Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 512: The installment contract of the four elders

"No! Head, this is too expensive!" The Fourth Elder hurriedly declined.

Five hundred thousand Lingjing is not a small number.

Moreover, no merit is not rewarded.

For no reason, I got a medicine cauldron of half a million spirit crystals, and the four elders felt sorry for themselves.

"I was in the dynamics just now and saw that when purchasing a spiritual tool, it can be paid in installments." A Yaogu disciple suddenly said.


The seven looked at each other.

A completely unfamiliar name, they have never heard of it.

"Look, this is the dynamic." The Yaogu disciple took out the magic phone and pointed to a dynamic.

The dynamic is released by Step Lige.

Comes with a photo of him holding Chi Xiao.

The dynamic content is to introduce and praise the installment payment of Origin Mall.

There is no mention of the world tree leaves.

The eyes of the Fourth Elder gradually lighted up.

"It's decided! I want to pay in installments!" The Fourth Elder said solemnly.

Yao Huichen glanced at each other with the other five elders.

He nodded: "Since you insist on doing this, then pay in installments."


"Boss, I want to pay in installments!"

A voice rang in Luochuan's ears.

Luo Chuan opened his eyes and saw seven old people around him, staring at him with bright eyes.

He couldn't help being surprised.

But thinking of the previous words, I understand what happened.

"Do you understand the rules of installment payment?" Luo Chuan asked.

"Understand!" The four elders nodded repeatedly, "I will definitely abide by the installment contract!"

"What product? How many installments do you choose?"

"Hun Jing Ding, divided into ten phases."

"The 500,000 Lingjing will be paid in ten installments with an interest of 5%. Are you sure about the installments?"

Since it is in installments, it will naturally not be free.

In the previous Bu Lige and Wei Qingzhu and others, because they were all regular customers, Luo Chuan erased the interest for them.

As a boss, you still have this authority.

There is no need to avoid interest in these medicine valley people.

Five percent interest is 25,000 Lingjing.

Regarding the rules of staging, the four elders already know.

The installment contract of Origin Mall is 30 days each.

I have to mention one sentence here. The rules of installment contracts are very complete, taking into account various factors.

If the customer dies, then the goods in installments will be directly recycled by the system.

It is very convenient and fast, and there is no hidden danger of bad debts.

"OK." The Fourth Elder nodded.

Luo Chuan waved his palm and a blank sheet of paper appeared out of thin air.

Pieces of information are outlined on white paper, containing inexplicable power.

The seven stared at this scene closely, for fear of missing something.

Because this is the first time the boss has shown the means in front of them.

"Hit a piece of your spiritual power on it." Luo Chuan said.

"Spiritual power hit it?"

The Fourth Elder hesitated.

He asked Dao Feng's cultivation base.

Not to mention a spiritual power, even a trace of it contains tremendous power.

How can a blank sheet of paper live?

But when he thought that this was the installment contract made by the boss, he let go.

An enchanting aura appeared in the hands of the four elders, and then landed on the installment contract.

If dripping water falls on the surface of the lake, there is nothing strange at all.

The white paper completely absorbs spiritual power.

In the dark, the four elders felt that they had an inexplicable connection with that piece of white paper.

"The installment contract is successfully signed, and you can get the spirit weapon from the weapon sales space."

The installment contract turned into dots of light into Luochuan's palm.

"Is that all right?" The Fourth Elder couldn't believe it.

The signing of the installment contract will be that simple.

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