Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 533: The arena ranking mode

"The initial conditions are reached, and the tower of trial arena ranking system can be activated." An abrupt voice suddenly sounded.

Luo Chuan was taken aback.

Then he reacted.

He remembered.

When the arena mode just started, the system did say that there would be winning points ranking.

Because the number of customers is too small, it cannot be opened.

There are already many customers in Origin Mall.

More than a hundred people.

So have the conditions for opening the ranking system been met?

At the same time, a light curtain visible only to Luo Chuan appeared in front of him.

There is a lot of information on it.

"Tower of Trial Arena Ranking System.

Each big state is a partition (divided according to the customer's real state).

Comprehensive points are calculated based on the number of victories, the number of games, and battles in various scenarios.

Reward (with one day, ten days, thirty days, one hundred days as the time interval):

One day: One hour of game time for the top ten virtual worlds (all divisions).

Ten days: The top ten virtual world game time is three hours (all divisions).

Thirty days: the first virtual world game time is ten hours, three to five virtual world game time is five hours, and five to ten virtual world game time is three hours (all divisions).

One hundred days: the first place has 50 hours of game time in the virtual world, three to five places have 20 hours of game time in the virtual world, and the five to ten places have 10 hours of game time in the virtual world (all divisions).

Note: The host can modify the rules and rewards. "

It seems reasonable.

But the reward is indeed a bit single.

All are virtual world game time.

Luo Chuan glanced at the huge pile of World Tree leaves in the system space.

After saving a lot, it feels like it's time to take out a little.

After thinking about it, Luochuan made a slight modification to the rules.

The first place in the ten-day interval, the top five in the thirty-day interval, and the top ten in the one-hundred-day interval can all be rewarded with mystery items.

The mystery item reward is naturally the world tree leaf.

That's about it.

Anyway, you can make changes anytime, let's try it for a while.

As for the launch time.

Luochuan thinks that tomorrow will be great.

"Origin Mall, there will be new things tomorrow." Luo Chuan said.

The voice is not too loud, but it reaches everyone's ears clearly.

"What's new? Boss, is it a new product?" Bu Lige jumped up, his expression very excited.

Luochuan took a sip of ice-cola and shook his head: "Not a new product."

Bu Lige was a little frustrated: "Oh."

"What is that?" Ji Wuhui asked curiously.

"You'll know tomorrow." Luochuan took another sip of ice-cola.

"Boss, if you keep selling like this, you will lose loyal customers!" Gu Yunxi said righteously.

"That's right!" Jiang Wanchang nodded repeatedly.

Luochuan remained unmoved.

Continue to drink ice cola.jpg

Luochuan found that the cola in Origin Mall was really delicious.

He still prefers Coke to Sprite.

"I'll know tomorrow, don't worry." Yao Ziyan said with a smile.

"Boss, I have a question." Wei Qingzhu said.

Luochuan: "Say."

"What are you writing this morning?" Wei Qingzhu asked.

She was not in Jiuyao City this morning, but was working hard to earn spiritual crystals in the Jiuyao Mountains.

This incident is seen from the origin forum.

At that time, Wei Qingzhu sighed that the magic phone was so convenient.

I don't know which master refiner invented it, it's really amazing.

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