Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2167: The meaning of existence

"...A long time ago, the intelligent races living in the world of Koruo had not yet established a complete civilization. The arrival of the angels of the gods brought them the dawn of dawn."

"The elves regard the place where the angel of the gods descended as a sacred mountain, and the ancestors have guarded it for generations; the dwarves learned the excavation technique from the angel of the gods; the dead are also favored by the gods, and for the gods, all beings are equal."

"...When the flames of civilization light up to drive away the ignorant darkness, the angel of the gods chooses to leave, and the dragon disappears along with it..."

Luo Chuan sat on the bed, flipping through a book borrowed from Anno.

The content of the book mainly tells the many legends of the world of Koror. As for the authenticity, it is impossible to verify the authenticity, but most of them are passed down from the ancient times.

"Dragons...this world also has their shadows. I don't know what connection it has with the dragons of Tianlan Continent..."

Luo Chuan whispered to himself.

The dragons seem to play a vital role, but they are covered by a thick veil, making it impossible to see their true appearance.

"Why don't you ask Anvia?"

The curiosity in Luo Chuan's heart quickly gained the upper hand.

My heart is worse than action, I found the magic phone and sent a message with An Weiya.

"Are you there? I want to ask you something

"...Boss, I can only answer if you said something specific."

An Weiya responded very quickly, but her words revealed a sense of jealousy. I think she was afraid of being asked by Luochuan's previous series of questions that seemed to be a curious baby.

There are some things that she can't say even if she wants to. Disclosure of information is likely to cause extremely serious consequences, and discussion is one of the ways.

And these depend on "cognition" in a certain sense.

When it is understood and informed to others, it will become a medium of dissemination.

Although Anvia felt that this situation could indeed be avoided with the boss's ability, she should not have any fluke. This is a regulation that any dragon who has the travel conditions must keep in mind.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask if you have anything to do with the dragons in the world of Kolo"

There was no reply, and the news sent in the past seemed to sink into the ocean.

Luo Chuan was not in a hurry, and waited patiently.

at the same time.

Origin Mall.

"Anvia, what's the matter with you?" Bai asked with concern.

From a moment ago, the dragon girl held the magic phone with a tangled expression, not knowing what she saw on it.

"I'm fine." An Weiya shook her head, smiled at Bai, her eyes fell on the screen of the magic phone again.

Luochuan’s news is displayed on it.

The relationship between them and Koror World...

Anvia tried to recall the safety regulations, did it involve any requirements in this respect, as if... there was none?

But what should I say specifically?

never mind.

An Wei Ya slightly irritated and scratched her hair, and decided to tell her.


"? ? You actually answered directly? 』

An Weiya is a bit funny, how do you feel that the boss is even more surprised than her?

"Does the boss think it's better for me to sell Guanzi?" 』

"Uh, it's not, how specific? What is the connection? 』

An Weiya groaned for a while, and slowly typed the answering words on the magic phone, hesitated for a while, deleted it, and typed it again. After repeating this several times, she nodded in satisfaction.

"The legendary dragons in the world of Koruo are also talking about us, because for some special reasons, we left there until today."

"what reason? 』

Luochuan seemed to be aroused.

"Well... you will know when the boss is in the future, or you can go back with me, and we should be able to answer many of your questions in your mind."

An Weiya sent an invitation to Luochuan to go to the Dragon World. She felt that it was the right time, and she could also take the white belt back to see it by the way.


Luo Chuan sent a series of ellipsis, not knowing whether he was speechless or thinking about it.

"When you have a chance in the future, you must go over and have a look. Recently, something can't go away."

An Weiya thinks this should be Luo Chuan's resignation, but it seems reasonable to think of the boss's procrastinating character.

It takes a long time to launch new products, and it is natural to "be well prepared" for events like this kind of visit to the dragon clan.

"Okay, I'm waiting for the boss' response"

An Weiya replied to Luo Chuan, put away the magic phone, and stretched deeply.

"So happy, how about chatting with someone you like?" Xie Mengwu suddenly leaned over and asked with a narrow smile.

An Weiya couldn't help rolling her eyes: "Don't make trouble, I haven't even had a coming-of-age ceremony, and there is no such relationship as a partner in our place. Every dragon lives alone."

"Ah?" Xie Mengwu was taken aback. She seldom heard An Weiya talk about the life of the Dragon Race, "Without a partner... Then how did you multiply?"

"Didn't you say that, the hatchery, the new dragon eggs are all coming out of there, each dragon has its own future identity before it is born, and it is enough to grow according to the established route. "An Weiya said naturally.

Xie Mengwu frowned slightly and opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The identity of the future is determined before being born, and each member maintains the operation of the entire civilization like a mechanical part...This is Xie Mengwu's impression of the dragon society in An Weiya's mouth.

"You... haven't you thought about changing it?" Xie Mengwu groaned and couldn't help asking.


An Weiya smiled lightly. It was a smile Xie Mengwu had never seen before. It was pure and bright, like the morning sun tearing through the clouds in winter, bringing warm light to the world.

"This is our mission, the...meaning of our existence..."

The dragon girl said softly.

Xie Mengwu didn't understand the specific meaning of An Weiya's mission and meaning, but this did not prevent her from feeling the responsibility that seemed to exist on the other's shoulders.

"So...if you need help, you can tell me, after all, I am also a venerable person anyway." Xie Mengwu smiled and touched An Weiya's arm.

"Yeah, good." An Weiya also smiled and nodded.

Sometimes, a simple promise is enough.

"The world where the dragon lives..."

Luo Chuan looked up at the message from An Weiya on the magic phone and looked up at the snow-white roof.

He remembers that Anvia mentioned inviting him to the social tour of Dragon Life a long time ago. Now it is an official invitation, but the time is obviously not suitable. The tavern is now at a critical stage of development. If he leaves, it will definitely be. Have a big impact.

But An Weiya also said that there is no need to worry, so let's say it later.

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