Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2177: Is this the country

The new story about Xin Hai Chengzi comes to an end for the time being.

I haven't figured it out yet, and she can't let her make up directly, it's too unrealistic.

This kind of story is unthinkable, even if you rack your brains, it's useless.

Inspiration tends to appear only inadvertently, and what needs to be done at this time is to grasp it as much as possible.

"The movie is about to be screened, please sit in your place, don't get up and walk around at will, and don't disturb the watching process of others. Thank you for your cooperation; the movie is about to be screened..."

As the broadcast sounded, the noisy speech in the hall gradually disappeared.

Passive gleams of light gathered in mid-air and turned into a huge light curtain, showing movie posters on it. The pink and white cherry blossoms were in full bloom and fell like rain. Two young girls stood on the opposite side of the cherry tree, low Hanging his head, I was thinking about the girl's thoughts.

"Wow, it looks amazing!"

Bai exclaimed in a low voice.

She was sitting slightly back in the middle, with Su Nan next to her, and she was quite surprised by the scene before her.

"This is a special function of the cinema." Su Nan smiled, "Xiaobai, have you noticed one thing."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Bai turned his head curiously and looked.

"Customers keep coming here, right?"


White nodded, maybe because the new movie is going to be shown today, the number of customers is a lot more than yesterday.

And near the beginning of the screening, many more customers came in at the entrance of the hall than before.

"Then have you noticed the size of this hall?" Su Nan asked with a smile.

Bai blinked and looked around subconsciously.

She didn't care about it at all.

After Su Nan reminded him, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Bai remembered that when he first came here, the location in the lobby seemed to be just enough to accommodate customers.

But why half an hour has passed, and so many new customers have come one after another, and it still seems to be "accommodating"?

This unscientific!

"Is the space formation engraved here?" Bai asked uncertainly.

"Xiao Bai, do you think the space formation can achieve this level?" Su Nan asked rhetorically.

"Of course not!" Bai shook his head decisively, with doubts and curiosity in his voice, "Sister, what is going on?"

"The special feature of Origin Mall." Su Nan felt that it was necessary to let Bai get used to what he saw in Origin Mall beyond his cognition. "About this lobby, the boss once told about its function, no matter what the situation is, it can be said. The attitude of'just right' welcomes the customers who visit here.

Even if there are only a few people, it will not feel empty, and the entire Jiuyao City will not feel crowded if all the people gather here. It belongs to the concept of ‘setup’. "

"I seem to understand." Bai Sitangfei nodded.

"There is also a light curtain." Su Nan pointed to the projection light curtain in front, "No matter where you sit, the picture you see is the most perfect angle, whether you are sitting in the first row or in the corner. ."

Bai looked a little dazed.

She suddenly felt that she still had a long way to go to fully understand Origins Mall.

Whether it is the products of Origin Mall or the facilities of Origin Mall, you need to understand it carefully.

Oh, by the way, and the mysterious boss.

I haven't seen him personally, and I don't know when I will return to Origin Mall.

The melodious piano sounded, the whispers in the hall quietly disappeared, the eyes of countless customers fell on the light curtain one after another, and the movie screening had begun.

The calls of insects and birds came from far away.

The dark screen gradually brightened, revealing the picture.

The sky is clear, the breeze is peaceful, the country trails, the green water and the green mountains.

It is the season when winter goes to spring, and the whole sight is full of greenery.

The scattered houses are located in the mountains, and you can faintly see three or two pedestrians, with a kind of leisurely meaning that is not available in big cities.

I don't know when, there is more flute sound in the piano sound.

Slightly unfamiliar, but also leisurely and soothing.

The little girl with her schoolbag walked slowly on the road, playing the bamboo flute in her hand.

The girl's slightly naive narration also sounded.

"This is the village where I live, and it's a very peaceful place, but I often think this way, don't I..."

"Xiao Qiu—"

The girl's shout came from behind, and the girl with pale orange hair ran quickly while waving her hand.

The girl called Xiaoye stopped and quietly looked at the girl—the cow behind her, and the flute gradually stopped.

The narration sounded again.

"...Living in the country?"

"Sister, I like this kind of life." Bai whispered to Su Nan.

When they were young, they lived in the same place, without any worries...If you fill your stomach, it counts, but she will hunt in the mountains.

Su Nan smiled and stroked her white hair.

"At that time we also lived in a village, and you were clamoring to go to school."

She remembered something long ago.

Bai turned his head in embarrassment, and realized how capricious he was at that time.

"I was young...but I also made a lot of friends." He smiled with squinted eyes. "It's the same as in the movie, so I miss it."

Now that hundreds of years have passed, the village in the memory has long since been obliterated in history.

But that is still her precious memory.

the other side.

"Puff...Is this Yun Xi? It looks so cute!" Qing Yuan laughed blankly at the image on the light curtain.

Although the appearance is much smaller, the familiar outline can still be seen.

It's definitely Gu Yunxi.

Others also spoke out, mostly with laughter and surprise.

The audience in this hall is all crew members, so relatively speaking, there is a lot of randomness.

Gu Yunxi's face was reddened slightly, and it was actually the same as it was on weekdays when shooting. According to Xin Hai Chengzi, special methods were used to transform it into the appearance of a child in the later stage.

It should be very successful now.

"How is it?" Xin Hai Chengzi also smiled and asked back.

"Um..." Gu Yunxi scratched her hair, her expression a little tangled, "It's pretty good... It just feels a little strange."

She still clearly remembers the scene when she was shooting, but now she has suddenly changed her image, but her senses are quite subtle.

"It's okay, it's time for the evening dress to appear after the meeting, you two are about the same." Xin Hai Chengzi looked very good.

Jiang Wanchang was eating popcorn, but he was not affected much.

She smiled and stuffed Gu Yunxi's mouth: "I really look forward to the appearance of myself inside. Basically, I have forgotten about everything when I was young."

"It will definitely help you remember your childhood." Xin Hai Chengzi said with a smile.

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