Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2185: The story never ends

"The fifth chapter, five centimeters per second (end

As the final title surfaced, the movie came to an end, and related personnel information began to scroll.

[Director: Makoto Shinkai.

Screenwriter: Xin Hai Chengzi, Luo Chuan

Cast: Gu Yunxi, Jiang Wanshang...

Vision Guidance: Dream Sky.

Special thanks: Star Empire, Origin Mall, Lingyun College...

"No, it's gone?"

"Oh, why does a train pass by?"

"Will Xiao Qiu and Xiao Ying meet again in the future? I feel that the ending of this story is a bit unpleasant."

"It should be over..."

Obviously, the final scene had a great impact on the customers, and the whole viewing hall gradually became lively.

It's not like the death note taken by Luochuan.

The rhythm of the whole movie stopped abruptly when L and Kira met. Although it is easy to cause complaints, it is still hearty on the whole, and people can't help but look forward to the subsequent plot.

As for the five centimeters per second shot by Makoto Shinkai, it is a completely different type of movie.

Daily and young girl's thoughts.

The best time, meeting the best people, but the ending is never perfect.

In fact, most movies need a point of emotional venting, which is used to let the audience release the thoughts accumulated during the viewing process. It can be reunion and good, or it can be helpless and sad.

The train that blocked the sight of the two finally set the tone for the entire movie.

In the end, the thoughts of youth will not be able to withstand the passage of time, and will eventually turn into a smile of relief.

But is it really relieved in my heart?

No one knows the answer.

Maybe when I dream back at midnight, I will remember the time before, the promise made by the **** the lakeside with fireflies flying in the moonlight...

"It's over." Luo Chuan let out a sigh of relief.

There is a big difference from the second five that I have seen in my memory. It basically belongs to two completely different movies, but it is still the familiar style of Shinkai Seiko.

Beautiful shots, young girls' thoughts, ignorant love...

So, does Xin Hai Chengzi believe in love at all? Luo Chuan couldn't guess the answer, maybe only she could answer this question.

Five stories, more than two hours of watching movies.

Luo Chuan looked at the continuously scrolling subtitles, his eyes were a little dazed.

Excellent works will make people feel involuntarily substituting them. When the story ends, there will inevitably be some regrets and disappointments.

The movie has ended, but the lives of the characters in the movie will not end there.

"You feel... uh, what's the matter?"

Luo Chuan was about to ask Yao Ziyan what he thought of the movie, and then he saw the girl's expression with rain.

"I don't like this ending..."

Yao Ziyan smoked his nose, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and whispered.

Compared with Luochuan, Yao Ziyan is obviously more perceptual, and he has obviously completely substituted himself into the plot of the story.

"Okay, okay, it's just a story." Luo Chuan hugged the girl lightly and comforted softly, "And Xinhai also filmed another ending. Without the train that blocked the line of sight, the two saw each other. , And lived a happy life from then on."


Yao Ziyan squinted her eyes, quietly feeling the warmth of her embrace.

At this moment, she was not a venerable with powerful strength, nor was she a **** of destiny with divine authority, but an ordinary girl, nostalgic for the happiness at this moment.

Another hall.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of the viewing hall, it seems quite quiet here.

They participate in every shot, and they can even clearly recall the scene when the shot was taken.

"it's over…"

Xin Hai Chengzi said softly.

There was a faint weeping sound, and many female crew members cried quietly, not knowing whether it was because of the plot of the movie or venting their thoughts about the end of this period of time.

Gu Yunxi hugged Jiang Wanshang, while the latter looked helpless: "Okay, it's just a movie. Movies and reality are not the same."

"I know." Gu Yunxi replied in a dull voice, "but I just can't help it..."

The voice was faintly crying.

Jiang Wanchang sighed and patted Gu Yunxi's back lightly.

"Everyone." Xin Hai Chengzi stood up and looked back at the people sitting in the hall.

The voice gradually ceased, and one after another looked at her.

"Thank you all for your continued help. The time I have been working with you is my most precious time. I have realized my dream all the time. Thank you all." Xin Hai Chengzi bowed and thanked me.

Her identity is just a film director at this moment, and the members of the crew are only present, nothing more.

After a little silence, there were bursts of applause, which also meant that "Five Centimeters Per Second" officially came to an end and a certain era began.

Xin Hai Chengzi took out the magic phone after sitting down.

I started to check the customers' comments on the movie, and my face gradually showed a smile.

It seems...she succeeded.

"Impressions on the movie "Five Centimeters Per Second""

"Oh, why did a train pass by at the end!" 』

"A very beautiful and realistic story, and I also want to know if there is no such train, would it be another ending"

"The contradiction between reality and illusion-five centimeters per second"


The concept of partners is actually not fixed among the customer groups of Origin Mall. After all, among human beings, men and women as partners cannot be called absolute.

As for other races, the concept of this aspect is actually more complicated and changeable.

Elemental creatures can be born from the place where the elements gather, or they can be bred by the elemental creatures alone, and can be bred together.

Certain soul life breeds the next generation by intercepting soul fragments and fusing with other soul fragments to achieve the birth of new life.

Dragons are simpler and are directly manufactured in batches from the factory...

Never use your own inertial ideas to substitute for other races, this is a message that all customers of Origin Mall understand.

So regarding the relationship between Xiaoqiu and Xiaoying in the movie, the customers did not have any surprises. After all, this movie still has the participation of the boss, which is very reasonable.

The preferences of a certain boss are well known among the customers of Origin Mall.

"Xinhai, what movie are you going to shoot next?" Qing Yuan asked with a smile, "Do you have a plan?"

She doesn't feel that after the second five is over, Xin Hai Chengzi will go back to inherit the family property. For her, her life value is not realized in this way. It is Xin Hai Chengzi's pursuit to keep shooting the stories in her heart.

"Well, I'm already writing." Xin Hai Chengzi nodded.

"So hard?!" Qing Yuan opened her eyes in surprise, and then asked curiously, "What kind of story is it?"

Xin Hai Chengzi smiled: "The soul exchange of two girls in different time and space is a story about accidentally breaking into each other's life..."

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