The launch of ice cream caused a much stronger shock among customers than Luochuan expected.

According to Luo Chuan's inference, the great reason is due to the time of day.

As mentioned earlier, the weather in Jiuyao City is getting hotter day by day.

It has been from early summer to the hot summer time gradually.

As a cold product, ice cream not only has the effect of increasing the strength of the mental power, but also has a good appearance and good taste.

A warm welcome is an inevitable scene.

Yao Huichen and the elders of Yaogu gathered together and ate an ice cream alone.

Luo Chuan, who was in a state of salted fish, always felt a bit delicate when seeing this scene.

Can you imagine several scenes of old white beard eating ice cream together-now it is.

"The strength of the mental power has indeed increased." The third elder Yaogu nodded with a solemn expression.

"It's not obvious, but it does exist." Another elder added.

"Furthermore, the introduction of ice cream did not say that there is an upper limit for the increase of mental strength." The elder began a thought storm, "That is to say, if you can eat unlimited ice cream, your mental strength can be increased without limit."

Alchemists are people with special hobbies.

The great elder's hobby is that he likes to delve into the feasibility and conclusion of a matter.

"...In theory, this is indeed the case." After a while of silence, an elder said.

"But you have to understand the great elder, the theory is different from real life." Yao Huichen patted the shoulder of the great elder.

The Grand Elder's expression was a bit awkward.

He understood that he had just committed an occupational disease.

"Now, let's talk about which ice cream tastes best." Yao Huichen looked at the elders with serious expressions.


Sovereign, you are enough!

"Haha, just kidding." Yao Huichen smiled and shifted the topic in the right direction. "The effect of ice cream on mental power is self-evident. It should be discussed and let the other alchemists in Yaogu, come It’s about the Origin Mall."

The most important thing for a pharmacist is mental power.

The strength and quantity of mental power determine the achievement that a pharmacist can achieve.

Next, several people began to discuss things about Yaogu.

Although Yaogu is a sect, its management is relatively loose.

The disciples or pharmacists inside have great freedom.

After a while, several people discussed it and came to a conclusion-let the flow go.

Anyway, Medicine Valley has now built a teleportation formation, and coming to Jiuyao City is not a troublesome thing.

In short, love does not come.

"I always feel that there is no difference between consultation and non-discussion." The third elder looked puzzled.

"The head is the character. After so many years, don't you understand?" The elder said in a low voice, looking at Yao Huichen's back.

"I can hear it." Yao Huichen's voice came.

The elder coughed and stopped talking to the third elder...

"Boss, many people have entered the group." Yao Ziyan and Luo Chuan shared joy.

She handed the magic phone to Luochuan and pointed at the screen.

Luo Chuan took a look.

In just over an hour, the number of people in the group has already broken the 100-person mark.

"It seems that the customers are very enthusiastic." Luo Chuan commented.

With the previous origin forum as a foreshadowing, Origin Chat did not bring too many questions to customers.

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