The darkness is nothing but a void.

This is what Luochuan "sees".

He didn't know whether other people's dreams were the same, or if it was just because he was still immersed in "surface dreams", these were meaningless.

Luo Chuan's body in the dream state appeared completely dark, and he felt that it should be appropriate to have a name-the ink form.

Well, the last sentence has not appeared before.

In short, Luo Chuan didn't understand what was going on right now, and couldn't contact the real world at this time to discuss with Yao Ziyan.

All he can do is keep going to the "deepness of the dream", perhaps by this to find the answer.

There is no concept of distance here, "deep" is just a symbolic thing.

There is also no speed, no reference, only the endless darkness.

But Luochuan still clearly knew that he was "advancing."

He doesn’t know why he knows, or why he doesn’t know why he knows, let alone...

Cough, pull it far.

In short, Luo Chuan only relied on instinctive behavior to move.

In this empty place, Luochuan didn't feel much uncomfortable, on the contrary, it was like a fish in water, as if he was living here.

This is also something Luochuan doesn't understand.

On the way to "advance", Xu Shi was bored, and Luo Chuan did not forget to observe the darkness around him, trying to find something special from it.

He also had a strange sense of sight about this, as if he had experienced the same scene before.

Time seems to lose its meaning here.

Just like human beings are in a completely enclosed dark space, they will also lose their perception of time.

But here, it's more like there is no concept of "time".

How long has it passed?

Luo Chuan didn't know, he just stayed here silently, constantly moving towards the goal in his heart, the original way of thinking has been completely transformed into a rational perspective.

It seems to be just a spectator, watching everything in front of him with an indifferent attitude.

He no longer thinks about the reasons for doing this, he is fully aware of his changes, and accepts this change.

As for the rest... it makes no sense.

Finally, Luo Chuan felt that he had gradually touched a certain "boundary", the boundary of this dark world, the boundary of dreams.

Luochuan stopped.

He "watched" the front, and his absolutely rational thinking changed his mind.

There are limits to dreams?

Luo Chuan did not know the answer to this question.

However, he understands that the boundary here is not the kind of boundary in the ordinary sense, but a certain conceptual thing that prevents him from continuing to go to the "deepness of the dream" to explore the truth.

After hesitating a little, Luo Chuan stretched out his palm, as if he wanted to touch something.


As if the buzzing and shock that touched the soul suddenly appeared from the place where it touched, like the ripples caused by the stones falling into the calm lake, spreading around in circles.

But Luo Chuan didn't care about these changes at all, his eyes "watched" the front.

He could feel that what he had just done was like a key to open the door of the room. In the depths of the darkness, something had awakened from its deep sleep.

It was as if the curtain on the stage was lifted, and a bit of starlight lit up from the darkness.

Then came the endless galaxy.

In an instant, the silent and quiet dark place turned into a magnificent and shining endless starry sky, and the dazzling nebula slowly surging, mysterious and vast.

Luochuan, who looked like a dark shadow, stood quietly in the starry sky.

His body is like the purest dark composition, even the starlight will be completely swallowed and assimilated when passing by, only the most basic human silhouette.

Luo Chuan stared at a certain direction of the starry sky.

Soon, a little mysterious purple brilliance emerged, filling the entire starry sky in an instant.

However, Luo Chuan seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago, and his expression was calm... well, he couldn't see the expression on his face in his current appearance.

He just watched all this quietly, as if waiting for something.

"Not yet time..."

The whispering words echoed in the stars.

Luo Chuan's way of thinking instantly changed to what he usually did, and the state of being absolutely rational on the sidelines ended. He shook his head, still not quite comfortable with this sudden change.

But now I can't think about so much.

Luo Chuan tried his best to focus his attention on the purple brilliance in front of him that almost spread across the entire starry sky, and the sound that had just appeared suddenly.

Everything seems to contain a huge amount of information.

Luo Chuan knocked his head, his mind felt a little pain, and his consciousness seemed to be suffering from an impact at this moment, trying to overcome some obstacle that prevented him from prying the truth.

He had a very strange feeling, as if this space resembling a starry sky had a certain repulsion against him, and this should have been his dream.

This dream is no longer a pure dream.

Like a mirror, a black crack suddenly appeared on the mirror surface. Then the crack suddenly expanded, and countless branches splintered around. The crack spread and increased at an alarming rate, and the whole world was covered in an instant.

In the end, the starry sky shattered.

Luo Chuan's consciousness then plunged into darkness.

The spirit is dizzy, as if drifting in the boundless nothingness, and the thinking is slow as if frozen.

I don't know how long it took, a light suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Luo Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the girl's familiar face came into his sight. There was a comfortable soft feeling under his head, and the hair fell on his face a little itchy.

"Luochuan, you are awake." Yao Ziyan blinked and showed a bright smile.

Luo Chuan sat up with his arms on his back, reached out and grabbed his hair, and there was still tingling in his mind, which made him frown slightly.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Less than an hour." Yao Ziyan sorted out the wrinkled skirt, looked at Luo Chuan with curiosity, "How? Have you dreamed of those forgotten scenes?"

" seemed to be in a dream." Luo Chuan shook his head, only a little bit of headache remained, and it disappeared quickly.

"It seems?" Yao Ziyan noticed the description of Luochuan's words, with a not-so-good premonition.

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded, "because I forgot again."

Demon Purple Smoke: "..."

I really want to vomit.

Luo Chuan also understood that these words did sound full of grooves, and tried to remedy: "Of course, I didn't forget all of them, I still remember some."

"Let's talk about it, I'm very curious." Yao Ziyan grabbed Luo Chuan's clothes, her bright purple eyes stared at him tightly.

"Good, good." Luo Chuan answered repeatedly, Yao Ziyan's appearance always reminded him of a certain character in his memory, "Just start talking after you sing the lullaby..."

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