Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 2130: What is information entanglement

"This is the evolutionary history of the two races of Amethyst Demon Wolf and Amethyst Thunder Eagle."

An Weiya gently blew the hot water in the cup, and the pale white mist rose up, with a touch of warmth on her face.

The Origin Mall was silent, Qingyuan and Xie Mengwu didn't speak, and they were digesting a lot of information contained in Anweiya's words.

"Uh, in other words, these two monsters actually have the same ancestors?" Xie Mengwu asked, considering his words.

"Well, it's almost like this." An Weiya nodded.

When she was in school, she was bored to read the information in the database. She accidentally discovered this part of the content. It felt interesting and then wrote it down. She didn't expect it to be useful.

"The natural world is always full of miracles. Those seemingly mysterious things can actually find a reasonable explanation, but they have not been discovered." Xie Mengwu took out a bottle of Wangyou fruit wine from the space ring and sipped it. There was a light blush on his face, "But I'm a little curious, how does this matter have anything to do with the same race you are talking about?"

"Two different dragons evolved from the same ancestor?" Qing Yuan added Xie Mengwu's later words.

"Um... I don't know." An Weiya scratched her hair, "Ah, what am I talking about."

She also hadn't seen the true form of the "kind" just now. It would be obviously inappropriate to think so directly, and Anvia found that she seemed lost in the face of this matter.

"It's okay, don't worry." Xie Mengwu patted the dragon girl's shoulder comfortingly, "Now everyone is here, and you can just ask if she comes out later. If you are embarrassed, just ask. It's me, this little bit of favor is on my body."

Xie Mengwu has always been very loyal to friends.

"Thank you." An Weiya smiled.

Being single and living in a foreign country, it is also a happy thing for her to get the attention of her friends.

"Hey, there are only three of you in the store today."

Familiar words sounded from the store door, and Chen Yiyi walked into the store briskly, and removed the spiritual barrier around him.

When it rains, some people like to hold umbrellas, and some like to use spiritual barriers or magic.

Everyone has their own preferences, no need to care about the opinions of others.

"Yiyi." Qing Yuan said hello with a smile, "I haven't seen you in the past two days. What happened to you?"

"Test." Chen Yiyi shrugged and answered casually.

"Oh." Qing Yuan nodded clearly, "what's the result?"

"Hmph, it's natural to be a beautiful girl who is smart, cute, and beautiful like a flower, which is me." Chen Yiyi raised his chin slightly, smiling very confidently.

Qing Yuan felt that the main reason was that Chen Yiyi had not been to Origin Mall these days, so she was a little excited.

"Are you alone?" Qing Yuan remembered that Chen Yiyi had always acted with brother Chen Mo.

"Of course not." Chen Yiyi shook his head grinningly with his hands behind his back, "Ah, yes, I will introduce you to my other brother later, he just came back recently, and he has been in Tianlan before. Traveling to various places in the mainland, I don’t know exactly what to do. It seems to be fortune-telling or something."

"Calculation, that's called calculation."

Rebuttal words sounded in the patter of rain. Chen Mo and another strange man walked through the store door one after another and walked into Origin Mall.

The warm breath dissipated the remaining chill in an instant, and the rain on the shoes had not flowed down any trace of the metal ground.

It seems that this older young man is the brother Chen Yiyi said.

When the young man saw the scene in the store, he was slightly taken aback-not because of the decoration style of Origin Mall. He had seen these on Chen Mo's magic phone many times, mainly Qing Yuan and others in the store.

I can't perceive any breath at all, if I don't see it with my eyes, it's like being empty.

This is normal for ordinary people, but it is very awkward for practitioners who are used to perceiving existence through breath.

Moreover, he also committed an occupational disease. He practiced the exercises to operate on his own, trying to investigate from the angle of calculation. As for the results... naturally, there is no need to say more.

All of this shows the same conclusion-these three girls are very powerful.

Especially the petite one sitting on the sofa. If the young man remembers correctly, Chen Yiyi showed him relevant photos on the magic phone before he came.

The identity of that girl is not actually a human being, but a dragon that exists in myths and legends.

"Living dragon..."

Li Chunfeng murmured subconsciously.

The voice was not too loud, but everyone in the room almost heard it anyway.

"Sorry, sorry." Li Chunfeng quickly apologized and explained, "I've heard about it all the time before, and I wasn't used to it the first time I saw it..."

"It's okay." An Weiya didn't care at all, smiled and shook her head, "It's just a different race. Our daily life is actually not much different from ordinary people."

She was telling the truth.

"Brother, don't you have something to tell Sister An Weiya?" Chen Mo asked in a low voice.

"Yes, Brother Li, come on soon." Chen Yiyi secretly poked Li Chunfeng's arm.

"I..." Li Chunfeng hesitated.

Although it seems that this dragon named An Weiya is quite kind, and his personality is indeed the same as Chen Yiyi's previously described, but the long-term inherent cognition is not so easy to change.

Naturally, the trio's small actions could not hide Qingyuan and the others, it was like a so-called "loud conspiracy."

"What are you whispering about?" Qing Yuan asked quite amused.

"Forget it, let me do it." Chen Yiyi shook his head and sighed lightly, and decided to take this matter to himself.

Mainly, she was also very curious about An Weiya's reaction after hearing the news, and she was looking forward to it.

Chen Yiyi coughed slightly, and his expression became serious.

Reached out to Li Chunfeng: "When my brother passed through Jiangnan some time ago, I saw a white...dragon in the river there."

"Yes." Li Chunfeng nodded confidently.

I left Tianji Pavilion in the morning and came to the Origin Mall located in Jiuyao City. In addition to wanting to buy goods early, the other most important reason is to solve the doubts in my heart—

What is the relationship between An Weiya and the white dragon he saw in Wangjiang?

The beautiful eyes of Xie Mengwu who had a drink for herself and her face turned red also cast her gaze here, she just looked drunk, but in fact she was still very clear thinking, and patted An Weiya on the shoulder. Now it seems to be in a petrified state.

"Hiccup~ I now finally understand what you mean by information entanglement..."

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