"About the shooting plan for the second movie."

Yao Ziyue stared at Qing Yuan blankly, her purple eyes blinked twice, apparently she hadn't understood the meaning of this sentence for a while.

After a long time, he took a deep breath, got out of the state of absent-mindedness, and stared at Qing Yuan with his eyes wide open.


No wonder her reaction was so big.

After all, today's Origin Mall also filmed Luochuan and Xinhai Chengzi.

Naturally, the former needless to say, I started to release myself after filming one part, and there are basically very few future filmings, which belong to the Living Years series.

And Xinhai Chengzi's approach can no longer be described as dedication alone.

"Why I lied to you, see for yourself." Qing Yuan handed the magic phone to Yao Ziyue, and the relevant page was displayed on the screen.

"Thank you for watching my movie. I am very happy to be recognized by everyone. In addition, new movies are being prepared. 』

A very brief dynamic, but the amount of information revealed in it is very large.

Originally, very few people knew about Xin Hai Chengzi's account, and she would also post some daily life events in the dynamics. Except for familiar friends and crew members, basically no one cares about it.

But after the movie was screened, the name of director Xin Hai Chengzi quickly increased in the customer base of Origin Mall.

Within a few minutes of the newsletter, there have been nearly a hundred messages.

"! ! 』

"I especially like your shooting speed of five centimeters per second! So soon we are ready to shoot a new movie again! 』

"I think a certain boss should be called here. 』

"After the appraisal, the number upstairs is gone. 』

"I don't know what kind of story the new movie is, I look forward to it! 』


"Eh-" Yao Ziyue stretched her voice, "It's the story Xinhai said about the exchange of bodies between two girls, right?"

"It should be." Qing Yuan nodded.

"Story, what story?" The Sea-Monster girl was very curious, and she leaned forward directly from behind with the support of the snake's tail.

"Zi Yue, come on." Qing Yuan yawned, she didn't want to waste time on this.

"Oh." Yao Ziyue replied, then looked up at Elena, who was nearly two meters high, and couldn't help but tugging at her sleeve, "Elena, talking at this height is very tired, can you? Low point?"

"Ah, yes." Elena finally realized this and smiled embarrassedly.

Then he walked to the front of the sofa, coiled himself into a mosquito coil, and made a quiet listening posture.

"It's a long story about this story..."

The night was obscured by clouds, and only a faintly cold moonlight could be seen passing through the gaps in the clouds and spilling onto the ground. The cold wind blew through the dense forest and made strange noises, and a faint green fire flashed by.

Click, click...

There was a harsh rubbing sound, and the rickety human-shaped skeleton staggered out of the bushes, still carrying armor that hadn't completely decayed.

In the eyes of a black hole, two soul fires are flickering brightly and dimly.

"Hungry, so hungry, so hungry..."

Accompanied by the murmured words, the huge black figure quietly approached, and there was a strong smell of stench and rotting with it, like a group of weird lives composed of countless limbs and rotten flesh, wherever it passed. The corrosive liquid left behind left a deep mark on the ground.

The viscous tentacles popped out like phantoms, directly entwining the skeletons that had not had time to respond, and then swallowed and contracted into the body.

After all this was done, the weird creature slowly left, and the sound drifted away, until it dissipated in the howling night wind.

"So hungry, so hungry, so hungry..."

"Tenth... Damn it, eat one more, eat another! Look to the left!"

"Ah, it seems that I won again this time."

"Good luck..."

The castle surrounded by clouds presents a completely different atmosphere from the entire dead woodland. The noise is almost never cut off. Various undead creatures gather here, talking noisily on various topics.

They are all servants of the Castle of Death, the servants of the lich lord.

As for the creature that appeared in the forest before, it was a powerful undead called the Devouring Seed, which only retained part of the consciousness during his lifetime, that is, eating.

By swallowing to continuously grow oneself, theoretically there is almost no upper limit for growth. Whenever a legendary-level Devouring Seed appears, it is a disaster for the living.

But in this dead woodland, even the Devouring Seed is nothing more than the upper-middle class undead.

"Waoye, the Lord hasn't completed her experiment yet?" asked a famous man in aristocratic costumes, his body appeared translucent, and he was obviously an undead.

The girl in the white maid costume shook her head slightly, glanced in a certain direction subconsciously, and her voice did not rush: "Whenever the Duke enters the experimental hall, she will unilaterally cut off contact with the outside world. Even I can't explore the Duke. The state of an adult will naturally appear after the Lord Duke has completed her work."

She smiled gracefully.

"Well, that's what I said." The man sighed helplessly.

At the same time, in the depths of the death castle, a certain room.

The light curtains hover in the air, presenting complex information that is incomprehensible, and it does not change all the time, as if it is recording something.

The energy pipes on the wall were filled with light blue fireflies, flickering like breathing, and humming like wind chimes.

Vaguely, a faint fragrance of wine could still be smelled in the room.


The sudden bursting sound reverberated endlessly, and the magical shock turned into visible ripples spreading towards the surroundings, and was quickly hindered by the surrounding energy barriers, and finally could only quietly disperse, and the light suspended in mid-air. The screen also accurately recorded the magical changes at this moment.

The skeleton in the white mage robes seemed to sigh, and then wiped away the fragments of the arcane spiritual body that was contaminated on the bones and was rapidly dissipating, and seemed to be dissatisfied with the result.

As the most common arcane life in extraordinary experiments, it can be said that the development of contemporary magic is based on the sacrifice of countless arcane spiritual bodies, and they have made indelible contributions to this.

The faint blue soul fire in Elizabeth's eyes pulsed slightly, and her eyes fell on a bottle placed on the ultra-clean test bench. The surface of the bottle has a very unique logo, which looks like a cross formed by two slender diamonds. The pattern seems to have a special meaning.

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