Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2216: Good things should be shared with others

"You are right, but this is an indispensable pleasure in life."

Elizabeth let out a harsh laugh.

Wakaba remembered what Elizabeth said before leaving, could it be...

The next scene seemed to confirm her guess.

Elizabeth waved her palm, and along with the waves of space, the entire tabletop was piled up with neatly arranged bottles and barrels, which were divided into three types.

"Master Elizabeth, this is..."

Wakaba looked at Elizabeth in surprise.

"This is the method I found." Elizabeth's palms crossed together, and the difference was clearly audible in her tone.

There are rules in the Hearthstone Tavern, which seems strange to her.

Regarding alcoholic beverages, each customer can only buy each item once a day. Considering the rarity of extraordinary items, there is nothing wrong with buying restrictions.

However, Juaxe told her that it did not restrict other customers to help purchase.

This makes Elizabeth a little puzzled.

I don't understand, I don't understand what the boss is thinking at all.

But this is not important, she quickly found a solution, and the lowest-level undead summoned can also replace the purchase.

So there is the current scene.

"It's whatever you want," Elizabeth said casually.

As soon as the voice fell, the originally quiet hall became noisy again, returning to the state of the flurry of demons dancing just now.

Of course, almost all eyes fell on the drinks on the table.

Wakaba picked up a bottle of wine that looked like a transparent substance, carefully scanned the relevant information on it, and read it quietly.

"Wangyou series wine fruit wine, produced by Hearthstone Tavern, has the effect of permanently improving energy affinity. The effect is limited to once a day. Drinking more is useless..."

The same is true for other undead.

The objects Elizabeth brought back completely aroused their curiosity, but they just checked it curiously, and no one opened it and tried.

"Master Elizabeth, does this really give us a sense of taste?"

Ruoye's first feeling after seeing it was outrageous.

Permanently enhance the energy affinity, this seems not the effect that extraordinary items in the general sense can have, at least it is the kind of super rare, or the level of the gift of the gods.

In addition, what concerns her most is the last sentence in the introduction—

Suggested retail price: ten gold coins.

Ten gold coins.

If Ye feels that if he didn't guess wrong, this should be the currency price of the City of Steel.

A currency system often used by ordinary people.

In short, it is very outrageous.

"No." Elizabeth shook her head, correcting Wakaba's words, "I can taste the taste of these drinks, not including other food."

"It seems that there is no internal part of this part in the introduction." Wakaba looked carefully and did not see the relevant introduction.

"This is an additional effect." Elizabeth lightly touched the table with her finger, recalling the words Luo Chuan had said to her, "Heartstone Tavern, this is where I bought these things."

"Heartstone Tavern..."

Wakaba whispered softly, as a housekeeper and a maid, she has always stayed in the castle of death, never left here, and naturally did not know anything about the outside world.

"The boss told me something today." Elizabeth continued.

If Ye is standing there quietly, all she needs to do now is to quietly listen to Elizabeth's words.

"I'll talk about it later, now you should go and taste it first, I don't know if you remember the taste of the wine." Elizabeth reminded that Wakaba was with her from beginning to end.

"The taste of wine..." Wakaba smiled lightly, "Master Elizabeth, you know, I don't have a habit of drinking."

"Of course I know, but I believe you will like it." Elizabeth was confident, even she was completely immersed in the taste of Wangyou fruit wine.

If she hadn't lost her tears a long time ago, she might just cry for a while to vent her emotions.

Wakaba looked at the bottle in his hand and slowly opened it.

A certain sweet smell slowly diffused, making people intoxicated.

Sweet smell?

If Ye was taken aback, she sniffed (the undead didn't need to breathe) to confirm, it was not an illusion, she did smell the "smell".

The noise in the hall was stagnant, and other undead also noticed the abnormality.

This feeling is like you have been in a completely dark environment, and when a faint fireflies appear, it will be as bright as the sun.

For unknown how long the sense of smell disappeared, they smelled it again.

"Broken, I have hallucinations."

"You didn't have hallucinations, we all smelled it... as if something was wrong."

"This is... the smell of wine?!"

"No, it's a drink!"

"I can smell it, it's not magic!"


After a brief silence, there was a more noisy atmosphere, and the sudden phenomenon made all the undead present feel incredible.

This almost violates the rules in a sense.

Wakaba looked at the bottle in her hand, and her calm face was also covered by surprise.

She breathed a sigh of relief (as an undead, she didn't need to breathe), she was looking forward to what would happen next.

She didn't even own the entity.

The cold and sweet wine entered his mouth, with a faint fruity fragrance, which made Ruoye suddenly open his eyes and let out an unconscious nasal sound.


"How is it?" Elizabeth asked.

If Ye was still immersed in the lingering smell, she closed her eyes and seemed to be aftertaste, the whole body was shining with indefinite light, and at first glance it seemed like a bad contact.

"It's delicious." Wakaba nodded slightly and gave a sincere evaluation.

The other undead couldn't help it at this time, and they began to take the drinks placed on the table in an orderly manner, but the three different types made many ghosts guilty of choice.

"Master Elizabeth, are these three types the same except for the different tastes?" Xu Ye drank the fruit wine, and if the leaves were slightly reddish.

"Yeah." Elizabeth nodded. "The effect is the same."

The additional energy affinity enhancement effect of the Wangyou drink is evenly dispersed in the drink. Simply speaking, the more the weight, the more diluted. Of course, the overall effect remains the same, but it only needs to be drunk.

If the dwarves choose, they will definitely choose a larger portion of ale, at least it is enjoyable, unlike the fruit wine, a few mouthfuls are gone.

"The owner of the tavern wants to be a very powerful presence." Wakaba said softly.

"Well, it's really powerful." Elizabeth drew out a blue card. "In addition to this kind of drink, there is another very interesting thing..."

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