Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 561: Some things about glory

"What your majesty said is true," said the old man on the side.

"Lao Bai, tell them all the things that happened in Jiuyao City recently." Ji Wuhui picked up the pen and was about to begin to review the memorial. "It's almost time to let them know about these things."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Old Bai nodded.

The three of Ji Lingyue were confused.

What is it that makes it so mysterious.

For a while, their attention to mineral water was diverted.

"Things, I have to talk about it from a few months ago..."

After returning to their respective residences in Jiuyao City, Chen Yingfeng and Jun Xizhu both felt incredible.

Origin Mall, it really is as rumored.

The effects of selling goods are extremely scary.

Can actually ignore the strength!

Yao Huichen was also in Origin Mall at the time, they asked.

The answer they got surprised them.

"The things in the owner's shop are so outrageous, just get used to it."

This is the original words of Yaohuichen.

Looking at the flawless crystal-like magic phone in their hands, Chen Yingfeng and Jun Xizhu made the same decision.

Tomorrow morning, go to Origin Mall to buy goods and play games...

When Luochuan and Yao Ziyan finished their supper, the sky was completely dark.

After playing the game for a while, the two returned to their rooms.

No dream...

The eyelids trembled slightly, then slowly opened.

The first thing that caught your eye was the rising sun entering the house.


Get dressed and get up.

Open the store door.

The outside of the store was deserted.

It seems that the customers know it, and in the morning it is best to come back after the opening hours.

Luo Chuan came to such a conclusion.

Back in the store, he randomly found a place to sit down, and Luo Chuan took out the magic phone.

Anyway, idle is idle, first look at the origin forum.

One thing to say here is that the posts and dynamics of the Origin Forum are two different modules.

Anyone can post a dynamic.

Posts are different, publishing needs to be restricted.

The limit set by Luochuan is that the publisher's fans must reach one hundred.

In other words, at present, only he and Yao Ziyan have the authority to post...

Open the post's module.

A lonely post is quite eye-catching.

"Soliciting for various roles."

This is a title.

The detailed requirements are as follows.

Luo Chuan summed it up, almost like this.

First of all, there must be a story, which means that the character must be unusual. The second is to have characteristics.

Of course, racial identity is not limited.

Luo Chuan looked at the reply below the post.

Those with the highest praise are like cultivators.

Reply to the post can also be liked by other users.

Luo Chuan was thinking.

It seems that these replies are a bit common.

Also, all the customers of Origin Mall are Humans.

Maybe I need to do it myself, but these things can provide reference. He thought in his mind.


A voice came from upstairs, causing him to withdraw his messy thoughts.

"Come." Luo Chuan responded...

When eating breakfast, Luo Chuan couldn't help thinking about it.

"Boss, you seem to have something on your mind." Yao Ziyan said suddenly.

"I'm just thinking about something about glory." Luo Chuan returned to his senses and responded.

"Oh." Yao Ziyan nodded, showing a puzzled expression, "Did you not tell me, boss, it takes a lot of time to complete the glory, so what are you doing in such a hurry?"

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