oppression in this way.

Luochuan refused to comment on this, and even wanted to drink ice-cola...

When a Nuo Da number selector appeared in the store with a muffled sound, to be honest, Luo Chuan's mood was a bit subtle.

He didn't even look at the lottery plan, so he chose one at random. He didn't expect it to be like this.

However, I have chosen all of them. Although the style is a bit low, it will be useful.

Because he was too lazy to change.

Customers naturally showed great interest in this seemingly novel machine.

After hearing Luo Chuan say that this is the tool used in the lottery, I became more interested...

The lottery process will not be repeated one by one.

It is nothing more than pressing the stop button above when the number of the number selector is jumping.

The number above is the customer’s magic phone number.

Of course, everyone who eats melon also has their own number.

Luo Chuan did not participate in it, and Yao Ziyan did it for him.

He was thinking about what to give.

World tree leaves? Nothing new.

How long is the game? Like the world tree leaf, although it will be very popular, Luochuan feels that it is not very suitable.

After thinking for a while, Luo Chuan set his goal on a name that emerged in his mind.

After Rongguang conducted the first test, Luochuan made some changes during this period.

Test it again, make any changes, and you can put it into use.

Luochuan set the customer's reward as a test quota.

The reward for non-customers is one copy of each of the three products: Coke and Sprite.

These people are here for free, so just give something to them.

The draw did not last too long.

After ten minutes, twenty lucky spectators were selected.

Ten of the lucky melon eaters took the prizes and left the Origin Mall with joy.

After returning, they had the capital to brag with others.

The rest of the people who ate melons also left Origin Mall, feeling more or less disappointed.

Luo Chuan didn't care about it at all, and the others didn't care.

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