Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2132: Anvia’s confusion

"And then? What happened after that?" Anvia asked.

Li Chunfeng let out a breath and looked at the rain curtain outside the door. The scene he saw that day is still firmly engraved in his mind, and he will never forget it.

He closed his eyes and opened them again.

"When the ichthyosaur in the return to the original realm jumped out of the water, the white dragon broke out of the water and bit the prey in one bite..."

Qing Yuan blinked, and a picture appeared in her mind.

The surging river surging continuously over the world, the sky is gloomy and the rain is vast, and the giant monster provokes huge waves. The white dragon jumps out of the river and hunts down the prey that tries to escape.

"Ah, yes, I still have images recorded at that time."

"Don't you have a magic phone? What did you use to record it? Hiccup~" Xie Mengwu hiccuped and drank a bottle of Wangyou fruit wine cleanly.

"Formation." Li Chunfeng replied, but his expression was a little confused, and he didn't seem to understand why Xie Mengwu asked such a question.

There are many types of formations in Tianlan Continent, which can basically achieve various functions.

"Ah, I'm used to it. I didn't expect this for a while." Xie Mengwu waved her hand indifferently and said with a smile.

It may be because of being a customer of Origin Mall for a long time, and the understanding of various things has also had a more or less impact. This is just a part of it.

Li Chunfeng nodded, never minding it.

"What about the recorded video?" An Weiya asked suddenly.

"Oh, here." Li Chunfeng took out a spiritual crystal with an image storage function, and he had transferred the image recorded in the compass to it.

With the infusion of spiritual power, a faint glow appeared in the air, drawing a specific picture.

The water surface was wider than imagined, and the surging river water seemed to come from the sky. The turbulent waves hit the river bank, and there were waves of white water mist, and the sound was dull like thunder.

Chen Mo and Chen Yiyi have seen it, and the reaction is normal. Qingyuan, An Weiya and Xie Mengwu are completely attracted.

"It's coming soon."

Chen Yiyi reminded in a low voice.

Xu was to confirm her words, and the river in the picture changed accordingly.

The white waves are surging to the sky, the surface of the river swells, as if some kind of monster is trying to escape the shackles of the river, and the golden-red strange fish breaks out of the water.

The first born with a single horn, the dorsal fin stands up like a sword, and the golden-red scales exude mysterious brilliance.

But it looked like he was running for his life.

In the next second, another larger white creature tore through the river water. It looked like a snake, but there was a great difference. There was a special beauty in its majesty. The fluffy bone spurs on the neck looked like white mane. , The body is perfect as if born specifically for fighting.

In the blink of an eye, the strange fish was entangled, and it continued to bite the prey it had just captured.

Origin Mall is very quiet, only the sound in the video reverberates, which is quite eye-catching in this quiet environment.

After ten seconds, the image freezes and the sound disappears.

"This is...Bailong..." Qing Yuan whispered softly.

Xie Mengwu poked An Weiya's arm, who was still watching the picture blankly: "Eh, do you look different from you, do you have different branches in your dragon clan? Different branches have different appearances? "

The dragon girl who was in a daze suddenly returned to her senses. She blinked her eyes, showing a dazed and confused expression: "I don't know."

Indeed, as Xie Mengwu said, there are indeed different branches in the dragon clan.

But the difference between the branches she learned is probably the difference in color, similar to the red dragon, white dragon, and black dragon, the talents of dragons of different colors will also be different.

In addition, according to their strengths, they can be divided into ice dragons, undead dragons, and mechanical dragons.

As for the appearance of this Siamese type with such a big difference... To be honest, An Weiya knows nothing about it.

…It seems wrong to say that.

I don't know what's going on, An Weiya has a feeling of deja vu again, as if she has seen relevant information about it, but she can't remember it for a while.

"I remember that there seem to be two images in Tianlan Continent's records of dragons? One is like An Weiya, and the other is like this, which is a bit similar to snakes... There should be limbs and double horns. There is nothing in the picture...but it's normal. The legend is different from reality. It's reasonable." Qing Yuan felt his chin and guessed.

An Weiya's eyes gradually widened.

After Qing Yuan's words, she finally understood the source of that familiarity.

Indeed, as she said, there have always been two rumors about the image of the Dragon Race in Tianlan Continent, but no one knows which one is true.

Looking at it now, neither is wrong.

But An Weiya couldn't understand why there was no relevant record in the Dragon Clan.

Maybe the relevant information has been lost or blocked, but she didn't know it.

…Well, maybe the teacher talked about this in class before, but she didn’t pay attention to it so she didn’t know.

In a short moment, An Weiya's heart flashed many thoughts.

"Before recording these images, I saw a woman in white clothes on the riverbank, and disappeared in an instant. At that time, I thought there was an illusion." Li Chunfeng suddenly mentioned another one that he had overlooked before. Message, "If I hadn't guessed, then the woman should be the white dragon in the picture."

"Sister An Weiya, why are you not talking?" Chen Yiyi couldn't help asking.

The main purpose for them to come to Origin Mall was to answer questions from Anvia, how now it seems that the dragon seemed at a loss and ignorant at the time.

"I..." An Weiya scratched her hair, "Well, actually I don't quite understand this aspect. I didn't know it specifically...ha, but it doesn't matter, we'll just ask her directly later."

"Ask her? Whom?" Chen Yiyi tilted his head, not quite understanding An Weiya's words.

"Of course it is the'white dragon girl' you just mentioned." Qing Yuan pointed to the paused picture and said with a smile.

The air is filled with a faint scent of flowers. It is a smell that has never been smelled before. When I smell it carefully, it seems that it has never appeared.

The pale pink petals fell down and fell into the palm of the white hand.

She looked up at the small tree in front of her, the tree was full of pale pink petals, the fragrance of the flowers was fresh and elegant, but the faint fragrance was intoxicating.

Cherry blossoms.

Bai saw the name of the flower in the introduction on the side.

Next to the cherry blossom tree, there is an unknown machine. The black and white buttons are quite mysterious when pressed, and a chair is placed in front of them.

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