Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 578: Zuo Wanjin’s decision

Fengxian Tower.

As the largest restaurant in Origin Mall, it sells a variety of delicacies.

Most of these delicacies use monsters as ingredients.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to cook good monster meat.

Therefore, these chefs must have cultivation skills.

Zuo Wanjin's mood is a bit nervous now.

He naturally also heard about Origin Mall.

He didn't feel much about the existence of this behemoth in Jiuyao City.

As the saying goes, when the sky is falling, there is a tall man, he, a small Fengxianlou owner, can anyone pay attention to him?

But when he heard that there were a vast array of cooking tutorials in Origin Mall, he was a little bit restless.

As the host of Fengxianlou, appointed by Ji Wuhui, Zuo Wanjin has his own professional ethics.

It can be seen from the physique...

He attaches great importance to cooking.

This scene now is the preparation before going to Origin Mall.

That's right.

Zuo Wanjin is going to lead a team to Origin Mall to learn cooking!

"About Origins Mall, I believe you all know it?" Zuo Wanjin's gaze scanned every chef.

"As you can see, what we are going to do today is to learn cooking at Origin Mall."

The sound fell, and there were bursts of noise.

A dozen chefs have different expressions.

Nervous, excited, apprehensive...


"Quiet." Zuo Wanjin frowned.

Suddenly, everyone closed their mouths.

Zuo Wanjin's power is self-evident.

"This is not discussing with you." Zuo Wanjin said flatly.

"Owner, can't the Fengxian Tower open yet?" someone asked.

"Closed today." Zuo Wanjin waved his hand, "Today is a day of study! Go!"

After that, he went out.

When the chefs saw this, they quickly followed.

"Huh? Isn't this Zuo Wanjin, the host of Fengxian Tower? What is he going to do with these chefs?"

"This direction seems to be Origin Mall?"

"What do they go to Origin Mall?"

"I heard that in the virtual device of Origin Mall, there are some cooking tutorials, a recipe from Bai Lingjing."

"One hundred spirit crystals, so expensive? Ming grabbing!"

"What you said is wrong. The Origin Mall is not opened for ordinary people like you. The customers inside are scary!"

"It turned out to be so, I was taught..."

Zuo Wanjin's body shape is very eye-catching walking on the road.

There are already many pedestrians on the streets in the early morning.

After seeing such a special team, they talked.

In addition, many people followed, wanting to see what happens next.

"That's it." Zuo Wanjin stopped outside an alley.

"Owner, it's not far from our Fengxian Tower," one person said.

"Yes. It's a remote location, no wonder no one has found it for so long."

"Okay, be quiet." Zuo Wanjin said, and the chefs suddenly became quiet. "How can we talk about the Origin Mall? When we go in for a while, we all behave calmly. Don't watch. Like a soil bun who has never seen anything!"

"I see, the original poster." The chefs responded one after another.


Zuo Wanjin said, entering the alley first.

Behind him were a dozen chefs in white clothes.

It seems that there is so much power.

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