Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 650: Will of the universe

In the past few days, the customers of Origin Mall have made great achievements in exploring the leisure mode of the Tower of Trial.

Gu Yunxi, the highest level, has successfully reached level 30.

I just don't know what's going on, now she still only rubs the fireball...


A fireball with a diameter of two or three meters landed on a wolf-shaped monster that was bound by Tengman. The bursting flame directly occupied tens of square meters of space. The terrifying heat wave hits wantonly, leaving a trail on the ground. Traces of the impact.

After the flame subsided, the Warcraft also lost its trace, leaving a black crystal on the ground. This is a kind of magic crystal burst from the Warcraft, which can strengthen the equipment.

At the same time, two prompts sounded in the ears of Gu Yunxi and Jiang Wanshang respectively.

Gu Yunxi's main attack, Jiang Wanchang's main support, the two became more proficient in hunting monsters.

"Xi'er, your fireball skill is really getting stronger and stronger!" Jiang Wanchang praised with a smile.

"Um... don't talk about this, we are still good friends." Gu Yunxi gave Jiang Wanchang a white look.

No matter what profession they choose, other players will have at least two or three skills, even more than five, six, seven or eight.

Only herself, can only use fireball from start to finish.

Regarding this issue, Gu Yunxi also specifically consulted Luochuan.

She clearly remembered Luo Chuan's words at the time, "Perhaps, this is the reason for the will of the universe", the boss said.

Will of the universe?

I feel boss you are fooling me. Gu Yunxi only had this idea in her mind.

Although there are no other skills, Gu Yunxi's fireball technique is becoming more and more proficient.

The speed of rubbing the fireball and the power of the fireball have been greatly improved.

Now she can make a square fireball!

Well, this is also an improvement.

Perhaps in the future, with a single fireball technique, he will be able to disregard many players. Gu Yunxi comforted herself in her heart...

the above.

There is another thing about casual mode.

After such a long time of activity, many players have finally walked out of the Yato Mountains and came to the city named Oran.

I have to say that the player's identity is really easy to use.

The arrival of the players did not cause any unusual circumstances.

In addition, they also showed a keen interest in this exotic city full of western medieval styles and races.

They also discovered that the creatures of various races such as humans, elves, orcs in the city all seem to be alive and have their own minds.

This shocked the customers, while admiring Luochuan to a higher level.

Well, Luo Chuan is already synonymous with mystery and power in their hearts, and no amount of admiration is of any use...

All in all, almost half of the customers who were originally obsessed with leveling have changed their mindset in the game after they came to Oran.

How can it be fun to explore the new world when leveling?

This is quite in line with the name casual mode...

Now in the dynamics of the Origin Forum, there have been a lot of insights about Koror’s upgrade path, customs, and food, mainly the latter.

As mentioned earlier, food can also be eaten in casual mode!

So from this point of view, the customers of Origin Mall have not ran away from the food...

The city lord of Oran, the one who knew he was going to send someone to explore the Ato Mountains, had actually sent someone there.

The news that he got made him let go of his heart. It was just a few wizards and knights who hunted the beasts and infested bodies in the wilderness...

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