As a result of the previous action to clean up Jiuyao City, Ji Wuhui's prestige in the Sky Star Empire has reached its peak.

He felt very satisfied with the decision he made.

Compared with North Korea, no, the two are not comparable at all.

Where are the events of Origin Mall in the North Korea meeting the least important?

"Well, let me arrange it." Old Bai sighed.

At the same time, I was a little bit happy.

Because he also didn't want to miss the event.

Your Majesty is really wise to make such a decision.

Like Ji Wuhui, there are many customers looking forward to welfare.

But this time, they are destined to be a little disappointed.

Because the benefits of this event are more than a bit worse than the last time.

In the expectation of customers and Luochuan's fishing, the business hours in the morning ended.

Time came to noon.

According to the custom of Origin Mall, it is lunch time.

Yao Ziyan and Yao Ziyue are cooking.

The girl Yao Ziyue seems to have taken the role of a clerk.

Luo Chuan didn't think too much.

The sister has not seen each other for a long time, it is normal.

Hu Kuang did not come over to eat.

At lunch time, it passed peacefully.

Because of the event, customers soon came to Origin Mall.

"I don't know what the content of this event is, I'm really looking forward to it." Bu Lige will naturally not miss the event, with an excited expression and speculation.

"I hope it's similar to last time." Gu Yunxi answered, "I want to eat the food made by Sister Ziyan."

As soon as this statement came out, there were bursts of echoes.

Among them, some customers participated in the last event and expressed their expectations.

Customers who did not participate feel very sorry that they missed it.

"According to the old man's guess, it should be very different from the last time." Yao Huichen said.

"What the head said is extremely true."

"That's right."

A group of Yaogu disciples and elders continued to agree.

Yao Huichen smiled, looking very useful...

"I always feel that the image of Yaogu in my heart is shattered." Chen Mo retracted his gaze, scratched his hair, and said to Chen Yiyi beside him.

"Ah? Brother, what are you talking about?" Chen Yiyi's attention has been around, and the environment in the shop is noisy, she did not hear Chen Mo's words clearly.

"It's nothing." Chen Mo shook his head. If these words were heard by the people of Yaogu, it would be a bit unpleasant...

Because of the event, almost all customers who could come to Origin Mall came.

Among them, there are naturally many ordinary residents of Jiuyao City.

They also got the news and came here to join in the fun.

Even if the space in Origin Mall is huge, it can't hold so many people.

Therefore, the Origin Mall was directly full, and even the streets outside the alley were crowded with people.

In order to prevent the stampede from happening, the royal guards were dispatched directly.

Under the leadership of Xia Yu, order is maintained.

"Captain, I also want to go to the event." Looking at the bustling crowd, some of the guards expressed their own voice.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the approval of the guards.

Xia Xiayu shook his head: "No, you don't want to."

All Guards:...

Luochuan was surprised to see such a lively scene.

He slightly underestimated the enthusiasm of these people for Origin Mall.

Originally in Luochuan's plan, the ash-eating monitor hung opposite the store door finally came into play in this live broadcast.

But looking at it now, um...

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