Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2206: The charm of different styles

"Taking me again?"

Yao Ziyan noticed Luo Chuan's movements and looked in the direction where he was.

"Well, do you want to take a look?"

Luo Chuan waved the magic phone in his hand, and the picture just taken was displayed on the screen.

"Let me see." Yao Ziyan came in interest.

"Close the window first." Luo Chuan pointed to the window opened by the monster purple smoke, "It's raining in the morning, it's so cold."

"Good, good." Yao Ziyan replied repeatedly. After finishing this, he walked to Luochuan's side barefoot, and watched carefully after he got close.

A young girl in a snow-white nightdress stood in front of the window, the breeze swayed her long hair in the skirt, and the rain curtain was lingering. She just quietly looked at the city in the rain.

Only the exquisite profile face can be seen, and a faint smile can be seen on the face.

People can't help but guess, what exactly did she see, or what happened just now that made her feel so happy?

"It's very good."

Yao Ziyan is satisfied with Luochuan's camera technology.

"But there are still some imperfect places." Luo Chuan touched his chin, telling his own views.

"Huh? Where?"

Luo Chuan didn't answer, but looked at the demon Ziyan in the photo.

It is indeed a very beautiful scene.

The girl was bare-footed, slightly on tiptoes, arms stretched out the window, as if she wanted to touch the rain outside.

Luo Chuan's eyes fell on the girl's feet, imagining the scene of wearing white socks.

"Well...I can't say that it's not perfect, it's just two different styles, each with its own unique charm, I take back what I just said."


Yao Ziyan tilted her head, and now she didn't understand what Luochuan was saying at all.

"Don't talk about it." Luo Chuan ended this increasingly strange topic in due course, "You said that the member of the Elder Council who came to the store was a lich?"

"Yes, Lich." Yao Ziyan nodded.

Since Luo Chuan didn't want to talk about it, she didn't ask too much, just remembered it in her heart, and then asked Luo Chuan what it meant when she had a chance in the future.


Luo Chuan thoughtfully, he naturally heard about this race.

Just as there are many types of monsters, the same is true for undead, and their types are even more numerous than monsters and monsters.

After all, the undead are transformed from the living after the death, and most races can be transformed into the undead after death.

Lich is one of the most powerful types of undead.

With an endless life span, they can research all kinds of knowledge recklessly, and it can be said that even the most knowledgeable wizards look eclipsed in front of the lich.

Of course, and because of this, many liches will gradually become immersed in knowledge, and will eventually be swallowed by those taboo knowledge.

"How do you feel that the races of the members in this Council of the Elderly are different?"

"This is not true. There are also members of the same race."

Yao Ziyan shook her head. Unlike Luo Chuan, she deliberately learned about this information.

"Okay." Luo Chuan nodded, "Then this lich... Elizabeth, have you left yet?"

"No, it's still here, waiting for you." Yao Ziyan said with a smile.

"Wait for me, she has something to do with me?" Luo Chuan was a little curious, he couldn't remember when he had socialized with the undead.

"Luochuan, the undead are different from creatures. They don't have various organs. They rely on their own soul fire to perceive the world." Yao Ziyan suddenly mentioned a seemingly irrelevant topic, "When human beings transform into a lich After that, all kinds of sensations will be lost one after another, touch, taste, hearing, vision... you will not feel tired, and you do not need to eat."


Luochuan faintly guessed what Yao Ziyan would say next.

"The merchandise you brought out in Luochuan allowed the lich to successfully find a taste that he has lost for a long time. I think she should come here to express her gratitude to you, and may also ask how she did it." Zi Yan pressed her finger to her lips, speculating about the reason for Elizabeth's visit.

Thank Luo Chuan for accepting it. As for how to do it... Luo Chuan himself couldn't figure it out.

Although the products are indeed provided by the system, Luochuan has no interest in understanding the production process.

However, according to his guess, the wine should be made through a specific product first, and then the information of the wine should be modified so that it has more corresponding functions.

It is almost similar to "Any life can taste the taste, can increase the energy affinity, the value is ***".

The world is made up of information, and everything can be expressed with specific information, as are the characteristics and other functions of commodities.

"What should I say?" Luo Chuan asked Yao Ziyan for advice.

"How do I know?" Yao Ziyan was amused by Luochuan, who is the boss after all.

However, she also understands that almost all of Origin Mall’s products involve information-level interference, which is basically an inaccessible area for mortals. This is something she knows after having the authority of the God of Destiny.

"Why don't you just find an excuse?" Yao Ziyan looked at Luochuan with a smile, "Luochuan, don't you like this the most?"

"I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense, you are slander." Luo Chuan retorted, "Is my image in your heart like this?"

Luo Chuan was very sad.

"Isn't that the case?" Yao Ziyan asked with a smile.

"No." Luo Chuan didn't admit it.

"Well, that's not it." Yao Ziyan didn't continue to insist, stretched out and walked towards the door of the room, "I'm going to prepare breakfast."

"Do you want me to help?" Luo Chuan asked.

Yao Ziyan turned her head, revealing a soft smile: "As you please, come as you want."

"This is unreasonable! This is unreasonable at all!"

Elizabeth stared closely at the light curtain in front of her, and the soul fire in her eyes had turned purple-red, which meant that her mood was on the verge of exploding.

"It is indeed unreasonable in reality, but this is a card game." The giant axe smiled and stroked his beard, he didn't have much fear of Elizabeth.

Just now, a human soldier under his command shot to death a powerful Lich King summoned by Elizabeth with a bow and arrow.

This is why Elizabeth is so angry.

If it were her, even if the ordinary human soldiers of the whole country attacked her, they would not suffer the slightest harm. This is the difference in life rank.

Obviously, the owner of the Death Woodland had already substituted himself into the identity of the Lich King.


The chest cavity went up and down a few times, and the joyous soul fire in Elizabeth's eyes returned to calm. Although she no longer needed to breathe, she still retained the relevant habits.

But having said that, this card game called Hearthstone is really interesting.

And it's not just a game, every card can be used in reality if the strength is enough.

Elizabeth became more and more interested in the owner of the Hearthstone Tavern.

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