The portal made of silver-white metal slowly opened to the sides, revealing the scene behind the door.

Bai looked inside curiously, but An Weiya held her palm: "Go, I'll take you over and take a look."

"Oh." Bai could only follow her footsteps subconsciously.

Passing through the metal portal inlaid on the wall, the door slowly closed behind them.

It took a few seconds for the white eyes to adapt to the slightly dim light in the expanded space. Although it was dim, it did not affect the vision, but it didn't feel bright outside.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

In Bai's line of sight, the icy blue shimmering stars like fireflies dotted everywhere, like a dream.

"so beautiful……"

She sighed softly, her eyes seemed to reflect a galaxy.

"This is the plant that customers found in The Lost Country-The Lost Country is a relic in the Jiuyao Mountains. It suddenly appeared about a year ago and caused quite a lot of movement at that time." An Weiya described the expansion. The origin of these flowers in the space.

"Remains?" Bai Wei was taken aback.

She didn't even know about this, it seemed that there were not many rumors related to it in Jiuyao City.

Xu Ye guessed what Bai was thinking, and An Weiya waved her hand indifferently: "It's like the name of this ruin-the Lost Kingdom. The space inside is very large. It is a civilization ruin that has not existed for so long."

"Then why..."

"Because there are only ruins left, I have been there once before, and all I can see is the long-weathered building remains, the wind and yellow sand of the ruins, there is not much exploration value." Anvia said casually, "and the most important thing is. It is because the energy shock caused by the appearance of the ruins has not dissipated, and a natural barrier is formed at the entrance, which can only be passed by asking the strength."

The ruins are also divided into various types. Obviously, the Lost Kingdom belongs to the relatively barren type. The key is that the conditions for entry are still very harsh.

Although no one knows what is hidden under those ruins and endless yellow sand, it is actually impossible to explore them in a short period of time.

The silver-white river that the people of Tianji Pavilion found in the cracks in the ground before has become the nightmare space in the holographic device. God knows how many weird things still exist here.


Bai nodded slightly.

She has already made a decision in her heart, and she will go over and take a look when she gets the chance.

If you find something precious in it, you will get rich. Her luck is always good.

"Would you like to taste it?" An Weiya asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Bai didn't understand An Weiya's meaning.

"It's the smell of this flower." An Weiya pointed to the plant growing on the wall in front of her. The roots and the metal wall were already integrated. Life and the dead seemed to have achieved a special fusion at this moment, but she didn't. Speaking of the name Luochuan took, it was mainly because An Weiya felt that "Ice Blue Flower" sounded a bit tacky.

The boss really doesn't know how to name it.

Maybe... it can be called Moon Tears.

[Here, please make up for Neil Moon’s Tears Cave by yourself]

"Can you eat?" Bai blinked, obviously skeptical about it.

"Of course." An Weiya smiled, "The taste is still very good, but it will have some side effects."

"What side effect?" Bai felt that this side effect was the vital information, and was very alert.

"It's just that the mouth will continue to glow for a certain period of time."


Bai felt that this was not a "point" side effect.

In her mind, she couldn't help but see the blue light from her mouth, and she shook her head again and again to throw away this strange scene.

"I think it's better for me not to taste it."

Reason triumphed over curiosity.

"Yuangui's small shop also has dishes that use this kind of flower as an ingredient. You can go and taste it when you have time." An Weiya suggested.

"Yeah, you must be free, and you must be free." Bai nodded again and again, looking serious.

The expansion space and the main storefront are both 500 holographic devices, and the remaining 9,000 are placed in various areas of different environments in the cinema, providing diversified choices for customers of different races.

Perhaps because of the effects of lighting and many other factors, the expansion space looks much larger than the main store, and it is more secluded.

"Just here." An Weiya stopped in front of a room door.

Open, there are two holographic devices placed side by side.

An Weiya sat inside and patted her side: "Come in, why are you standing at the door?"

"Oh oh." Bai nodded again and again, and quickly walked in, not forgetting to close the door smoothly.

The small room does not appear to be crowded, the two holographic devices are still turned off, and the seats have been replaced with soft and comfortable sofas connected together.

Bai moved his body to the side.

Although it was really comfortable to sit on, it made her feel a little uncomfortable to stay in such a confined environment with someone who had just met.

As for why you came in... Bai Neng said she didn't realize this at all just now?

The two of them didn't speak for a while, and the atmosphere seemed a little subtle, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.

"You look so cute." An Weiya took the lead to break the silence.

"Huh?" Bai was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded, "You too, by the way, your name sounds a bit different from the people here."

"Of course, after all, I didn't live here." An Weiya laughed, "Our naming style is like this. By the way, you should have seen the siren before, they are in the name with us. It’s about the same."

The two people's personalities are of a more lively type, and as the conversation progressed, the original strangeness gradually dissipated a lot.

"...I'm an early customer of Origin Mall. It didn't take long for me to launch ice cream when I came. There are many flavors of ice cream, so don't forget to experience it."

An Weiya tells about her experience in Origin Mall.

Bai listens carefully, knowing this information can also help her integrate here as soon as possible.

"Actually...I still don't quite believe what you just said." Bai remembered the topic discussed before coming to the expansion space, and shook his head slightly, "Why am I Bailong?"

"I can be sure of your dragon's identity." An Weiya's expression is serious, "You should be able to feel this too. There is a special induction between dragons."

He opened his mouth in vain, and couldn't find any rebuttal words for a while.

Because indeed, as Anvia said, I don’t know what’s going on. She actually has a very special feeling for Anvia, like some kind of instinctive guidance, telling her that this person is your companion and it’s worth it. trust.

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