"The Umbrella of Wulin Crystal, if I used to think that the people who bought it must have a problem with their brains."

Song Qiuying held the umbrella she had just purchased and said, looking up at the umbrella surface.

With the faint fluorescent embellishment of stars, you can still see the brilliant light bands of many colors, like the magnificent starry sky of summer night, mysterious and full of attraction.

"Didn't you still buy it in the end?" Wei Qingzhu smiled.

She chose a light blue umbrella, the blue ocean is not a static picture, but really slowly surging, listening carefully as if you can hear the sound of the waves.

When Bai was making it, he really sealed a piece of sea into it.

"The main reason is that this is not a simple umbrella, this is a spiritual weapon." Song Qiuying emphasized, "There is actually an environmental formation. I can't feel the cold at all, and there is no moisture."

As he spoke, he stretched his hand beyond the umbrella surface, and the coldness brought by showers of rain suddenly spread across his skin.

Lin Wanshuang never spoke, her expression thoughtful.

"Hey, what does Wanshuang think!" Song Qiuying suddenly approached and placed the rain-soaked palm on Lin Wanshuang's neck.

The sudden coolness caused Lin Wanshuang to let out a small exclamation, and she subconsciously stepped back a few steps, trying to remove the palm of her neck, but was taken a step ahead of her to avoid it.

"Song Qiuying!"

"Hey, isn't this just to remind you in a daze."

Song Qiuying said with a smile, completely not paying attention to the prank just now.

Lin Wanshuang rolled her eyes and decided not to care about her too much.

"What did you think?" Song Qiuying poked her arm and asked with a smile.

"Isn’t that girl saying that besides being engraved with various formations, this umbrella can also bring us good luck? I wonder if it is similar to the coffee in Origin Mall. Improving the affinity of the world should also be a kind of good luck. Right?" Lin Wanshuang told her thoughts in her heart.

The coffee in Origin Mall should be a very special product. There are various specifications. The most important thing is that the effect is all uncertain.

Simply put, it is the cheapest coffee at the price of Shilingjing, and perhaps it can produce effects comparable to coffee at the price of Shilingjing. This uncertainty is very exciting.

"Um...that's not right?" Wei Qingzhu shook his head, "It should be said that luck is actually a kind of world affinity, and you have made a mistake in causality."

"Well, it seems to be the same." Lin Wanshuang was thinking about what to say, and suddenly stopped.

She felt as if she had stepped on something.

"Wanshuang, what's the matter?" Wei Qingzhu looked at her suspiciously.

Lin Wanshuang knelt down and illuminated the rainy ground with her magic phone: "I stepped on something just now, and it feels a bit strange... Ah, I found it."

She opened her palm, and the palm of her palm was a clear and luminous red crystal, exuding a misty brilliance under the radiance of the magical mobile phone.

"This is... Jiuyao Pure Crystal?!" Song Qiuying was taken aback, her eyes widened in surprise.

Jiuyao Mountain is rich in Jiuyao. Jiuyao is a special kind of stone, which can basically be used to build houses and pave the ground. The alley where Origin Mall is located is paved with Jiuyao.

Jiuyao stone also has a weak spiritual affinity. Simply put, it can gather the spiritual power of heaven and earth and belongs to the specialty of the Jiuyao Mountain Range.

In the ore veins of Jiuyao, there is a very small probability that an item called Jiuyao Pure Crystal will be born, similar to a ruby, but with the texture of ice crystals, and its affinity for spiritual power is not much higher than that of ordinary Jiuyao. Times.

It is no exaggeration to say that each nine-ray crystal is equivalent to a miniature natural spirit gathering formation.

In addition, Jiuyao Pure Crystal has a very special place. Under normal conditions, it looks like an ordinary red gem. Only when it comes into contact with living beings can it appear active. The effect of gathering spirits will not cause any Easily detectable spiritual shock.

You can't perceive anything beyond a certain distance.

"It should be." Lin Wanshuang was also there blankly, and she didn't react.

Can you find Jiuyao Pure Crystal while walking? She was already wondering if she was dreaming.

"Um... Could it really be the function of the umbrella?" Wei Qingzhu mumbled uncertainly while looking at the umbrella in his hand.

Luck is invisible and intangible, and it is difficult to judge whether it has really changed.

It may also be simply because of good luck now, and it has nothing to do with the umbrella. It was just a coincidence that Lin Wanshuang picked up the Jiuyao Pure Crystal.

...Is it just a coincidence?

Wei Qingzhu turned his head and looked in the direction he had come. Mu Yu hid his sight one after another, everything melted into the ink-like night, and the distant lights turned into hazy patches that looked like watercolor.

I can't see the way for a long time.

"Huh, forget it."

She breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't have the idea of ??going back and reconfirming.

Now that I have come to Jiuyao City, I will meet in Origin Mall sooner or later, so I can talk to him again.

On the other side, Song Qiuying and Lin Wanshuang’s conversation center gradually shifted from an umbrella to Jiuyao Pure Crystal, and they were discussing what to make, such as earrings, necklaces or rings.

The sound of rain is pattering, and there are vehicles passing by the street from time to time, and you can clearly see the light beams of the car lights and the fine raindrops passing through.

The three of them walked side by side, their figures gradually drifting away until they disappeared in the rain.

"Huh, so tired."

Song Qiuying directly took off her jacket and threw it aside, lying directly on the sofa.

"As for being so tired, how far have we walked?" Lin Wanshuang folded the coat that Song Qiuying had thrown away, and put it on a hanger on the side. "We came back by car."

"It's just tired, how long has it been since I left home this far?" Song Qiuying said without lifting her head, her voice sounded dull.

"You also know that you have no reason to leave home except to go to Origin Mall." Wei Qingzhu poured himself a glass of water, and asked quite amusedly.

"That's right." Song Qiuying finally got out of the corpse state, her voice still confident, "How good is it to stay at home, why should you go out if you have nothing to do."

After speaking, he took out the magic phone and looked through it at random.

Upon seeing this, Wei Qingzhu and Lin Wanshuang looked at each other, and both showed some helpless smiles. The three of them actually had different personalities, which might be regarded as complementary in some sense.

"I feel that you are under the influence of your boss. You just want to stay at home every day and don't want to go out at all." Wei Qingzhu said with a smile.

"Hey, is this still contagious? It's terrifying." Lin Wanshuang exclaimed in exaggerated expression.

"It's alright, you two are almost done." Song Qiuying couldn't listen, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

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