Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2225: Entrainment of private goods

I hate things that are set in stone.

Regardless of people or things, immutability will always make people feel rotten, and will eventually be eliminated by the times.

I always like a life that is as plain as water.

Every day is like the repetition of the previous day, with a little difference, with a touch of warmth in the ordinary.

This is indeed very contradictory.

But humans are inherently contradictory creatures, aren't they?

They are always condemning the behavior of others while doing what they are condemning.

To demand others by one's own standards, but not to demand oneself by the same standards.

What a stupid mortal.

I always think so, but I don't bother to pay attention to it.

The joys and sorrows between people are not interlinked.

I feel that this sentence makes sense. In most cases, I will only be a silent bystander, watching all this with a calm attitude.

Is my nature indifferent?

Maybe it is.

But I don't care, it's just my way of life, nothing more.

I am not a savior, nor a saint, and I have never had the grandeur and determination to change the world on my own.

Too tired and too difficult to achieve.

Of course, if I really see such a person appear, I will not laugh at him, and I will respect him in my heart.

Resolving to do the impossible is something worthy of respect.

I always think like this...

"So, what is the purpose of writing these?"

Yao Ziyan propped his chin and looked at the text on the light curtain in front of him. This was the text that Luo Chuan had just written, the latest chapter of the novel.

"have no idea."

Luo Chuan moved his palm, and his fingers became sore after writing so many.

"have no idea?"

Yao Ziyan cast a suspicious look, what he wrote, and said that he didn't know why he wrote it. Yao Ziyan, the same author, couldn't understand this.

"Yes, I don't know." Luo Chuan nodded, taking it for granted.

"Luochuan, why did you say these words so peacefully?" Yao Ziyan vomited.

"Have you never done this?" Luo Chuan asked back.

"No." Yao Ziyan looked serious and didn't seem to be joking.

Luochuan: "..."

He didn't want to talk a little bit.

Shaking his head, putting aside the many thoughts in his heart, Luo Chuan stopped joking and pointed to the text on the light curtain.

"I really don't know why I write these things, but many times I write them out naturally, and at certain times they will have unexpected effects. Perhaps this is the author's unique skill, unconsciously digging holes. "At this point, Luo Chuan nodded slightly, satisfied with his words.

"Well... it sounds amazing." Yao Ziyan's expression was slightly subtle.

"And novels are originally an extension of the author's thinking." Luo Chuan smiled and pointed to his head, "Isn't it reasonable for me to add some of my own thoughts?"

"Really reasonable?"

"Reasonable, it's reasonable."

Yao Ziyan thought, the girl seemed to understand something.

Luo Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

Very good, very good, it seems that Yao Ziyan has been polluted... Well, it has been successfully enlightened.

Luo Chuan stroked his chin and looked at the girl in front of him.

Speaking of it, compared to when she first met, this girl seemed to have been affected by him in all aspects.

Luo Chuan felt that if he was a source of pollution or a Cthulhu, Yao Ziyan would definitely be the most loyal Cthulhu believer.

Although the metaphor is not appropriate, the meaning is almost the same.

Yao Ziyan yawned and rubbed her eyes. Her long-standing habits reminded her that it was time to go to bed.

"Luochuan, aren't you sleepy?"

Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan and asked. After a short break, the latter began to create again. His fingers moved dexterously on the keyboard constructed by the light screen, and new words appeared constantly.

"Not sleepy." Luo Chuan shook his head.

Xu was because he had just listened to a lullaby and walked around in the dream world. Luo Chuan felt that he was very energetic and did not feel sleepy at all.

As for writing a novel so hard, it doesn't seem like a whim, but running out of manuscripts created a sense of crisis for him and he had to do this.

"I'll take a shower."

Yao Ziyan stretched out and was about to leave. He suddenly remembered something, stopped, came to Luochuan's side and poked him in the arm.

"Now, Luo Chuan."

"what happened again?"

Luo Chuan was in a state of full of inspiration at this time, and almost all of his attention was focused on the code word.

"Want to be together?" Yao Ziyan asked softly.

The action of Luochuan code word is like being pressed the pause button, as if hearing some unbelievable words.

He turned his head, the girl smiled and stared at him, those glaze purple eyes reflecting his face, like a lake under the moonlight, as clear as if it could penetrate the heart.

But perhaps because of the absolute rationality of the previous dream world, Luo Chuan still remained calm at this moment.

"you sure?"

According to Luo Chuan's understanding of Yao Ziyan's character, he didn't think it was like what the girl said.

Yao Ziyan looked at Luochuan quietly, and finally couldn't help but laughed out after a few seconds: "Of course it's a joke... But Luochuan, you seem to be looking forward to it."

"So I am disappointed now."

Luo Chuan rolled his eyes. He didn't want to say anything about this. In fact, he had expected it a long time ago. Disappointment was not counted. It just felt a little pity, but soon this pity disappeared.

A little bit of warm, warm breathing came from her cheeks, and she could smell a faint scent.

"Is it all right now?" Yao Ziyan took a few steps back and looked helplessly at a certain boss. "Luo Chuan, I feel that you are completely two people compared to when you first met. Where is the cold and handsome boss hiding?"

"Hmph, I can't think of it, that's just my primary identity, the current me is the real me."

"What?! No, it's impossible, I don't believe it!"

"Ignorant girl, accept this real reality."

"I... I will never accept it!"

The girl clenched her thin pale sakura lips, her purple eyes like Xinghui were covered with a layer of mist, and her slightly messy long hair fell from her shoulders one by one, looking stubbornly and stubbornly. Looking at the person in front of you.

The other party showed a triumphant smile, holding his arms to admire the girl's weeping expression, as if it was a very happy thing for him to make a girl like this cry.

The two of them just looked at each other and laughed at the same time, the laughter echoing in the room.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to take a shower."

Leaving this sentence, Yao Ziyan waved her hand and left the room briskly.

Luo Chuan watched the girl disappear, leaning on the back of the sofa, thinking about what happened today, gradually more smiles appeared in his eyes.

Continue the code word.

[Is it plain? Maybe it is, but I like this kind of life]

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