Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2200: Can’t analyze, can’t understand

"...Wangyou series of wines are divided into three types, fruit wine, ale and white wine. My favorite is fruit wine. The weight of ale is the largest and the most popular with everyone. As for white to say it is actually quite good. The wine is too strong, even if the dwarf drinks a bottle, he will feel dizzy."

Anno talked about the merchandise sold in the tavern.

Elizabeth looked at the drinks placed on the shelves by the wall, and then at the ordinary drinks on the other side.

According to Anno, the Wangyou series of drinks were brought out by the boss, and those ordinary drinks were purchased from the drinks supplier in the City of Steel.

"Where did the boss get these things?" Elizabeth pointed to the shelf in front of her.

"Um... I don't know." Anno thought for a while and shook his head. "The boss didn't tell me this, he should have made it himself, of course, there may be other ways."

Anno has lived in Hearthstone Tavern for so many days, but he hasn't considered this issue much.

She is just a clerk.

Elizabeth looked thoughtful, when a dwarf passed by and picked up a barrel of ale.

"The gold coins are already on the counter."


Anno nodded again and again. After this period of business, the customers in the tavern have developed a good habit of self-checking.

"When did your boss replenish the goods?" Elizabeth asked a new question.

"I don't know." Anno continued to shake his head, and suddenly thought of something wrong, "Hey, it seems that I haven't seen this kind of scene before. Wait a moment, I'll go and ask other people."

With that said, the elven girl hurriedly came to the hearthstone equipment and talked with the dwarf customers in the shop.

Soon he returned again, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

"It seems... I haven't replenished the goods, it's weird..."

Anno looked up and down the shelves in front of him in confusion. The Hearthstone Tavern was open all day, but she had asked the dwarves just now, and no one had seen the replenishment of goods.

It's like... the Wangyou drinks on the shelf can never be finished.

Thinking of this, Anno gradually widened her eyes, and she felt that this probability was the truth.

"Interesting." Elizabeth laughed slightly, and slowly walked to the front of the shelf, her hand completely wrapped in bandage stretched out from under the black robe, and lightly pressed on it, seeming to be sensing something," The special spatial composition cannot be analyzed or understood."

If it hadn't been mentioned by Anno, she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

Worrying about drinks, space equipment, and things she hasn't understood yet, Elizabeth feels that she is indeed a very correct decision to come here.

"Space equipment?" Anno touched his chin and thought carefully, "It seems that this is the only explanation, there should be related space types of magic."

Elizabeth did not answer.

But she can be sure that this is definitely not an effect that space magic can achieve.

It may not even belong to the civilized system in ordinary cognition.

As a lich who has lived for an unknown amount of time, Elizabeth's knowledge reserves have naturally reached a terrifying level, knowing many unknown mysteries in this world.

Long ago, the civilization that existed in this world was very different from the current one.

Only at a certain moment, disaster struck, erasing this prosperous civilization, and a new civilization was born from the remains of previous civilizations.

Elizabeth felt that the things in front of her might be the legacy of the old civilization, or...the power of the gods.

God, she did not rule out the possibility in this regard.

What mortal power cannot do may be as simple as breathing for the gods.

In the eyes of gods, the entire mortal civilization may be nothing more than swimming fish in the pond.

Of course, these are only speculations.

Elizabeth hadn't even seen the tavernkeeper, these were just a lot of thoughts in her mind.

"Where is the owner of the tavern?" Elizabeth asked suddenly.

"Boss?" Anno pointed to the top, "Upstairs, you should be asleep now, if you come here earlier, maybe you will meet him."

It may be because of living in the human world for a long time. She didn't think much about Luochuan's living habits, and felt normal.

Elizabeth looked up, her vision blocked by the roof.

I tried to use my mental power to explore for a while, and soon I felt that the invisible obstruction was blocking the perception.

Did not continue to insist, Xuan even ended the exploration.

Elizabeth was not surprised, most extraordinary shops will be equipped with perceptual shielding magic to avoid some unexpected situations.

Not to mention that this Hearthstone Tavern is not an ordinary shop.

To be honest, Elizabeth even felt that it was not a perception shielding formation at all, but another thing with a similar effect, or... the power of a god.

Elizabeth nodded lightly, and never asked further.

She is not in a hurry, she will be able to meet the boss after tonight, just waiting quietly is enough.

"Ah, that's right." Anno suddenly remembered something crucial. "There is no purchase limit for ordinary drinks in the store, but the Wangyou series can only be purchased once per day."

"It's reasonable." Elizabeth knew this for the first time.

In her opinion, this should be the limitation of the product itself, and the quantity is not enough to supply all the customers in the tavern.

The consumption of drinks by dwarves is terrible.

"Three, buy each." Elizabeth's bandaged finger pointed to the shelf in front of her.

"Okay, a total of thirty gold...Huh?!" Anno nodded subconsciously, but then he reacted and opened his eyes in surprise, "You want to buy?"

Anno clearly knows the true identity of Elizabeth.

The master of the death woodland, the powerful lich, whose power is also the absolute pinnacle in the entire council of elders.

The point is that Elizabeth is dead.

The undead need to eat?

Anno feels that his worldview has been challenged.

Some undead can indeed eat, just like swallowing seeds in the dead woodland, but that is not "eating" in the ordinary sense.

Besides, Elizabeth is a lich, her body has turned into bones, even if she eats something, it will leak out from the gaps in her ribs.

"Can't I buy it?" Elizabeth asked rhetorically.

"Of course not." Anno shook his head again and again, looking quite tangled, "I just...somewhat don't understand, you shouldn't need to eat, right?"

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