"Brother Wugui, I was looking forward to Origin Mall, so I left first." Chen Yan said goodbye.

"I believe the owner's shop will definitely not let you down." Ji Wuhui smiled.

Chen Yan and An Feiyu left the hall and walked outside the imperial city.

"Your Majesty, when the Great Emperor Huo Yuan came to Jiuyao City, he really doesn't care about anything?" Old Bai asked.

Ji Wuhui smiled, took the magic phone placed next to him, and while browsing the content on it, said: "Chen Yan and An Feiyu are only two people here, which means that he has given up. There is origin in Jiuyao City. In the mall, the Huoyuan Empire has no chance of winning at all.

Instead of continuing to waste troops, it is better to actively seek peace. Moreover, the Star Empire and the Huoyuan Empire were adjacent to each other, and Chen Yan was not a fool, and naturally knew what choice to make. "

Old Bai thought for a while, and felt that Ji Wuhui's words made sense.

Although it was the worship of the Star Empire, he did not like to participate in political affairs.

He doesn't like this kind of twists and turns.

"By the way, what experiment does the boss seem to have done?" Ji Wuhui asked.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Mr. Bai nodded: "Well. The boss is in casual mode, and at the door of Origin Mall, he melted the rocks with different flames."

Ji Wuhui thought for a while, and chose to give up: "I wonder what the meaning of the boss' experiment is, and the instrument called Suona. I heard that even the head of medicine and Fairy Qingyin were amazed. If possible, let those singers learn. I'm very curious about what makes the musical instrument specially used by the boss unique."

"Um..." Old Bai thought for a while and suppressed the words of admonition in his heart.

Perhaps, your Majesty might like this special musical instrument. Old Bai thought in his heart.

"Two people walk slowly, come back again when you have time." Xia Xiayu said to Chen Yan and An Feiyu who had left.

Xia Xia Yu vaguely saw that there seemed to be a momentary disharmony in the footsteps of the two.

"Strange, what do you mean by your Majesty asking me to say these things?" Xia Yu was still wondering.

After leaving a distance, Chen Yan stopped and looked at the imperial city behind him.

He breathed out slowly, a smile appeared on his face: "This guy... his personality hasn't changed a bit."

"Your Majesty, we..." asked An Feiyu next to him.

"Go to Origin Mall."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Walking on the streets of Jiuyao City.

This time, it did not interfere with the perception of surrounding pedestrians.

From time to time, someone cast a curious look at the two of them-nothing more.

Now in Jiuyao City, there are many similar people.

Origin Mall is now well known in Jiuyao City.

Without much effort, they learned the approximate location of Origin Mall from other people's conversations.

"Why are there so many people here?" Chen Yan noticed the crowded street ahead.

Although it was crowded, there was no fighting or anything.

On the contrary, with a sense of order, these people are consciously lining up.

This is the rule set by Fengxianlou.

You can only buy spicy noodles and instant noodles if you line up.

At first, this request caused opposition from some people.

But... the objection is invalid.

It didn't take long for people to discover that the efficiency of queuing to buy is much higher than that of crowds.

So, there is this scene before us.

Moreover, the practice of Fengxian Tower has been gradually popularized in Jiuyao City.

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