Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2244: The earthquake can’t stop me from playing games

"He said he didn't know."

Luo Chuan said such words in a subtle expression.

"have no idea?"

Yao Ziyan's voice subconsciously improved a lot, and it was obvious that this answer was beyond her expectation.

With his legs crossed on the sofa, he sat up slightly, his attitude became serious.

"Isn't he the **** of this world? Why don't he even know these things?"

Yao Ziyan didn't understand this very much.

In her opinion, facing Luochuan's question, Asanos must at least give an answer, no matter what the content of the answer is, but this "don't know" answer made her unable to understand.

"It's true that he is the **** of this world." Luo Chuan's tone can be heard with deep helplessness, "but his favorite thing is to sleep, and he doesn't care about other things, let alone wars and the like. As for the mortal beliefs in the Koror world, it is purely similar to the result of information interference."

The power of the gods is very powerful, even if it is not deliberately done, the radiation of the information level can also have an impact on mortals.

Including but not limited to the dreams of the enlightenment, the words of the gods and other things that the gods and gods talk about, and in the long years, mortals may also find ways to directly contact the gods.

This is also the origin of most churches.

Demon Ziyan: "Um..."

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

Asanos's character is beyond her expectations?

It seems that it can only be evaluated like this.

Yao Ziyan sighed softly, put aside all the chaotic words in her heart, put her chin on her knees, and unconsciously broke her lotus bud-like toes: "Even if everyone has a different personality, Asa It's normal for North to be lazy...but then again, have you noticed one thing in Luochuan?"

"What's the matter?" Luo Chuan asked casually.

"As long as it is something related to you, whether it is a person or a thing, it seems that it can always develop in a strange direction in the end." Yao Ziyan concluded.

Luo Chuan pondered: "This may be my protagonist's halo."


Yao Ziyan let out a suspicious whisper.

"It's okay." Luo Chuan waved his hand, not going to explain this, "I'm used to it."

Although she was a little concerned about what Luo Chuan said, Yao Ziyan didn't ask too much. After all, Luo Chuan always said strange things on weekdays, and she was also used to it.


Yao Ziyan stretched deeply, and when she was about to say something, the room suddenly trembled.

There was only a small exclamation in her mouth, and the girl's forehead came into close contact with the floor, making a slightly dull sound.

The original spar lamp suddenly went out, and the formations engraved everywhere in the room started on their own. In the dark, you could see bright lines shining from the inside of the wall, surging with magical power.

"What's going on here?"

Yao Ziyan climbed up from the ground and rubbed her forehead. Xu Shi was always in a relaxed state. She didn't react at all and fell off the sofa.

Luo Chuan was also a little confused.

The sudden tremor came and went quickly, and it quieted quietly after only a few seconds, and he also just just reacted.

The first thought in Luo Chuan's mind was "the earthquake has occurred, run quickly", but then he had a new idea to ban it.

Why should I run?

Not to mention the earthquake, even if the moon falls from above his head, it can't cause him any harm. What's the fear of a mere earthquake.

It was because of this in his mind that Luo Chuan reacted a few times slowly.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation.


Luo Chuan replied softly, came to the window and looked at the city of steel shrouded in the night.

Very lively.

It is different from the excitement of festivals. The whole city seems to wake up suddenly from sleep, the lights are lit up for the first time, the noise lingers in the ears, and you can faintly see the crowds hurrying to the street, shouting and talking about what has just happened, wanting to come Tomorrow, relevant news will appear in the streets and alleys.


Yao Ziyan softly repeated Luo Chuan's words, which she thought was very vivid.

"What do you think is the reason?"

Yao Ziyan came to Luochuan and looked at the city of steel under the night with him, looking at a chaotic scene.

Fortunately, the scale of the previous tremor was not large, so it did not cause any serious consequences.

"The reason..." Luo Chuan pointed to his feet, "It is likely that the big guy sleeping underneath made the movement."

Yao Ziyan was silent for a moment: "The giant axe did they wake it up?"

"It's not enough to wake up. I think it's more like an unconscious jitter in my sleep." Luo Chuan stretched, "Isn't it normal that I don't sleep well when I sleep?"

Yao Ziyan seemed to think of something, and looked at a certain boss in an inexplicable look.

"What are your eyes?"

Luo Chuan keenly noticed the change in Yao Ziyan's gaze, and those amethyst-like eyes were clear and translucent, and it seemed to say "So you have self-knowledge in this respect" and the like.

"Huh? What's wrong with my eyes?"

Yao Ziyan blinked her eyes quite innocently, as if she didn't want to admit the thoughts in her heart.

For this, Luo Chuan rubbed the girl's hair vigorously, and said, "Don't worry about Tsundere or something, I actually prefer to be more honest."

Yao Ziyan shook his head and slapped Luochuan's restless paws. At the same time, he couldn't help but give him a white look: "When have I been proud?"

Luo Chuan thought about it seriously, as if it was indeed the case.

This girl is not like that.

"Well, well, I was wrong." Luo Chuan waved his hand, ending the problem of the increasingly deviating direction, "I'll go downstairs and take a look."

Yao Ziyan gave a hum, picked up the magic phone and lay on the sofa, not knowing what she was looking at, she seemed to just want to be with Luochuan.

Luo Chuan felt warm when he saw it, and rubbed her head again before leaving, which naturally caused waves of complaints.

Walking down the stairs, the noise of the dwarves filled my ears.

I didn't see him, but heard his voice.

Overlapping sounds hit the ears like a wave. In this environment for a long time, the attention and thinking of ordinary people will definitely be affected.

"Yeah, boss, you haven't rested yet?"

Behind the counter, the elf girl asked in surprise. In her memory, Luochuan's daily routine is very regular.

"Today's situation is a bit special." Luo Chuan did not explain, "Did you feel the movement just now?"

"Yeah, vibration, right? Of course I felt it." Anno nodded repeatedly.

"They... why don't they react at all?" Luo Chuan looked around the tavern, the dwarves were still noisy, as if they had not been affected at all.

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