Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2241: The truth is always hidden in legends

"Giants and dragons are the first children created by the gods. They are responsible for maintaining the normal order of the world, observing and recording the development of civilization. This is the task given to them by the gods."

"After leaving behind these'gardeners' who were used to protect civilization, God temporarily chose to leave, because He also had many things to do. The world was never stable and stable. The dark prison of chaos in the depths of the universe has never been subdued, and it is sealed there. The ultimate taboo in the world."

"Before the birth of God, the universe was still in chaos, and the primordial life born in the aftermath of creation ruled the nascent universe."

"Most of them are muddled, chaotic and disorderly. They are by no means understandable by orderly beings, and because they were born in the universe, they are innately in control of some of the gods. They are part of the universe, these first demigods. Things were the masters of everything in the original era."

"Chaos, madness, collapse, noise, destruction, disaster... The endless tide of chaos is surging in the universe, swallowing and destroying everything."

"This is the age of the first birth of the universe, also known as the Dark Age."

"Under this harsh environment, life is also born. The life forms of these Primordial creatures are equally diverse, but their lives are very difficult. Madness and disaster are the normal state of the dark age, and they may be because of the demigod. Once the restless group of things is annihilated, it will be reborn again because of a dream."

"The chaotic years have continued for endless epochs, and they live in such an environment."

"Life itself is eager to continue."

"Until some time, God appeared in this world."

"No creature knows why he appeared, and no one knows where he came from. Unlike the demigods of the beginning, he is kind and peaceful, and it seems that he is born with the power of order."

"In the beginning, the creatures in the early days were very curious about this strange god, but they were also very wary, because God was a moody existence for them, unable to resist. Over time, they discovered his The special thing is that God was also very surprised when he discovered that there are so many intelligent creatures in this world."

"After this, God made a decision. He decided to end the chaos and darkness of the world."

"He has a faint feeling that the world shouldn't be like this."

"His decision was supported by most of the primordial creatures, and some chose to look on the sidelines, because for them, the fear of those primordial demigods has been imprinted deep in their hearts."

"In the beginning, the demigods were born in chaos. Their instinct was to incline to chaos. God's actions naturally caused their instinctive resistance."

"The war lasted a long, long time."

"The process has even rewritten the entire universe, the annihilation and collision of divine powers, the assimilation of the conflicts of laws and orders."

"Until the end, God won the victory."

"He built a prison and sealed the demigods from the beginning that could not be eliminated."

"Of course, there are also neutral and kind demigods among them, and God has reached an agreement with them."

"The Dark Era has thus come to an end, and the Bright Era begins."

"The primordial creatures have gone to the depths of the universe. They actively choose to guard the dark prison. They do not need to worry about death and rebirth. A stable life is enough for them. They are willing to be sentry guards of the world, and the new world does not need it. These remnants of them are too disturbing."

"The chaos subsides, and order gradually rises."

"God felt that the universe was too quiet. He tried to create life."

"Giants and dragons were born one after another. They were the first children of the gods. They were responsible for maintaining the normal order of the world, observing and recording the development of civilization. This is the task given to them by the gods."

"He wanders among the stars, and the stars are not completely silent. Whenever he finds a native planet of life, he will be happy for a long time. Let his children guard it. For him, this should be the happiest. Thing."

Yao Ziyan paused for a moment when she said that, and drank the tea cup beside her.

"What happened after?" Luo Chuan was curious about the story afterwards.

"Um... the record of this part is relatively vague." Yao Ziyan slightly curled his fingers against his chin, "God has spent a long, long time on this matter, but for him there is not much time. Meaning, if he wants to accomplish one thing, he can spend endless years on it."

"Until a certain moment, the **** suddenly disappeared. The dragon and the giant gradually disappeared in the years that followed, and no one knew what happened."


"No, that's it."

Luo Chuan touched his chin.

He is thinking.

Undoubtedly, compared with the first Dark Era, the subsequent Bright Era records are relatively obscure, and the details are hardly mentioned, and they are basically overwritten.

Even the disappearance of the most important dragons, giants, and gods did not give an accurate explanation.

Only one sentence expounded this fact.

It's weird.

This is the conclusion reached by Luochuan.

Well, this is nonsense, the story itself is very strange.

"Where did you hear this story?" Luo Chuan asked.

Because she had heard the lullaby of Yao Ziyan before, Luo Chuan didn't feel sleepy at all, and Yao Ziyan simply stayed with him, anyway, it didn't affect her much if she didn't sleep for a day.

When Xu felt bored, Yao Ziyan offered to tell Luochuan a story.

Then she told a different version of the story about the gods.

Luochuan has no idea which is true and which is false. Of course, it is also possible that both are true, but part of it is true, and the false part has been circulating for a long time, and there have been some changes.

"I saw it from Anno." Yao Ziyan said.


The figure of the elf girl emerged in Luo Chuan's mind.

To be honest, Luo Chuan didn't think that this part of the legendary story related to the gods would be carried by such an ordinary elf.

The elf girl has a secret.

This is the conclusion that Luo Chuan came to. Well, it was a conclusion before.

However, he didn't take the initiative to ask Anno for the idea, because through his daily contact with Luochuan, he knew about Anno's character. The elf girl was indeed very optimistic and cheerful, and she was very happy in her daily life. , But rarely talk about his past.

"An Nuo brought a lot of books, I went to her to borrow books a few days ago, and she asked me to pick them on the shelf." Yao Ziyan poured herself a cup of hot tea, "I just picked one at that time. Ben looked rather special, with a snowflake-like logo on it. After seeing it, Anno's expression became a little strange. I asked her and she didn't say anything."

Luo Chuan thoughtfully, it seems that this involves the secret of the elf girl.

Snowflake pattern, he kept this information in his mind.

"What about the book?" Luo Chuan asked.

"I'll give it back to her after reading it." Yao Ziyan sipped the hot tea, narrowing his eyes very pleasantly.

"I suddenly remembered something." Luo Chuan turned his head and looked out the window. The two moons were bright and bright, and the lines on the surface that resembled vegetation could be clearly seen.

"What's the matter?" Yao Ziyan asked casually.

"Do you think there is any relationship between the story you saw from Anno and the story you heard from the Kraken before?" Luo Chuan told the guess in his heart, and he felt that his thoughts were in his mind. Fast moving, the information in my mind is like a jigsaw puzzle, the intricate fragments have found their place at this moment, "Do the gods and goddesses in these two stories refer to the same god?"

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