Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 572: Break through level 20

"It seems that the mall system will be opened to sell all kinds of elixir, spiritual tools, etc." Gu Yunxi thought for a while, and said with some uncertainty.

Then, the little girl waved her hand: "Whatever he is, I won't know if I reach level 20."

Regarding this, Jiang Wanshang agreed...

"Strike its chest, there is the energy core!"

Gu Yunxi shouted, while also avoiding a soil thorn shot from the ground.

The opponent of the two is a "giant" who is nearly three meters in size.

The "giant" is made of earth and rocks, and a little humanoid can be seen vaguely.

Every movement will leave deep marks on the ground.

The most eye-catching thing is an earth-yellow spar on its chest, exuding good energy fluctuations.

"Earth Crystal Giant: Earth Elemental Creature.

Level: 20.

Skills: soil thorn, ground collapse, trampling, violent.

With the pure earth element as the core, the condensed earth and rock giant, every attack is accompanied by the power of the earth. "

Time went back a few minutes ago.

Gu Yunxi and Jiang Wanchang found it in a valley full of earth and rocks.

With the previous experience of fighting the lava fire python, the two did not choose to give up because of their huge size.

"Twenty-level creature!" Looking at the earth crystal giant resting in the valley, Gu Yunxi's eyes gleamed, "I will definitely give a lot of experience, and I will definitely break through the 20th level!"

"I don't think it will be that simple. It's better to be careful." Jiang Wanshang frowned.

"Of course!" Gu Yunxi smiled, "I will do my best to deal with enemies of any level!"


Jiang Wanchang rolled over to the ground, panting.

The difficulty of the earth crystal giant is even greater than that of the previous lava fire python.

As a result, the two did not succeed in the first attack, but fell into a bitter battle.

The defensive power of this guy is extremely terrifying. The two people's power shot down on it, and most of them can only leave a mark, which is difficult to cause any substantial damage.

"Strike its chest, there is the energy core!"

Gu Yunxi's voice came.

Jiang Wanchang took a deep breath, and there seemed to be a brilliance flashing in his eyes.


A striking footprint appeared on the ground.

Jiang Wanchang rushed past like a phantom.

Seeing this, Gu Yunxi's offensive became more intensive, attracting the great attention of the earth crystal giant.

When Jiang Wanshang wrapped in flames, the earth crystal giant was already unable to resist!

Slow action is its biggest weakness!

The flame turned into a sharp blade, and ran across the chest of the earth crystal giant.

The khaki spar took the earth and rocks away and flew aside.

The body of the earth crystal giant froze suddenly.

Then, cracks appeared.

Accompanied by the loud noise of "rumbling", it collapsed into rubble all over the floor.

"Huh, finally killed." Gu Yunxi came to Jiang Wanshang's side and exhaled deeply.

The battle just now was really thrilling.

Gu Yunxi felt that if it hadn't been for so many games in the arena during this time, it was very likely that he would not be able to defeat this so-called earth crystal giant.

"This elementary fire element control is very good!" Jiang Wanshang sighed.

This is the skill acquired by the two after killing the lava fire python.

"Yeah! That's right!" Gu Yunxi nodded repeatedly, "Attack power is extremely high!"

The two wanted to say something, and the alert sounded immediately.

"Kill the lava fire python and get 1000 experience points."

"The current experience points are full, and I have successfully upgraded to level 20."

"Kill the lava fire python and get 1500 experience points."

"The current experience points are full, and I successfully upgraded to level 19."

Of course, I did not forget to pick up the fallen earth and rock crystals.

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