"Boss, didn't you say that you will launch a ranked mode today?"

The sound of the great axe resounded throughout the Hearthstone Tavern.

Luo Chuan felt that the giant axe was already restraining his voice as much as possible, but it was a pity that the dwarf's unique loud voice was not so easy to change.

"Relax, I didn't forget." Luo Chuan waved his hand casually.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that the boss will have the habit of procrastinating on this kind of thing." Juaxe said thoughtfully.

Luochuan: "..."

Is this also an information disturbance in some sense?

Forget it, don't want that much.

After spitting out in his heart, Luo Chuan walked towards a certain hearthstone device, and the guests in the tavern followed him one after another.

Luo Chuan stretched out his palm and pressed it against the edge of the desktop.

The invisible light patterns spread around like ripples, and the faint white light converged into a projection light curtain that had never appeared before.

Tengman, ancient trees, and various wrecked statues form the outline of the light curtain, and the central area displays relevant information.

[Whether to update the game system immediately]


Luochuan chose [Yes].

[The game has been updated, I wish you a happy game]

A new information prompt popped up, and Luo Chuan clapped his hands to indicate that he was done.

"Uh, is this all right?" the giant axe asked.

"Okay." Luo Chuan nodded.

"The light pattern just now..."

"Special effects, you can understand it as looking special leaving, in fact, there is only the effect of looking special leaving."

Great Axe: "..."

He felt that he couldn't keep up with Luochuan's train of thought.

Turning his head to look at the other people, he was relieved a lot, and they looked almost like him.

"Hehe, the boss is really in good spirits." The giant axe smiled dryly, and looked at the Hearthstone device in front of him, "In other words, is it possible to compete in ranking now?"

"Yeah." Luo Chuan nodded, "but to be precise, it should be called the ladder mode."

"Ladder?" Giant Axe didn't quite understand.

"It can be understood as the ladder leading to the highest place. The more people go up, the fewer people will eventually reach the top." Luochuan briefly introduced the concept of the ladder, "and these players will be awarded the'legendary' Title, this is their honor."

Obviously, these words had a great influence on the giant axe, and the eyes of the dwarf elder gradually brightened.

The fun of Hearthstone legend, in addition to card collection, Hearthstone game, and real magic, ranking among customers is also extremely important.

Before the giant axe felt that something was missing, now the vacant puzzle is finally filled.

Legendary title... If you have such a title among many players, it will definitely be very exciting.

"Haha, I must get the title of legend!" Giant Axe was very confident.

As the first customer to discover the Hearthstone Tavern, coupled with the terrifying amount of krypton gold, Elder Great Axe is definitely one of the customers who have collected the most cards in the entire Hearthstone Tavern customer group.

And as we all know, Hearthstone is a technical game. According to the game's understanding of the giant axe, it is not difficult to get the title of legend.

"Then I wish you success in advance." Luo Chuan said casually.

"By the way, boss, do you think the tavern is a bit small?" Before entering the game, Giant Axe thought of a key thing and gave Luo Chuan his opinion.

Luo Chuan felt that he had returned to the beginning of Origin Mall, when customers urged him to expand the store.

"I think it's okay." Luochuan yawned. He was a little sleepy who was awakened by Yao Ziyan early, "but I will add some more equipment when the customers get more."

"That's good." Giant Axe smiled, "Ah yes, boss, isn't the second floor of the tavern still vacant, it will be used as a tavern venue by then."

"Well... let's talk about it at that time." Luo Chuan went over it perfunctorily.

According to his original plan, the second floor will not be used as a tavern. After all, the third floor is a place to rest, so I really don't want to hear the yelling.

Although this situation can be avoided by engraving the formation, it is still very inconvenient...

All in all, Luochuan seems to have other uses for the second floor, but it is still uncertain for the time being.

Stretching, returning to a familiar position, Luo Chuan smoothly found out the previously unfinished book borrowed from Anno, and continued reading.

I saw the chapter where the goddess created the world...

"Speaking of which, there are also goddesses in this world, and I don't know if there is any connection with the "goddess" in An Weiya's mouth. They will not be the same god...Haha, it shouldn't be possible..."

Luo Chuan whispered to himself, his voice lowered as he smiled, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Because he suddenly remembered the conversation with An Weiya on the magic phone yesterday.

Ma! These two goddesses are not really the same goddess!

Luo Chuan feels that he has never been so close to the final truth of the story of this book... [Although the author himself hasn’t figured out what the “truth” is, it’s just... ahem...]

Origin Mall.

The dark blue night has not completely dissipated, and the afterglow of the morning sun has stained the sky, like a beauty covering her face with a light veil, and she wants to refuse.

Bang bang bang...

The door was slapped, and the sound tore the silence of the morning.

"Is anyone, open the door, open the door to send warmth..."

"I'm here, don't shout anymore, it's easy to be reported to disturb the people, okay... well, there don't seem to be many ordinary residents around here..."

Demon Ziyue answered repeatedly and opened the door of Origin Mall.

Outside the door, An Weiya, Xie Mengwu, and Frost were standing there.

"Yawn~ Why are you here so early?" Yao Ziyue couldn't help yawning, she hadn't woken up yet.

"Isn't this here to help." Xie Mengwu walked toward the store, while still not forgetting to look around, "Where is Xinhai?"

"Nuo, it's there, still asleep." Yao Ziyue pointed in a certain direction.

The woman in the elegant dress was lying on the table and sleeping soundly. She was still covered with a white blanket. There were many messy items stacked in front of her. The words "five centimeters per second" could be seen vaguely. This kind of beautiful picture, the cherry blossoms are scattered, like snow.

"You have been busy all night?" An Weiya's voice was lowered subconsciously.

"Not a whole night, most of the night." Yao Ziyue yawned, probably because she watched Holmes, she became very rigorous in looking at the problem, "Basically, Xinhai did it herself, and I just did it. It’s all done to help out by the side."

Since you choose to show a movie in Origin Mall, you must have a lot of preparations, such as posters, brochures, etc., these things are all necessary in Xinhai Chengzi's view.

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