Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2153: The way to heal the soul

Hearthstone Tavern.

After lunch, Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan discussed what had just happened in Origin Mall, probably the story between Su Nan and Bai.

Luo Chuan was not surprised at all.

As a traverser and a person of longevity, Su Nan himself is special enough, and it makes sense that the Bai he knows is equally special.

This is like some kind of interference at the information level.

When an information source is powerful enough, it can naturally affect the surrounding things.

As far as Luo Chuan knows, most of the intelligent races in the world are affected by this factor. It is said that the reason is actually the information disturbance caused by a life born in the void. He chose the appearance of human beings. This caused an information-level interference to the entire void.

But that is another story.

"Hualong... Su Nan... Dragon Clan..."

Luo Chuan sighed, he didn't understand the connection between these things at all.

Shaking his head, putting aside these upsetting thoughts, decided not to think so much for the time being.

Anyway, there are a lot of things that I don't understand, and it's not too bad.

Luochuan has always been heart-warming.

"Boss boss, haven't the previously mentioned ranking mode been launched yet?" The elf girl hurried to the counter, her pointed ears trembling slightly.

At the same time, Luo Chuan also noticed that many dwarves cast their gazes at the counter.

For them, the ranking mode of Hearthstone is also highly anticipated. After all, the gameplay of Hearthstone is fixed, and it is really difficult to distinguish the players from Hearthstone.

But the introduction of the ranking mode will make everyone clearly aware of the gap between them.

The title of the strongest player is quite attractive.

"Tomorrow." Luo Chuan gave an accurate answer.

"Really?" Anno opened his eyes in surprise.

"Really." Luo Chuan nodded helplessly. He had already begun to wonder if his credit value was in arrears. No one believed what he said.

He has always followed the good character of honesty and trustworthiness.

Luo Chuan didn't conceal other people's words. After hearing that Hearthstone would be updated tomorrow, those dwarven players suddenly burst into cheers.

This shows how popular Hearthstone is among the dwarves.

Luo Chuan felt that if he introduced a new type of card pack, it would be tantamount to the opening of a grand festival for these dwarves.

At that time, the turnover of Hearthstone Tavern will definitely increase several times.

If the place where he came for the first time was not Jiuyao City, but the City of Steel, and the first commodity was not Coke, but a card game like Hearthstone, Luo Chuan suddenly had such an idea.

Perhaps holographic devices will also appear at that time, but the leisure mode should be changed from Colo World to Tianlan Continent.

The type of this book will also change from fantasy to magic...

Keke, get back to business.

The type is meaningless, mainly because Luochuan itself should experience the same changes.

I was eager for money at the beginning, and I paid attention to the growth of turnover no matter when and where, and gradually realized that money is nothing but something outside of the body, and lying down and enjoying it is the true meaning of life.

"Haha, why did the boss suddenly change his temper? I thought you were going to talk about it for a few days." Elder Giant Axe passed by the counter carrying a barrel of ale, and laughed after stopping, obviously in a very good mood.

"I'm very curious about what my image looks like in your heart." Luo Chuan yawned.

"If you insist on's like the protospar lizard in the mine." The giant axe thought for a while and said, "Yes, it's the protospar lizard."

Protozoa lizard is a unique creature in the underground mines of the City of Steel. It looks similar to the combination of Protoste and Lizard. The back and other parts of the body grow high-purity Protoss, which is very magical. It has a strong affinity and can store a large number of magic runes.

In a sense, it belongs to the type of semi-element life.

Protolite lizards are mostly lazy. They can absorb free magic power from birth to death by absorbing the free magic power through the protolite growing on the body.

Luo Chuan had heard of this creature, and was a little speechless in his evaluation of the giant axe, and at the same time was a little surprised.

In other words, is this the perception ability of the legendary powerhouse? Horrible.

"Then what, boss, you continue to be busy, I'm going to hit Hearthstone." The giant axe waved his hand, carrying a barrel of ale just purchased to join the ranks of the Hearthstone game again.

Luochuan has already begun to reflect on his daily behavior since the opening of the Hearthstone Tavern.

He reached out and poked Yao Ziyan's arm: "Am I really the same as the giant axe?"

"Well, it's almost." Yao Ziyan smiled and nodded, "Although it is a little different from when I was in Origins Mall, my daily habits have not changed much, but I think the giant axe said Luochuan you are like a protolith. Lizards are indeed a bit exaggerated."

Yao Ziyan comforted a certain boss with euphemistic words.

"No, I am injured and need to be cured." Luo Chuan suddenly covered his chest.

"Cure?" Yao Ziyan was taken aback.

She was still thinking about the meaning of the words, and then she saw Luo Chuan approaching, and then lay down directly.

Luo Chuan also shook his head and found a comfortable position for his pillow.

Yao Ziyan stared blankly at Luo Chuan lying on his lap. During this process, he was at a loss. When he reacted, he blushed.

"What are you doing?"

Yao Ziyan asked in a low voice, subconsciously trying to push Luo Chuan away, but he didn't use much strength in his hands.

"Heal my wounded soul." Luo Chuan closed his eyes, folded his hands on his chest, lying peacefully.

Yao Ziyan: "..."

There was a moment of silence, and she secretly looked around. The customers in the tavern did not notice what was happening at the counter.

If it were the Origin Mall, there must have been a lot of melon customers starting to see the excitement.

However, it is obvious that the dwarves are not interested in these gossip aspects, and it is not as interesting for them to have this time to have a happy Hearthstone game.

Yao Ziyan felt a little hot on her face.

She looked down at Luo Chuan, who closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy the time now.

The purple eyes blinked slightly, and I don't know what was remembered, the corner of Yaozi's cigarette mouth showed a slight smile, perhaps as Luo Chuan said earlier, the girl in love is indeed very beautiful.

Yao Ziyan bit her lip, pinched Luo Chuan's nose, and called out his name.



Luo Chuan still closed his eyes, his nose being pinched sounded a little funny.

"...It's okay."

Yao Ziyan smiled and said softly, her purple pupils reflected the familiar face, just like a lake shimmering under the moonlight, maybe...something should be changed.

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